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Posts posted by DaljitKaur24

  1. Bunch of my friends and I got t-shirts saying "I'm a Sikh, ask me a question." We thought this would be a good idea since the matter is still new and people actually do read what is written on the t-shirts. I guess that's the least we can do for those who have sacrificed their lives.

    Does anyone know who's the individual from UK that sent I believe $10,000 to the officer that was involved in the shooting?

  2. It gave me the chills watching this. It's like you start doubting what is real and what isnt. US government for sure is known to be sneaky and if these are "staged attacks" oh boy they have gone too far. On all the news channels I heard the witnesses talking about multiple shooters but the police ruled it out and said there is only one shooter. What the heck is the world coming to?

  3. It's not just Sikhs so many Muslims have been a target of this because some idiots are so ignorant that it's not going to make anything better or right by killing innocent citizens. US government is very much to be blamed for this in a sense. They give out so much money providing food stamps etc to whackos who are so lazy to work but they should rather put that money to good use to better the community and make US what it was to be according to the forefathers. What happened to freedom of religion? That was the main reason US emerged out of Great Britian but because US can't keep its self away from other cultures and religions then the amount of hate crimes might be less.

  4. The only thing suspended in a state of emergency is habeas corpus. And they can declare curfew. The entire constitution cannot be suspended. Anyway, we already are in a limited state of emergency, and have been so since 9/11

    Well than again if something was to be done with that people still would be able to obtain them and use them for illegal activities just as it is done with illegal drugs.

  5. Jaswinder Singh President of Seattle Sikh Temple released that they are discussing about security measure here at our Gurdwara now since it's a smaller Sikh community and could easily be targeted. I just can't believe that what those people that witnessed this hate crime must be going through? Especially if there were little children they are going to be scarred for life and traumatized.

  6. I live in the USA this is such a saddening incident. Waheguru bless those souls. This is such a horrible incident that occurred to our community. I have heard (its just a rumor not a fact) that the shooter had "9-11" tattooed on his arm.

    So hurtful and painful something like this happening to our brothers and sisters.

    I heard this on video on youtube that there were 4 man team behind the shooting who were dressed in all black carried out the massacered.

  7. WJK WJKF to all

    This has truly been a sad day for our kaum where a lowlife with pure hatred in his thoughts and no concern for human life who(according to what I have heard) was able to walk right into the Wisconsin Gurudwara and open fire. He accomplished what he came to do and what troubles me most is how easily he was able to achieve his inhumane goal. When i first heard of the shooting, like many have mentioned before, the first thing that came to my mind was that there was probably an internal fight between the sangat or the committee members which is also incredibly sad.

    I'm not sure if the rest of you agree but did anyone else stop and think why our Gurudwaras are left so vulnerable? Anyone can walk in and start something with things as they are now in the majority of the temples we have especially in the states. In most of them, it's just the bazurg granthis alone with a few fellow singhs and that's it running the place. Don't you think that before committee members keep opening more and more Gurudwaras for their selfish purposes that we as the youth should be able to offer protection for the ones that exist first? What has happened to the "warrior" in our religion? What saddened me most is that I heard some of the victims were the granthi and the kirtanis? These are the very people who help give light to our path and guide us when we're lost so if someone can shed some light on that, it would be much appreciated. In my local Gurudwara, there were elections recently and the people running hired kalas for protection and other Gurudwaras are following the same trend--keeping kalas up at the front in case anyone interferes or causes any disturbances. While it's nice to see them so joyful & happy serving the Gurudwara, why can't we fend for ourselves and protect the palace of our beloved Maharaja? All I see are big bellied uncles, chubby aunties, or stick-like figures that look like all life has been drained from them. I don't want to judge but barely any of them appear physically active and this is my motivation for working out and trying to get as strong as possible through training and martial arts so when things like this happen, I can do anything I can to put myself to use and even if I fail, at least I know I tried in some way serving my Guru. Additionally, where are our shastars…we keep these low quality blunt blades up at the front on the golak area "out of reach" in case of an incident..and for what? I honestly think there should be a minimum of two young singh pehredaars at each front entrance of our Guru Ghars. Someone was able to enter our Guru's house today and open fire and what did we do? What can we even do? Do we just simply allow it to happen? Do we stand by and let our few fellow real singhs and kaurs take the bullets while we run and hide? Or do we start taking measures to do this seva for Guru Sahib. I'd really like it if the money from the self-centered committees actually went to purposes that actually benefit the Gurudwara like security or real martial arts clubs instead of watered down gatka or quality shastars along with people who know how to use them. When I walk into a Gurudwara I often wonder what the old days were like and how the tyaar bar tyaar singhs stood guard proudly by Guru Ji 24/7 reciting Gurbani, armed, and awake throughout the night but today, the environment is completely different. Everything's become about the money and we're becoming more of the "peaceful" type which is good in a way but there is a time to draw a weapon and that time was today and nobody was there to do anything about it. We needed the honored police officer who shot the killer and SWAT team to come in and do the job for us. Where was our responsibility to our Guru? It's a two way relationship. I know people hold these youth meetings and discuss these issues in depth but after a while like someone mentioned in this or the other thread about the shooting, everyone forgets about it. Don't let it happen again. Lets take the next step together as the sikhsangat of the world. I am well aware that there a few faults in what I've written so please forgive me. I just wanted to get the general message across and attempt to motivate ourselves. If I have mentioned anything disrespectful , please let me know and I apologize for it in advance. Also, if you have any suggestions as to how differences can be made, please do share. WJK WJKF

    You know I was thinking the same thing like how come we don't have any sort of security guards since it seems like we are being targeted. I did not write that on here because I know some people would be like anyone can come to the Gurdwara so therefore we don't need security guards. I was watching a video on youtube and the white guy was talking about i believe couple years ago there was a shooting in Colorado but they had a security guard who was able to fire back at the shooter and save hundreds of people who were inside the church. We can certainly implement something like that at our Gurdwara's too I don't think there is nothing wrong with that because we would be protecting our Gurdwaras and our people.

  8. No, I read somewhere that he is a white guy. They described him as a stocky guy, with a shaved head, and he was wearing a sleeveless shirt. Probably a skinhead. I forget where I read it.

    I'm so sick and tired of people mixing us up with Muslims. I mean, how come gurdwaras are always targeted? Even when the sign in front clearly says "SIKH TEMPLE". Don't they know how to read? Honestly, I've never heard of anyone attacking a mosque. It's always a gurdwara. It doesn't make sense.

    PS: I'm not saying attacking a mosque is okay.

    Yea I've read that too but police still aren't giving any information at all. I really wanna know and what was his motive behind this horrible act. Yea your right about targeting Sikhs. After 9/11 here in Seattle, Washington so many taxi drivers were beaten because dumb white people just associate Sikhs with Muslims because they were turbans. Just because few Muslims have commited a sin doesn't mean that the rest of the world should be punished for their actions. At our Gurdwara couple years back some white folks broke into it in the middle of the night, your right they don't read the sign. Idiots.

    I mean if it turns out to be a someone from our community it's going to be so disgraceful because here were thinking it might be a white person and they attacked because they thought we are Muslims. I have this fear in my mind now. I hope and pray to God for those who were killed and injured and all of the Wisconsin Sikh community.

  9. How can you not worry about the comments? It's people like these that are spreading hatred towards Sikhi. And they are in my prayers I have done Ardaas for em. This is the problem with Sikhi when it comes to educating others about our religion people like you say stop worrying about comments. Are you kidding me? Maybe your in UK and more people know about Sikhi there but here in US people are so dumb that they link Sikhs to Muslims. If we don't educate others these things are going to keep happening.

  10. It's really sad to hear about this incident early in the morning. Imagine how many people come on Sunday to the Gurdwara Sahib. Gorays are ridiculous did you the view the comments on CNN? they thinks Sikhs worship cows are you kidding me? Tired of being labeled as a cow worshipper. One guy said Manavian

    A lot of Sikhs still believe in terrorism to liberate their homeland in India. This could be related to some of those criminal groups.

    Are you kidding me? Our people are to be blamed because we do such a poor job of educating other communities about our religion. If others want to check out the comments go to CNN.COM

  11. It's really sad to hear about this incident early in the morning. Imagine how many people come on Sunday to the Gurdwara Sahib. Gorays are ridiculous did you the view the comments on CNN? they thinks Sikhs worship cows are you kidding me? Tired of being labeled as a cow worshipper. One guy said Manavian

    A lot of Sikhs still believe in terrorism to liberate their homeland in India. This could be related to some of those criminal groups.

    Are you kidding me? Our people are to be blamed because we do such a poor job of educating other communities about our religion. If others want to check out the comments go to CNN.COM

  12. One other idea that other Sikhs or other Gurdwaras can adapt is like a camping trip. What they do here is that they plan a trip every year at various places around our state have everything setup there like a stage and its like camp in a way but for the older youth. I believe its for ages 18-25 where you come interact with other Sikhs and learn more about Sikhi. U get up at amrit vela everyone does paath(or listen to it), kitaan, langaar and then have various activities. My brother went to it and he very much enjoyed it. He's a mona and resents going to the Gurdwara when its packed because non haircutting Sikhs are so judgemental and ask millions of question like why does ge dress a certain way, why is his haircut etc. that keeps pushing him further and further and the elder generation is to be blamed. Instead of being judgemental help them learn about Sikhi and embrace it.

    What else could be done is one day out of the week should be strictly for the youth at the Gurdwara Sahib so they can learn paath kirtaan etc. i know couple of people who always wanted to learn kirtaan but were shy to do that infront of all the elders watching. If they see people the same age as them they will relax and learn much more.

    Why some other religions are successful at holding onto their youths are they have preachers that are young, they have special nights for youths(like Sunday school for Christians) in Sikhism u dont see that too often if u do its for the little kids. But i feel none of this can be implemented in our routines unless the Gurdwara commitee has some young fresh faces!!

    It just occurred to me why does the Gurdwara committee requires you to be Amrit Shakad and do certain amount of paaths? Its not like they do anything other than argue(sorry personal opinion)

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