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Posts posted by dasamdwar

  1. A balanced diet is neither vegan nor meat - Balanced means which fulfils all body requirements for carbs (energy ) Proteins (needed for reconstruction) Fats ( body insulation & functioning of Many glands , vitamins & micronutrients required for digestion , assimilation and smooth functioning of Nervous System


  2. Yeah that's true! Me myself I who belongs to a gursikh family kept my hair on my head but still continued to remove other hair! Pata ni kyu, as a girl you just genuinely get this feeling that as long as your keeping the hair on your head, its not that bad if you remove other hair which I've finally accepted it TOTALLY WRONG! :stupidme: I suppose girls have more pressure put on them by society to look good, I mean majority of men turn their face away from 'hairy' girls or its seen as very funny if a girl has a tiny bit of extra hair. I deeply have so much respect of these Sikh women who stand up to society and are proud of the extra bit of hair they have. The bibiyan pehna who are lucky like me that don't have much facial hair anyway have no excuse!

    And the make up !!! I think that's partly because of the elder women in our families as they'll be like "thora jeha lah la, surki bindi, mooh chajj da lagu" and this will be said EVEN IF YOUR AMRITDAHRI i mean what happened to NATURAL BEAUTY LOL :lol:

    Salwaar suits are loosing the battle against the western mini skirts or jeans which i cant undertand why because i think salwaar suits are amazing!

    Totally understand where you coming from:)



    Ancient eastern culture has the belief that body is made of nine Dwars (also known as openings). These Dwars are known as the pair of ears, eyes, nostrils and the singular openings of the mouth, anus and the penile/vaginal openings. It is believed the the Tenth Dwar is the DasamDwar and is referred to as the Self-Enlightenment Dwar. This Dwar was left a secret with notion of each human achieving such state..

    However five thieves of humanity known as being - lustful (Kam), rageful (Krodh), greedy (Lobh), egotistic (Ahankar), and attachment (Moh) have hindered mankind from attaining DasamDwar.

    Often time's triumphant people are said to have conquered these thieves..

    Mankind shall "CONQUER WITHIN" these crooks to self-enlightenment. "SAHIB E KAMAL" had conquered these thieves to DasamDwar.


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