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Posts posted by JeetSingh2012

  1. I agree , but one thing we have to remember is 'white sikhs' is just like any other sikh society . We have white sikhs who are really good in keeping rehat and keep full pehra on bana , bani , simran and seva

    On the other hand , we have people like Gurmukh kaur khalsa who wouldn't think twice before doing aarti at ganga and hindu temples .

    Isn't it similar to us punjabi sikhs ? we have people amongst us who are full rehatvan and other side we have people who do everything manmat and still think they are sikhs ?

    When we point a finger at them that they keep idols of Baba sri chand and idols of ganesh , why do we forget our own panjabi sikhs wouldn't give a second thought before bowing to devte -devi and stuff like that ?

  2. I've always considered it to be a system of keeping your options open. Its neither one or the other.

    Although Wikipedia goes on to say....

    .....so the issue isn't as cut and dry as it seems. I suppose the pursuit for knowledge is key, and whether the agnostic wishes to make that leap of faith. Although if they DID make that leap of faith, they wouldn't be agnostic anymore, lol.

    I personally liked Agnostic view , because they claim that humans are not in a position to determine existence of god or to determine his nature . Sounds a bit like sikhism , to be honest .

    Agnostic has to be a humble person , it seems , because an agnostic does not claim to have knowledge of the supernatural or that which is beyond human understanding . Guru Nanak dev ji also criticized those who claimed to know for certain .

  3. Not trying to be mean , but infact my answer is a humbling one . And people think of it as being egoistic . O the irony .. haha

    In my personal view , people come in our lives just because of coincidence , thats it and this one word explains it fully . No mumbo-jumbo fairy tale required as explanation .

    It is ego of man because of which he feels he is so special that everyone who comes in his life comes for a reason . Its not always so , my friend

  4. Its a good sewa infact , as others said .

    You should be happy that you are a part of campaign that can save so many people from this bad habit .

    The more awareness , the better .

    That being said , With a sikh face opposing tobacco , smoking , I guess people will infact associate sikhi image as being anti-smoking , which in my opinion , is a good thing .

  5. no i dont mean individuals who have converted out of their own free will...i mean whole communitys of sikhs...if im not mistaken guru nanak dev ji estabalished a sikh community when he passed through iraq...

    In Islam , apostasy carries death penalty . this is especially inforced in saudi arabia .

    It always baffles me why there are no gurdwaras in saudi .

    They may have existed , but muslims brought them down perhaps .

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