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Posts posted by NamoSarab

  1. Don't do the surgery! The cream and stretching can help. But people i know who have had the surgery done and one of them even done it himself (God knows how) have said they have regretted it. Be patience, cream, stretching... it should be ok. Make sure it's the cream from pharmacy and not over the counter.

  2. Haters Alert(!)

    Maybe by people's own narrow minded definition, he isn't "into Sikhi" but what do you know? You spent time with him, done veechaar with him? Or is there a video or article to suggest he isn't "into Sikhi". Must be someone from UK who said that lol

    N then there's the jokers who call him egotistical because he takes really good photos. #jealousy

  3. Everytime I come to this forum (which to be honest is not a lot), it's always changing - never consistent. Trying to consolidate the forum as much as they can into less or changing names of subforums, merging and so forth. Going with the latest is not always the greatest. Upgrades should be incremental every few months with the chance for users to see a preview of the upcoming changes before switching. Your users are not concerned with it looking all fancy - they just want something that works and doesnt change their experience every other week.

    PS. You have a very 2016 design but a 1996 logo! What's up with that?!

  4. Everytime I come to this forum (which to be honest is not a lot), it's always changing - never consistent. Trying to consolidate the forum as much as they can into less or changing names of subforums, merging and so forth. Going with the latest is not always the greatest. Upgrades should be incremental every few months with the chance for users to see a preview of the upcoming changes before switching. Your users are not concerned with it looking all fancy - they just want something that works and doesnt change their experience every other week.

  5. I hope people think twice about donating to SikhNet and put their dasvand to more valuable use. SikhNet care more about profiting than anything else. There are other websites and projects which need funding that are far more valuable than Gurmustuk Singh and SikhNet.

  6. I would like to share some thoughts about this. I read the topic Maninder wrote on the blogspot and also your response above.

    I feel what has happened is two opposites collided in a marriage. Simran, who is fully Amrit-dhaari from an Amrit-dhaari family, seems like he fully keeps his rehat in strict accordance to the Damdami Taksaal rehat maryadha - which in itself can be classed as pretty strict. Maninder, is the opposite. She wears her kakaars "spiritually", not "religiously", as youth nowadays have started to claim. It seems she's one of those that doesn't believe in keeping Kakaars 24/7, whereas in the rehat maryadha, it asks that Kakaars never ever leave the body. That being said, that doesn't mean both are bad people because they have varying opinions on what rehat is right. They have just been brought up with different values and it's sad that such things such as maryadha that both follow, were not cleared before the marriage. It is VERY important to clear up beliefs and maryadha that each one follows before marriage. It's not about questioning which jatha one follows either - it's about finding out how each lives their lives and whether it is acceptable to the other. If this was cleared up beforehand, maybe the marriage wouldn't have gone ahead and things wouldn't have got this far. Even on the wedding photo, you can see Simran is in pure plain bana and she is dolled up like a Christmas tree! That should ring alarm bells itself!

    Maninder, you're version of events on that blog mean nothing. They are unfounded and it looks like you are grasping at straws to make your point. Half of it doesn't make sense either. You say Simran and his father abuse women in their household like your mother in law, but then you say she also gangs up with them as a team to make your life hell. You are contradicting yourself. What has happened is that they bruised your ego. They called you out on your lack of rehat which they find unacceptable in their household, and it bruised your ego. You don't believe in keeping your kakaar on you 24/7. If that's what you believe, then fine, that doesn't make you a bad person. Not at all. But by starting this internet campaign against such a mahaan, well-respected jatha that is known around the world... that's wrong. Don't take these as attacks against you, take is as advice and handle it maturely like an adult would. Your posts are childish and you need to fix the damage you are doing. Don't make it worse for yourself. You are an educated person with a lot going for her - but this could ruin things for you permanently. Future spouses, families, kids... you are putting stuff on the internet that will be there FOREVER. Realise this.

    Satvinder Singh, his brother, their children... they have always conducted themselves well in society. They have their haters, but that's what happens in this country when someone is trying to do something positive. We bring them down. There has never been any allegations against any of them regarding abuse of women. Never. Neither has Simran ever had relationships or anything like that - unlike most school, college or uni students have had at some point.

    Maninder, be the mature one and put an end to this. If you genuinely feel you have been wronged, be the one who puts it right. Two wrongs do not make a right.

  7. I remember hearing a story about a young disabled child who could not speak properly. A Sant-Mahapursh visited him (back in the 70's I think) and gave him a maalaa. Slowly, the child began to recite Waheguru simran over time. But then his household got a TV/radio in their house and he got so glued to this new gadget, that he stopped doing the simran and lost the ability to be able to speak again. Does anyone know of this story and the source? Looked everywhere but can't find it.

  8. I doubt it. People have made countless documentaries in the past trying to expose the government and other conspiracies, but the government know it it still doesn't really wash with the people. I doubt it was a setup. Too far fetched for me to believe the government would go to such extremes and also shoot and potentially kill an officer. Besides, how would you approach someone to take out the task for you? "Hey, that stuff u sing about nazis and jews is pretty cool man. Anyway, I was wondering if you could do us a favor. It would involve you dying but it's all for the greater good..."

    Please, this is ridiculous.

  9. Bhai Harjinder Singh ji has influenced MANY people to listen to Kirtan and become proper Sikhs. That isn't a general comment, it's something that's very personal for me. Raags or no raags, the Keertan these Keertanis sing ignite the soul and spirituality within. Show some respect rather than criticize. We should be encouraging people to recite Gurbani however they can. As long as they aren't disrespecting Bani, then I don't see nothing wrong with non-raag sung keertan. And besides, Bhai Harjinder Singh ji knows more raags than even those that are in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee. It is his choice if he wishes to sing in raags or not though. No kal da jamiyaa Chatanga or anyone else can stop them nor will we let them.

  10. http://www.estatesgazette.com/propertylink/advert/for_sale_former_sikh_temple_city_centre_premises_with_car_parking-wolverhampton-342182.htm

    I know the Gurdwara moved to another part of the city but still sad that it has gone from the city centre. Also, it had been there for many many years... place where our Guru resided for such a long time and a place where bhagti was done by many will now be turned into a nightclub or something most likely. Very sad.

  11. Wow so many haters. Where is the love?!

    You guys talk about Mr. Bal profiting from the channel, do you really think he makes that much from the donations? Do you guys really think our community, on the whole, are as generous as you guys make out? PLEASE! Sikhs are tights a$$ when it comes to donations. I heard the guy is launching in Canada and USA as well, don't tell me all that's free to do and doesn't cost thousands of dollars.

    Both channels are great but not perfect. You gotta support Sikh Channel though, they are the ones who look most promising in the future of Sikh media around the world.

    As my bro above said, no one else had the BALLS to start a Sikh Channel. This guy has risked his own life, his family's life for the sake of this channel. Has the channel not openly talked positively about Khalistan and opposed haraami like KPS Gill more recently?! That takes guts!

  12. No, you're right. A lot of the reets that hindi music use nowadays date back many years. Their origins are a lot more traditional, cultural and in many cases spiritual as well. Back in the day, popular songs were family orientated or spiritual eg, a mother and son's relationship, a brother and sister's relationship etc. Not nowadays where it's all about "masti" and what not.

    I totally agree with your point about smagams and all too. Unfortunately, in UK, I have seen smagams where the Jatha committee themselves are outside the entire time of the smagam chatting and gossiping between themselves having little meetings - how will they inspire and encourage others to sit inside and take laahaa of the keertan? And yep, it's all about which keertani u get at the smagam too.

    In terms of the music that attracts people... I think if it attracts them to come to Gurdwara sahib and do sangat, then it's all good. Obviously, no hip-hop or Dr Dre remixes, but within reason. I see people come to keertan programs because it's a certain keertani, but then when you see them singing along with the keertan and reading translations on the screen... it makes me happy. They're learning something, they are getting SOMETHING from it. If this is a way of encouraging and flaming their spirituality, why should we dampen it?

  13. Really Cisco_Singh? You think that there's no such conspiracies like that? I mean... what planet you living on? Sant Baba Ranjit Singh is the biggest parchaarak of the modern age since Sant Baba Jarnail Singh Jee. I remember the days when Saadh Baba Maan Singh used to be so huge... but this guy even tops his popularity tenfold. I'm not Baba Ranjit Singh fanatic, but speak to the right people, the honest people, and they will tell you the extent of conspiracies.

    I personally think in this case, it's not a conspiracy but that is not to say that it isn't possible or that it doesn't happen.

  14. If it gives prisoners a bit of faith, a bit of hope, then what's wrong with it? Of course, they committed a crime to be in there in the first place, but crimes range from murders to someone just being in the country illegally. The focus should be on how we can arrange more satkaar for Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee.

    Reading this, it kinda made me think something - that if the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee there gives someone hope and helps them get through the experience of being in prison (rather than hanging themselves with a rope), then what's the harm? Guru Sahib is immortal and eternal. If the embodiment of Guru Sahib was human, would He have an issue going into a prison EVEN if there was a chance of someone eating meat or drink there? Is it not true that our Gurus went into places such as brothels to help people?

    I'm not questioning the Rehat Maryadha(s) and yes, we should do our utmost to make sure that Guru Sahib is taken care of in the best possible way.

  15. Gurbani can be sung and recited in many ways. Maharaj didn't say "Recite Gurbani my way or the high way". It says Gurbani gaavoh HOWEVER YOU CAN. Just recite it!

    ਨਾਨਕ ਨਾਮੁ ਸਲਾਹਿ ਤੂੰ ਅੰਤੁ ਨ ਪਾਰਾਵਾਰੁ ॥੪॥੨੪॥੫੭॥

    Nānak nām salāhi ṯūʼn anṯ na pārāvār. ||4||24||57||

    O Nanak, sing the Praises of the Naam, the Name of the Lord; He has no end or limitation. ||4||24||57||

    If listening to keertan reminds you of Hindi tunes... maybe you should question why it does so? Maybe you should stop listening to Hindi songs?? Then you would enjoy the keertan without the pollution of Bollywood getting in the way. I listen to hindi tunes, I ain't gonna lie. That's why I can recognize when someone uses a Hindi tunes. I love music, it's a passion. So shoot me. Bhagat Naam Dev Jee and others that were of "low" castes who didn't know how to sing in Raags... did they not do keertan and reach enlightenment? Did they not reach sach khand because they didn't sing the praises of the Divine in Raags?!

    Encourage raag, I am not saying don't encourage it. But respect the art of these great keertanis and individuals who sing Keertan in whatever way. At least they are singing and providing a much more spiritual experience for thousands of Sikhs around the world rather than sitting on their behinds infront of a computer screen chatting rubbish :)

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