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Everything posted by Sheehan

  1. Certainly this <bleep> didn't know the difference between Sikhs and Muslims, but again, remember that 99.9999 percent of Muslims are law-abiding citizens, and it's the very minute that have taken Muslim and used it to funnel their terroristic beliefs, so they shouldn't be attacked either at Mosques, and I'm glad Dr. Singh on CNN re-affirmed this last night with Don Lemon. I for one am all for increased security at Gurdwaras... we need to make sure this never happens again. I think the only good thing, if there is such a thing, that will come out of this is the fact that it will show mainstream USA (and Canada) that SIkhs have been wrongfully targeted after 9-11, and sadly, it has taken a mass shooting like this to bring out this fact. Before it was 1 or 2 victims being inncocently shot here and there, and because this is on a larger scope, the world is finally learning things.
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