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Posts posted by BobbyMann75

  1. IMO if the Guru's were here on the Earth plane, with It being a time where more non-Meat foods are so readily available, they would be Vegans. Not just Vegetarian's but Vegan. Foods get shipped now, there are many foods people haven't even heard of, there are Vegan alternatives let alone Vegetarian, also many Vegetarian only restaurants.

    Don't know how anyone can eat Meat today. Not just ''Sikhs''.

  2. I ask because how many programmes are in English ? On Sikh channel maybe 2 tops, on Sangat apart from ''Encounters'' is there anything ? And Akaal channel seems to be completely Punjabi speaking shows only, apart from Sikh aid show on recently, but even that reverted to speaking Punjabi only.

    These channels should be looking at the young demographic, yet only seems aimed at the older generation. A good channel would do both.

    We know that the media in Punjab isn't free, not in any sense of the word. Yet these channels don't take the opportunity IMO to raise what is the most important thing, and that is Sikh freedom and ultimately self determination/justice for 1984.

    A token show here and there is not enough. An opportunity is being wasted IMO.

  3. In reply to AJ as quote doesn't show,

    You really have swallowed probably the most ridiculous query churned out by the Indian propaganda merchants.

    Do you really think they wouldn't have attacked if Bhindranwale wasn't inside, when they had been planning the attack for 18 months, even constructing a replica Harmandir Sahib.

    Bhindranwale was the bait, the attack wasn't to eliminate ''Terrorists'', if Sant Ji was a terrorist simply for being pro-Sikh rights, then I and millions of others are as well.

    The attack was to strike a blow directly at the heart of every Sikh living in the fascist Hindutva Empire called India.

    Watch Rajoana TV, Buy ''Dioalogue with millitants'' etc.

    Don't swallow lies and think because the Indian GOVT/Military are saying it, that its true, they are only comprised of people, and people lie, and people will hurt people to get their way, They would gladly kill every Sikh In Punjab if it meant keeping Punjab as part of India.

    Thank God we had brave Shaheeds like Sant Ji and Subeg Singh, ask yourself why General Subeg Singh who put his life on the line for India many times, why did he join the Sikh freedom movement ?

  4. CanadaSingh

    How dare you use Almighty God as an excuse for there being no Khalistan. God has allowed free will for man, on this duniya, then after that judgement/justice.

    If you think God favours murderers and rapists of Innocents over our Sikh Shaheeds, then you really are way off base with God and Sikhi.

    No one can speak for God, except his anointed prophets.

    You have shown your position, you either support Sikh freedom/Self determination or you oppose it. You clearly oppose it.

  5. CanadaSingh your arguments are weak and don't hold up.

    It won't let me paste links on here ?

    Go on SearchSikhism website on how Khalistan can happen but MORE Importantly Why it needs to happen.

    How would Khalistan survive economically?

    Well, how did India and Pakistan survive after independence? UAE gained its independence in 1971 and it is surviving. Same way Khalistan will survive but it will not be a third world country because Sikhs are very hard working people. Punjab is a cultivated land and it provides most of the food for India. Punjab produces corn, wheat, sugarcanes, sporting goods, clothing, industrial material and many other commodities. Khalistani government will keep this stuff as much as it needs and the rest will be shipped out to other countries as a trade and in return oil and other necessities will be bought. No one in Khalistan will die out of hunger because if Punjab can provide food for 90% of the Indian population then it surely can provide food for everyone in Khalistan because the population in Khalistan will be a lot less than Indian population.
    - See more at: http://www.searchsikhism.com/khalistan#sthash.UnVV2Tf0.dpuf

  6. The CBC, BBC, NBC and other western Pro-India channels are not going to risk the ire of the Indian GOVT. No western channel will provide an impartial view on Khalistan and any issue related to it. They have partnerships with Indian channels for one. Every Khalistani is a terrorist according to Indian logic and her allies, Obviously if India were behind the bombing, then they would use a ''Sikh'' agent to malign the freedom movement.

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