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Posts posted by crayzy

  1. who puts the curse on me????

    is it so hard to believe that people would do such a thing...you live a sheltered life in Canada, in Africa and Asia withcraft is an everyday thing.

    how do you know???

    according to different sakhis good prets just looking for mukti will make themselves heard to the person they appraoch, bad ones take possesion of the body

    Theyre attracted by meat and alcohol according to Suleman.

    A nitnemi Gursikh naturally has nothing to worry about.

    how do you get rid of it

    paath and ardas

  2. also read this from Sikhawareness

    Suleman was a pir and saw his daughter and a sadhu together romantically while he was in samaadhi and got angry and went looking for the sadhu to kill him. He couldnt find the sadhu and when he got home he burnt his daughter and a short while later his wife died of grief.

    then he started doing bad things for money as he had ridhia sidhia.

    after he died he was taken by jamdoot to dharamrai - took one year, beating him all the way. He describes what dharamrai looks like - 'beard white like the sun, skin red like molten copper'. Dharamraja tells him he has to go to kunbi narak until he learns his lesson, and then has to be a pret for a thousand years.

    Suleman asks how he will get mukti - Dharamrai says that God will come to earth in the form of 10 Gurus, after some time when Sulemans sentence is finished there will Guru Nanak Dev ji's sant in Rara Sahib who will give him mukti.

    Then he asks Dharamrai where the sadhu who slept with his daughter is as he wants revenge. Dharamrai says that he will be a boy called manmohan singh and you will recognise him when you see him. You can beat him, but you cant kill him, he will lead you to Sant Isher Singh.

    Suleman says he met Guru Nanak Dev Ji in mecca medina, where he was told he had to do what Dharamraja told him. He also says that he met Guru Gobind Singh Ji but not in detail - he was questioned by someone and suleman answered "I have already told you I met him."

    Suleman says that people used to to pooja at his grave (muslims), and one day a boy urinated on the grave, suleman looked at him and recognised the sadhu he has been wiating for. He started attacking him, until he remembered Dharamrajas word, and let him go, when the boy became uncoinscious. The villagers quickly came and got him, doctors found nothing wrong - didnt know what had happened.

    At first he cam to Hapur in someone elses body and then started speakin in manmohan singh, who was in Maharaji's sangat.

    Maharaji found someone to have suleman as a baby that both suleman and the family agreed to and suleman went. First he refused to go to someones house coz they were rich, then when he agreed to this family he said that he would go but wouldnt sell newsparers ( that was his father to be's work)

    A few weeks later Suleman turned up at Rara Sahib again, Maharaji asked him why he broke his word, Suleman said he didnt break it - it takes six months for the human to form and then he will go back because the pain was too much in the womb - written in Anand Sahib paat as well (mata ke udar meh pratipal kare).

    Maharaji said ok, Suleman took Manmohans singhs body again and started living in rara sahib sangat as sevadar.

    This is when one of those recordings was made that is on the net. This was made by balwant singh, and the transcript is also in the book.

    This conversation you've heard on the recording. He seems a nice enough guy

    7 months later Suleman was still there, Maharaji called him and again asked why he broke his word, Suleman said he was sorry, but wanted see Maharajis birthday before he went. Maharaji said no - the baby was ready.

    Suleman replied that Mahraji could do anything, and that he could the delay the birth, Maharaji agreed.

    11 months after his mother got pregnant, Suleman was born, after Maharaji refused another extension - saying it would to painful for the mother to wait any longer. He left his nishan on manmohan singh - his tongue was all spotty.

    For 4 years after he was born Suleman could remember all that had happened to him - he also described what kunbi narak was like and what people had to do - some people were being burnt again and again - didnt really understand that bit coz his urdu is strange.

    Theres a couple other stories about prets and how they got mukti through saptah paat, and extracts from Gurbani about pret/bhoot etc.

    He described how prets possess people - 'like how tissue sticks to sweat on a body, the pret envelopes the human'. Prets are attracted to the smell given off by people who eat meat, eggs and drink alcohol, because their food is blood and meat - which they eat through animals.

    the recording can be downloaded from here


  3. its not a contradiction - in this case the word 'believe' means we are not supposed to use them.

    psu pRyq muGd pwQr kau qwrY ]

    pas praeth mughadh paathhar ko thaarai ||

    Even beasts, ghosts and the stone-hearted are saved.

    srb rog kw AauKdu nwmu ]

    sarab rog kaa aoukhadh naam ||

    The Naam is the panacea, the remedy to cure all ills.

    mÚ 5 ]

    ma 5 ||

    Fifth Mehl:

    pryqhu kIqonu dyvqw iqin krxYhwry ]

    paraethahu keethon dhaevathaa thin karanaihaarae ||

    The ghost has been transformed into an angel by the Creator Lord.

    sBy isK aubwirAnu pRiB kwj svwry ]

    sabhae sikh oubaarian prabh kaaj savaarae ||

    God has emancipated all the Sikhs and resolved their affairs.

    inMdk pkiV pCwiVAnu JUTy drbwry ]

    ni(n)dhak pakarr pashhaarrian jhoot(h)ae dharabaarae ||

    He has seized the slanderers and thrown them to the ground, and declared them false in His Court.

    nwnk kw pRBu vfw hY Awip swij svwry ]2]

    naanak kaa prabh vaddaa hai aap saaj savaarae ||2||

    Nanak's God is glorious and great; He Himself creates and adorns. ||2||

  4. There are various subtle levels of realms that can only translate into english as heavens and hells.

    All will one day be destroyed and its not eternal damnation as other faiths preach.

    Waheguru transcends all these realms, and a Gurikh is unconcerned about them - all the devte in these heavens hope for human birth so that they have a chance at merging with Waheguru, the hells are places where you go if the bad you do outweighs the good, you stay until your lesson has been learned.

  5. I disagree with the book. When I was 16 I slept less than you say you do, and I know people who hardly sleep even now, and they are *extremely* smart.

    Get involved on a more personal level with studies and your concentration should pick up

    in my experience lack of concentration is caused either by not caring - which you obviously do so its not that, and by trying too hard.

    Instead of trying to concentrate get personally involved in whats being taught in class and you'll develop a natural interest in it...

  6. we've argued over this a million times - try searching the forum.

    Theres a bunch of people who don't believe in using jot, and a bunch who do.

    The jot is not there to 'make waheguru happy' or 'bring him closer', waheguru is already inside of you - the point is to do paath so you can recognise waheguru everywhere.

    I think the theory behind the jot is that it attracts gupt shaktia which purify the pace in which you are doing paath.

  7. I think its a good thing.

    Sikhism should be totally voluntary, when we turn into a group that forces non willing people to become SIkhs for the sake of them being accepted in the society we'll get a bunch of people that do things against Sikhi in public and campaign to get the techniques of Sikhi changed.

    I dunno who said it, but volunteers make the best soldiers.

  8. Is there anything in that sentence that you didnt understand.

    Why are you so touchy? Depending on how it is prepared, cannabis drink can be a blatant intoxicant. We all know there are some Nihangs who take it and get high. It is wrong as far as I am concerned for any kind of intoxicant to be consumed. They should not do it.


    because its been said over and over.

    The argument that it makes you high is untrue, unless the Nihangs purposefully prepare it so that it gets you high. I personally don't agree with it but we need real arguments.

    As far as whether they should do it or not, I couldnt care less. If someone wnats to pervert the way they follow their religion then it doesnt matter - whether they do it or not they fail to understand the basis of Sikhi and are using it for their own personal means...like the people going around saying its ok to cut your hair/drink beer/eat meat etc

    If they want to do it its fine by me...its the parading of it as part of Gurmat that bothers me.

  9. Drinking bhang can be just as intoxicating as smoking it - indeed it can be even stronger!

    Imagine how easy it is to drink a glass full of bhang. It is easy to consume - it just tastes like normal milk with a bit of flavouring. But the strength of it will send you sky high, possibly even more than smoking a spliff.


    for like the fourth time

    I dont know how to make this any clearer

    If it is not prepared with heat there will be no intoxicant. The amount of resin from a whole bush let alone a few leaves has a negligible effect so that doesnt count either.

    Is there anything in that sentence that you didnt understand.

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