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Everything posted by Gurpritd

  1. I actually read that on sikhnet. It makes sense, as your husband (in many places in Gurbani, God is referenced as the husband)...only God is Pooran...and therefore a Purakh...but if we believe our husband in this life is that, if we mediate on this shabad, he will become more better...taking on better qualities. As this woman is clearly seeking advice on her marriage. this shabad is in rehiras sahib. You can call me a Hindu when I tell her to instead of reading gurbani go to a ###### pandit!!
  2. where you born with a kripa nor gun? Who changed your diapers and tied that Joora on your head? I'm seriously thinking this website is run by some teens...won't bother answering to anyone's post as dealing with serious nihangs or loonies!
  3. I was replying to a post. I see no reason to quote & make personal attacks on my posts with very negative words. You are so far from Sikhi, if you have become so inflexible with your orthodox views, mostly like you a teen to 20's turban wearing guy with no life. Sikhi is a religion of love. I am not amritdhari so don't use the lastname Khalsa...I use Kaur before my surname as common practice. Yes we are tribal, and the names may be tribal to you...but that is an familial identity. Kaur & Singh are religious identities that show affiliation to religion. I use both so scream you head off, and show some respect to other people's views.
  4. I agree with this post about not being from the same pind. As long as you are not related, it really should not matter. Infact there are some last names that intermarry. Such as Brars, Sidhus and Gills. I have two massi that are married (my mom's cousins) to men with the same last name. These were arranged marriages. It is a cultural thing....but some districts like bhatinda...most of those people are Brar's and Sidhus...who marry each other. So really its about that. Apparently...the Punjab politician "Badal"...is from the pind Badal...but he is a Dhillon...who's daughter is married to a Dhillon as well... People are really not caring about this anymore, as it is hard to find good people out there.
  5. Google "So purakh" prayer....apparently it helps your relationship with significant other. It's 3 min long on youtube. Try doing that I read somewhere some women do this 21 times or more....
  6. Japji Sahib...gives bramgian...good for the unborn child. Child will be spiritual and have an hunger for Sikhism according to Giani Thakur Singh. Coincidentally, my mother did it a lot during her pregnancy with me. Without her and my father ever teaching me about Sikhi...I gravitated towards it. I probably have more knowledge than my parents. I like phat, I learned to read Punjabi (I grew up in Canada), and do the phat from the gurmukhi gutka....so I would say it had a profound impact. I do see myself becoming amritdhari one day as well.
  7. From what I know, the gurdwara does not issue a marriage certificate....I know that in Ontario, Canada - they don't if you marry a muslim. So eventhough this gurdwara, and it appears to be malton gurdwara...they would not have issued a wedding certificate. They are most likely doing a nikkah as well, where they will get the certificate. In this case, it appears, the family just wanted the Sikh ceremony.
  8. Actually, I think a Sikh woman is more likely to preserve Sikhism when married to a muslim than vice versa. Scenario: Its thundering outside and your child is having a nightmare...The muslim girl, would say "allah will not harm you, say mohammeds name, etc"...she will preach Islam to her child, and her child will turn toward Islam. Same scenario, the Sikh woman would most likely calm her child in the religion she grew up in....saying waheguru etc, taking the kid to the gurdwara...she will expose Sikhism to her child without realizing herself. Therefore, you learn most religious habits and values from your mother growing up....just a fact..
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