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Posts posted by smartsingh24

  1. Have you guys tried using Crossover, it models windows in bottles so it runs windows programs faster then having to emulate a whole windows system, and runs programs on the mac desktop.

    I've tried it, and I'm actually involved in the Crossover Games Beta, and I have to say that while it's fun, nothing beats the Parallels+Bootcamp combo.

  2. I was just wondering as to whether or not there is a special syntax to follow when creating a powerpoint template for the program. Is there anything I need to include other than the file, and do I need to put anything in the actual slide?

    if you look in your program files you see that the head powerpoint files are in there such as default...darkbluee etc , if you open any of them and change the sizes of anything like the 'sbd' it will change the size when you open a whole shabad. you can add your own powerpoint styles in , just make sure they got the same setting as the other powerpoint files in the program files folder.

    Alright So I did what you said, and made sure that the exact same settings were used in the powerpoint I made, and it still doesn't work. Instead of the shabad coming up, the syntax used for the PPT comes up. I've attached a ppt and a screenshot of my problem.



  3. Parallels is a program that virtualizes Windows. By that, I mean that Windows is made to run in a window like any other application that runs on a Mac, so you're basically running Windows in a Window tongue.gif . The website for Parallels is here- http://www.parallels.com/ , and you can download a copy, but it is shareware. Any questions should be put here, and I'll answer them to the best of my knowledge. The basic thing is, that you can run Windows on a Mac, without having to restart, and without it affecting or infecting your system. Fairly simple, and it'll let you run almost anything a windows machine can run.

  4. In regards to the Windows Vista "run only as administrator" issue, that is not essential. You can turn off the user control option in the control panel which will allow other non-admin users of the vista pc or laptop to be able to run the program.

    WaheguruJeeKaaKhalsa WaheguruJeeKeeFateh!

    Thank you for the information, there will be some information regarding Vista and a workaround of the Admin problem. Similar to what you have written above veer jee.

    Techno Singh is right about the mac option, even though its not a Mac version, you can still use it on your Mac. Can someone tell me if that works, as I would love to use it on mine.

    Sarpanch Jee - STTM 2 is not the only project that we have been working on, please keep a eye out... we will make more announcements soon... very soon....

    As you can understand the Team is big and doing numerous projects, however when it comes to IT it is a slow process.

    At the moment we do it as seva and hopefully one day to have full time workers, as we have software/material already penciled in just as good as STTM.

    XP SP2 is OK as long as you have Framework 1.1, in the install process we should hopefully guide you through or even help you on this issue.

    WaheguruJeeKaaKhalsa WaheguruJeeKeeFateh!

    Parallels basically creates a virtual hard drive on top of your regular hard drive, so you alot it let's say 10 gigs. You give it that, and it will become a virtual pc, not taking control of your hardware, but instead using software drivers and running in a window. After installing XP, you can do pretty much anything a windows machine can )except games, those require hardware installation). If you have any problems, feel free to PM me, I've set up a couple of Parallels machines tongue.gif

  5. awww

    can you please make a version for Mac?

    charna'ch benti

    if you use vista on mac using paralell, you should be able to use sttm2, but not mac on its own

    XP SP2 should be alright tho shouldn't it? I'm pretty sure it used 1.1 framework, but it's been a while since i've fired up parallels tongue.gif

  6. You're acting like this tax return thing is new, it isn't. He's been open about his tax returns since the start, and people only started noticing that Hillary hadn't released hers around Super Tuesday because she suddenly got a huge influx of money that was later admitted to have come from her personal account. And I have yet to see any credible news sources from you. Why do you shy away from using real media sources to support your claim? You have yet to adress the policies of the candidate, and instead continue with character assassinations. If you want to test the moral fiber of people, you should start with your candidate, who besides being a warprofiteer is a skeezy slimeball that's cheated on both of his wives.

  7. to proactive- Sorry I didn't understand you before, I googled pennsylvania obama poll, and came up with this in the news section- http://www.411mania.com/politics/columns/71692 

    I find it worrying that you aren't using Facts, or citing sources. The one site you have listed so far, obamatruth.org doesn't look like a very credible news source. It looks like some of those cheap conspiracy theorist sites like loose change or what have you. The mudslinging is getting tiresome, and if you really want to get into the personal histories of candidates, I'm sure we could dig up some very interesting things about both Clinton and McCain. But I'm not here to talk about their histories, I'm here to talk about their politics. True, other communities may be looking to find the candidate that suits their needs, but that doesn't make it right. There's a difference between finding what's best for everyone, and what's best for yourself.

  8. To mandeep- I'm sorry but I find it impossible to argue a proper argument with you anymore as you are going off of preconceived notions and not cold hard fact. Fact of the matter is, Hillary Clinton's political career began when she was elected senator of New York. Her being married to Bill Clinton should not come into this matter, as the way you're putting it, it looks like you're voting more for him than her. You call Obama corrupt, you say he plays the race card, and you say that he's just full of words. First off, Barack Obama is one of the very few politicians that people believe in because he is not corrupt. That's my preconceived notion, and nothing you say is going to change that, just like nothing I say is going to change your mind. Secondly, he is not playing any type of race card, it is the media that keeps playing it and interrogating him and asking "is he black enough?" and stupid stuff like that. And lastly, this country was founded and forged on words, powerful words that declared independence, powerful words that brought two broken halves together again, and powerful words that asked a public to do what's right for their country. "Ask not what your country can do for you, Ask what you can do for your country." You stated that you are fine with Clinton sacrificing America to better Punjab. Obviously, you aren't acting with America's best interest at heart. I want a leader that can restore America to it's former glory, without having bloodstained hands, without engaging in dirty politics, and without knocking down other countries to do so. I want a leader with a firm vision for America's future, with strong moral fiber, and with the courage to act on what's right. For me, that leader is Barack Obama. I'm done arguing with you until you come back with facts.

    To Proactive- Despite what you may think of me, I would get incredibly angry with a guy that mugs me, regardless of what color he may be. I do not consider the Black community as being unable to move on, and I commend the efforts of many black people, especially the older ones, to integrate into society the way they have. Fact of the matter is, Blacks are still discriminated against, and if you want examples, you have no further to look than any of the major industrialized cities on the East Coast. I go to college in Newark everyday, a city with a huge Black population, and one that have never fully recovered from the racial riots that took place during the 60s. Education isn't terrific for the local community, and sources of income come through the various universities that take residence there. Being born in a place like Newark, it isn't easy to come by opportunity to move on, in fact, it's damn near impossible. Further examples can be seen in the city of New Orleans. Once counted amongst America's greatest cities, it's now a ghost town, and a shell of what it used to be. When Katrina hit, there huge damages, and it took the Bush Administration days to act before help arrived, and when it did, it was utterly useless and in disarray. The Black community is perfectly capable of moving on, but they are absolutley having a tough time of doing so because of discrimination. If you think the majority of Black are well off in this country, you look up some statistics and share them with me. Please. I'll look up mine, you look up yours, and we'll share notes.

  9. Don't have much time to respond as I'm going to school right now, but I will give a more in depth look later. To Proactive-

    Dude come on. HOW is 47%-45% with a +/- difference of 2% = double digit lead for hillary, and then in the same line of thinking, an 8-point advantage. Not only is that contradicting itself since the number 8 is a single digit, it's contradicting Gallup poll, which is what CNN uses for most of it's polls.

    To Mandeep-

    I skimmed over your post, but it looks like the biggest points for you are 1. Obama is a rookie, 2. Hillary has more experience, 3. Foreign policy for Obama makes no sense. To the first, I say, yet again, Obama has had more experience as a publicly elected official in Illinois state legislature and congress, than Hillary. The bulk of the majority that you claim is from Bill Clinton's Presidency. Could you please tell me what Cabinet position she held? No? Then her opinion didn't matter. End of story. Saying she was involved in politics is like saying Barbara Bush was involved in politics. There's no difference, they both liked politics, married presidents, and as far as I'm concerned, Hillary's political career only started when she was elected senator. And Number 3. I don't know how many times the U.S. has to create a corrupt dictator in a middle-eastern country where the entire country hates us for doing so, before people start to catch on and figure out that the U.S. messing around in the middle east is a bad idea. Forget the CIA, these are the same people that couldn't find out about 9/11, let Osama slip through their fingers because they couldn't find anything to charge him with, and messed up the Middle East the most during the 80s.

    God help me when I say there's more to come later. I don't know what more I can say to make you people understand Facts :)

  10. Is the preacher's job to unite people or divide them? Should he have been supporting the spread of lies like Aids was invented by the whites to infect blacks. There are also lies which are told in the Black community that blacks should only support black businesses and not shop at non-black shops such as Korean or Indian shops. I suppose you also support that as well?

    Obama claims he never heard these things from his preacher even though he knew him for 20 years. So why is Obama lying and then disassociating himself from his preacher. Obama is as power hungry as everyone else, he just likes to make out that he wants to help the little man.

    The likelihood is that he's a lost cause now. Polls are showing double digit lead for Hillary in Pennsylvania. Head to head against McCain, polls are showing him 8 points behind. Even if he manages to keep his lead in delegates but doesn't cross the 2025 odd line then Hillary will be able to convince the super delegates ( I think s1ngh is a super delegate!) that Obama's a liability and get their support.

    The mentality of Black in America is hard to understand because they have been discriminated against forever. Even now there are still lingering marks of the hatred that was once woven into the country. Before discrimination, there was segregation. Before segregation there was slavery. Simple fact of the matter is, alot of Black do not trust the government because of things done in the past, and what you're saying right now is pretty much a slap in the face to alot of them. I don't expect them to just let it all go, because they're human and it is tough to let things like that go, especially since it still exists in certain areas of the U.S. And don't even start with this business b.s. You're telling me that as a Sikh you don't go to some store just because you know a Sikh that works there? The entire community does the same thing that Blacks do, the same as other Asians do, and as other minorities do. To suggest otherwise is egregious on your part, and two-faced. 

    Another point I need to stress is that you keep misinforming the sangat about the poll numbers. Where are you getting your statistics, or are you just making it up? The latest gallup poll, link here-


    shows that Obama is far from a lost cause, and although he has a stastically insignificant lead, he still has a lead over Clinton. For the life of me, I can't see how you argue that the current loser in the election is going to win by convincing superdelegates to pick her over Obama. If the democratic party were to do that, they would kill all chances of winning the presidency, and disillusion the public for years to come.

  11. barack obama is all words and i said it from the begining, america needs a leader who can lead from the front and barack obama has never really led from the front and what are his accomplishments that show he can run lead america, i could care less what he did in ghetto's cause to me it doesnt count as experience to run the country and plus if sikhs can go into america knowing little english and make it and become rich and middle upper class then why can't the ppl from the ghetto's especially when they live in the richest country in the world, plus hilary clinton can't attack barack obama for the fact that experience in the ghetto is nothing compared to in washington or she'll lose the lower class vote.

    Plus obama is bin all words, he gave the speach that words mean something but thats if its led by action, my question what has he done, to me his words are empty.

    He said no to iraq doesn't mean he good enough to handle international affairs especially with his comments regarding pakistan which <Edited> the CIA off, their trying to keep musharaf in power and obama talking about how they should attack pakistan making the terrorists use that against musharaf, so to say he has good judgement cause he said no to iraq is a weak argument cause his comments for pakistan show his lack of experience.

    Why would ppl believe barack obama can be change

    i believe his words are empty and shocks me a guy with no real accomplishments to show he can change america and

    And its hard to critizise obama cause he has no experience, and humans make mistakes and we learn best from our mistakes so its kind of unfair that since he has no experience hence no mistakes he can attack others on it yet then claim oh i have enough experience cause i worked in couple of ghettos, and don't forget his best friend and next door neibour and they both moved into their houses the same day and bought the houses together is tony Rezko who is a criminal who hurt many ppl.

    also barack obama's pastor is a racist and it took him 20 years to relize that, then he talks about how he's going to break borders and were going to become one ppl no republican and democrate and no skin color, and he's bin saying this for a few years now and all of a sudden after 20 years of his pastors racist speaches he relizes he's a racist.

    Also barack obama's prejidice against typical white ppl on a radio in philidaphia


    in his speach the perfect union he said his grandma had racist views then in philidaphia he say's his grandma is typical white person, he wants to break down walls by calling all whtie ppl racist, and lets not forget what he said about punjabis tahts why im bringing this up http://www.talkleft.com/story/2007/6/15/0634/74618

    because barack obama can speak good ppl think he can create change yet have no experience of creating change. Only cause he has no experience, and cause he doesn't have experience like the other candidates who have decades worth of experience, that hey lets throw in a new guy with no experience and he can bring change cause he's different from the other guys cause he lacks experience and since he different he will get change

    this is also good


    barack obama isn't bringing change

    said he woudl vote no to the patriot act, an act taht effects sikhs and he voted yes for the patriot act

    said he woudl vote no on iraq war budget and voted yes

    Took 20 years to relise his pastor racist while he's bin attending his pastors church for 20 years and he's bin giving these hate speaches for 20 years.

    Plus he said he would change and attack nafta but canada would ruin hilary or barack if they tried changing nafta but yes, barack obama critizised nafta and said he would change it and attack it but then his ppl went and told the canadian government hey he's just joking and talking, yea so he tells americans one thing that he's going to destroy north american free trade but then tells the canadian government he's just joking and just saying it for his political gain.

    Makes me wonder how ppl think this man could bring change.

    I don't really know where to start, just because the whole thing looks unsubstantiated. If you look at experience, Obama has Hillary beat, because he's spent more years in state legislature and congress than Hillary. The reason most people say that Hillary has more experience is because she married Bill Clinton. To quote a wise man, "if that's true, then Robin Givens is the next heavyweight champion of the world." Also, you clearly haven't done your research, because on Obama's official site, he outlines in a 60+ page paper what he plans to do for America, and how each point will positively affect America. If you want to talk about experience in terms of legislature, you should take a look at how many bills he's entered and had passed, and what makes them significant is how he got representatives from both sides of the aisle to support his bills. Look at the quality bills he entered and how they affect people. And you CLEARLY don't have a clue about international relations, otherwise you wouldn't be suggesting that we should be supporting yet Another military style dictatorship in Pakistan. Since when do the offices of Pakistan supercede that of the Presidency? I'm not gonna bother responding to the rest of your post since it's all a bunch of hokey and you don't have links.

  12. McCain. He's someone who has the experience. Hillary is a better democratic candidate than Obama but too many wishy washy liberal types are getting on his bandwagon. If it's McCain - Obama, McCain will win easily. Against Hillary it's more difficult.


    A vote for McCain is a vote for Bush. Obama is the future of this nation, and McCain is the sorry washed up past.

    yh but obama said that rude comment bout punjabis

    thats my only problems

    he needs to see us as americans too

    if it werent for that comment i wuda voted for him tho

    Stop thinking about what's best for Sikhs and start thinking about what's best for America. No president is going to go straight out of their way and doing exactly what Sikhs want, they have a country to run. Voting for a candidate just because they're nicer to your people doesn't mean that they're going to help you out. It just means they want your vote. I can't speak for Obama, but I can say that he's apologized, and from what I understand it wasn't him personally that sent out that memo.

    yes but still the sikhs in questions are americans as well

    obama must see all people as americans

    he apolized but still it wasnt meaningful he did it to cover up

    but that doesnt erase what he said

    a president of america must think of all citezens as americans not as punjabis haitians hispanics

    we are all americans and if he doesnt recognize that he doesnt recognize the beauty of our country the melting pot the land where ll people are welcome

    Bhein ji, he apologized, and if you don't think it's legitimate, there's really nothing left to say. He could have ignored the problem, as we are a smaller population of americans than most, but he did apologize. If you think it's fake, then I can't really do anything to change your mind.

  13. Obama's 'spiritual advisor' is a racist, conspiracy theorist looney Rev. Jeremiah Wright. The truth was going to come out one day and it did a few days ago. You can see the embarrassment in Obama, even through the news media (NBC, CNN) are trying their best to limit the damage. Hillary's ratings are up and Obama's are going down.

    The people who are supporting Obama need to get their heads out of the sand. A few hours after the video of Rev Wright was being shown by the news media, the Obama camp passed photos of Rev Wright shaking hands with Bill Clinton in 1998. How cynical is that, so much for 'time for a change'! He's as cynical as the rest of them. At least with McCain you get what you vote for.

    Right, because McCain is just the shining pinnacle of all that's right, right? McCain is a liar, a rascist, a cheater (in the very literal sense), a war monger, and a war profiteer. HOW can you vote for someone that's publicly said the american people don't care if we stay in Iraq for another 100 years? How can you vote for someone that ditched his wife of 25+ years for some new chick on the block and hopped around on continental flights to do so? How can you vote for this guy that again cheated on the new wife with a lobbyist, and played into corporate interests? If you want to play the race card, you should google how many times this guy, not his reverend, has racistly attacked Asian people, or maybe you can look at his reverend and see the exact same things. People who support Obama don't have their head in their sand, they genuinely care about their country, unlike the conservatives supporting McCain, an evil and corrupt politician that will sacrifice this country to line the pockets of corporate share holders.

  14. McCain. He's someone who has the experience. Hillary is a better democratic candidate than Obama but too many wishy washy liberal types are getting on his bandwagon. If it's McCain - Obama, McCain will win easily. Against Hillary it's more difficult.


    A vote for McCain is a vote for Bush. Obama is the future of this nation, and McCain is the sorry washed up past.

    yh but obama said that rude comment bout punjabis

    thats my only problems

    he needs to see us as americans too

    if it werent for that comment i wuda voted for him tho

    Stop thinking about what's best for Sikhs and start thinking about what's best for America. No president is going to go straight out of their way and doing exactly what Sikhs want, they have a country to run. Voting for a candidate just because they're nicer to your people doesn't mean that they're going to help you out. It just means they want your vote. I can't speak for Obama, but I can say that he's apologized, and from what I understand it wasn't him personally that sent out that memo.

  15. McCain. He's someone who has the experience. Hillary is a better democratic candidate than Obama but too many wishy washy liberal types are getting on his bandwagon. If it's McCain - Obama, McCain will win easily. Against Hillary it's more difficult.


    A vote for McCain is a vote for Bush. Obama is the future of this nation, and McCain is the sorry washed up past.

  16. Simply put, you're still following the wrong train of thought. Instead of looking at the facts of the current situation, you're looking at what you see. You can't always trust your eyes.

    Here's a fact from wikipedia


    There are a lot of sikhs in the world, and we have been growing at a rate to cause some competition abroad between different sections of the diaspora. More information is here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sikh_diaspora

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