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Everything posted by khalsedishaan5

  1. WJKK WJKF One of the best things you could do starting it is do some form of cardio right after you wake up. Cardio doesn't always have to be running, but it can consist of exercises specifically which target belly fat. Some of those include doing jumprope, high knees, hydraulics, yoga planks just to name a few. If you don't know what some of these are, then you can always check the videos of them online to see how to do them. Also, your diet has to be really firm. No chips, no sodas, no cookies or sweets. Depending on whether or not you are a vegetarian, you may also want to look at some sample diet plans online. The truth is that even if you start out by doing some of these exercises in your home, in addition to doing pushups every morning, it will really make a difference! Later, you can progress to working out in the gym if you choose to. When you're working chest and arms, it takes the focus off of the belly area. Another thing which I've found very helpful for myself in my own fitness goals is if you google sixpackshortcuts and check out some of their videos online. I think they have a channel on youtube demonstrating things you can do daily around the house which should have an immediate impact. Moutain climbers is also another good exercise which helps with belly fat. I hope this helps! Gurfateh
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