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Posts posted by StarStriker

  1. Starstriker.

    Heard of Crimea?

    My friend crimea is a region of ukraine, which is of majority russian population, who want to leave/secede frm ukraine. Russia did not invade ukraine, the people of crimea caused an uprising. I admire them immensely. The west loves to put down russia/putin. How come scotland/scottish ppl was never criticised in same way for wanting independance?

  2. all Pakistanis are in favour of Khalistan because they think that once established they will take over that territory through invasion

    That maybe true for kashmir, but not for a sikh state. They know, when khalistan will be made, khalistan, pakistan and china will be 3 nations all hostile towards india.

    Tbh also, u cannot invade other countries nowadays, unlike in 1800s etc. There wud b worldwide condemnation. Unless u r the americans of course, who make numerous excuses to invade lands for their natural resources.

  3. I'm from doaba background, and it is true that we celebrate India's independence day, but so does the rest of Punjab. It is nothing exclusive for doaba to do that.. & I live among Malvai people, they are mostly not as you portray them to be.

    Ha, wat a load of rubbish, DEATH TO RAPISTAN! Plz tell us y u celebrate slavery? Its clear as day, u r not a sikh, with all ur bakwaas posts on this forum.

  4. Not my team and no connections with the city, but great to see social justice achieved after years of struggle, an inspiration.

    Indeed hammer, as u know im an avid liverpool fan, and this has healed a lot of wounds of the families of the 96. But as cisco says, the next step will be to find and imprison the police officers n other officials, who deliberately covered up their own faults, by shamelessly blaming it on the fans.

    Even before these verdicts came out, any1 who did their research on this topic, with all the extra evidence which came out 2-3 yrs back, will know how dispicable the police and hillsborough authorities were. They changed more than 100+ statements of police officers, who were exposing fellow officers of wrong doing, 100+!! Also i remember the 1 thing that disgusted me the most, which was the blood samples they took frm all victim. They then tried to rig/corrupt the dna samples by putting alcohol into them, so they can turn around say, these hooligan fans were all rowdy and amli, and it wasnt our (police) fault. Pathetic! They didnt even spare a 10yrd old kids dna, by putting sharaab in it. Also u notice, how 'the sun' newspaper, didnt even put the hillsborough story on its front page the nxt day?

    Even that k@njar kelvin mckenzie hasnt bothered making any of sort of decent and apt apology, all rubbish words. Saying he was "caught up in the smear campaign", pathetic.

    This whole hillsborough affair is completely akin to the sikh genocide of 1977-95, where the authorities, govt, media and police were/all covering up the truth, n successive govts (labour/conservative/bjp/congress) kept dismissing n covering up deliberately. However, unlike india, the uk allows free speech and enquiries, and the familes of the 96 were not rounded up and murdered under the guise of 'fake encounters'. With enough pressure, the tory govt folded and bandhar cameron issued apology.

  5. Fyi not all Kshytria are khatri, such as Rajput (& Gujjars) etc.

    YAAAAAAAAWN! Im well aware of who YOU hindus consider as 2nd tier (kshatriyas) in ur beloved caste system, such as rajputs/aroras/bhatias/khatris.....

    However that doesnt include gujjars. Anyways go back to sleep, and go and join a hindu forum. When sikh issues r on the agenda, u r NOWHERE to be seen, yet any discussion on hindu animal gods and ur beloved caste system, u in there like a shot.

  6. For Rapistanis, the idea if Khalistan is about terrorism just as a Sikh state was for the Mughals and Afghans. First they need to read Dasam Banis like Shastar Nam Mala where Guru jee has called weapons as his peer.

    Freedom fighters like Bhagat Singh and Udham Singh were also once called terrorists now the same Rapistan calls them heroes.

    Future of Rapistan is not good. We already have people saying you should be beheaded if you are not willing to say Vande Mataram. SIkh intellectuals like Ajmer Singh have warned Sikhs to prepare.

    Indeed jonny, it always amazes me how ppl call sukha/jinder terrorists, yet wat they did is EXACTLY mirror image to what accepted heroes, like udham singh did. Both assassinated 2 evil men whom were responsible for deaths of innocents, yet somehow, jinda/sukha r different kettle of terrorist fish.

  7. I think we have to be very careful with the symbols and thoughts which we convey in open public. Khalistan is not every body's ideal. I even wonder if it is a Sikh idea. It is a political fight, best left to be used where people are fighting politically i.e. India. In a foreign country - we belong to a different political climate.

    I wonder how a gun will help us - who are not even citizens of India - get Khalistan!!!!! We are not terrorists either.

    Stop talking rubbish. U wonder if it is a sikh idea? Well who's bloody idea is it then? R u ashamed? U need to study history rather sound like a scared little mug.

    Unlike ur precious pyara rapistan, uk gives us freedom to tell the whole world of sikh struggles n genocide.

  8. So..? Both are Kshytria varna.

    Lool, yea nice try u freshy.

    Guru tegh bahadur belonged to sodhi line of khatris, where as gujjars r not khatris u mug. They r 2 completely different tribes, bloodlines and even tribal occupations. Keep ur freshy/backward lies to yourself.

    U r such an AVID advocate of tribal/caste apartheid, that ur willing to make up lies of how gujjars r now khatris, even tho nobody has ever heard/said that before, ever.

    Every1 knows ur a hindu undercover, all ur posts glorify hindu caste system and their animal looking "gods".

  9. Im not claiming it was muslims or hindus who did it, but if it was hindu army trying to frame mulims why would they be using hindu names and chanting jai hind? Sort of counter-productive.

    True, but at the same time, the post evidence points 2wards a indian govt hand in it. Even bill clinton himself stated that it was done by indian personnel. The indian govt, typically picked up random sullehh frm kashmir, charged, tortured n imprisoned them. Then the dna samples which the govt "obtained" turned out to be complete fabrications, which the j&k chief minister admits to himself. Arundhati roy, an author n big critic of indian state terror/hindutva, writes in her books of how it was carried out by indian state too.



    But i suppose its about opinions at the end of the day, just like the air india bombing.

  10. After the massacre the residents of the village pointed the police to Mohammad Yakub Magray as one of the suspects.[11]

    In 2010, the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) associate David Headley(a U.S. citizen who changed his name from Daood Gilani in 2006), who was arrested in connection with the 2008 Mumbai attacks, reportedly confessed to the National Investigation Agency that the LeT carried out the Chittisinghpura massacre.[15] He is said to have identified an LeT militant named Muzzamil as part of the group which carried out the killings apparently to create communal tension just before Clintons visit.[16]


    [11] http://www.frontlineonnet.com/fl1707/17070340.htm The massacre at Chattisinghpora

    [15] http://www.hindustantimes.com/Lashkar-behind-Sikh-massacre-in-Kashmir-in-2000-says-Headley/Article1-617459.aspx Lashkar behind Sikh massacre in Kashmir in 2000, says Headley

    [16]http://www.tribuneindia.com/2010/20101026/j&k.htm#2 Chittisinghpura Massacre: Obamas proposed visit makes survivors recall tragedy

    And we all know how islamic jihadi salafi terrorists operate they first attack when the non-muslim community carries out revenge attacks they cry how the non-muslim community is killing them they ask the mainstream muslims to help them attack the non-muslim community.

    WAKE UP!!! yes the indian army is no angel and kills minorities and is a terrorist organisation in my eyes.... we do not have any love for indian army it has a disgusting genocidal past especially for their crimes against Sikhs. However they aren't the only one that carries out these kinda killings. Salafi muslim jihadis are all too happy to attack you and your family because you are not a sunni muslim of their brand of islam.

    If you want to live in cloud coco land and live in ignorance thats your choice but the salafi muslim wild dog has you as the lamb in in the green fields in his sights

    Ooooooooooh paaaalease!! I KNEW u were gona pull out that SO-CALLED/SUPPOSED "confession" by that militant. 1st of all he supposedly confessed to the indian authorities upon being captured. If u seriously believe this cock/bull story, then u r as dumb as u sound. This is SAME rubbish they have fabricated about prof. Davinderpal singh bhullar, or i suppose u think prof. bhullar is guilty too? Its the same rubbish method they use, by torturing random ppl to the point they fabricate confessions.

    Also u very very very lazily put 3 cr@ppy links to sites/stories, and those websites dont even work!

    This is an account of a witness:

    'One of the captive men who had been lined up recognised someone among the gunmen. He asked, "Chattiya, tu idhar kya kar raha hai?" ("Chattia, What are you doing here?"). The person he spoke to immediately opened fire. At the same time the other captors began firing. As they started firing, the gunmen shouted 'Jai Mata Di' and 'Jai Hind'. In theatrical fashion, one of them took swigs from a bottle of rum even as the killing went on. While leaving, one of the men called out to his associates: "Gopal, chalo hamare saath" ("Gopal, Come with us").'

  11. ^^^

    Wat garbage, EVERYMAN and his dog knows, those sikhs killed in chittisinghpura were killed by indian army personnel. The fact that they did that upon president clintons visit and THEN, they tried to do the EXACT same thing when obama visited india, shows u who is behind this all. The eye witnesses said that they captured indian army topis and quelled anotha organised killing by arming themselves when obama came. All the locals of chattisinghpura n surrounding areas (hindu, sikh n muslims) all say that both incidents were done by indian army (border security forces id imagine).

  12. Wat part of "sab sikhan ko hukam hai, guru manyo granth", do these dumb pr!ck dera followers not understand? U can swear/cuss these deliberatley govt funded fake deras all u want, but they wudnt b sh!t without the dumb sangat that turns up praying to them!

    Infact i got respect for these dera baba's, who r exploiting these füddu freshy ppl of panjab, theyre quite the business men! Infact im thinking of opening up a dera too now. Shame on me for tryna earn an honest living n being working class.

    Anybody fancy being my 'pehr ghuttan walah' as i lay on the manja?

  13. Wat makes me laugh, is how these rat worshipping pr!cks cant even come up with a feasable lie. I mean its right up there with the "2 uk gurdwaras who r holding bomb making classes", and the "jihadi-scuba khalistanis", who were supposedly ready to do an aqua-attack on gujarat coast frm pakistan. Oh n lets not forget that false flag bakwaas attack on gen murderer brar, in london, at the height of global sikh sympathy, coz of rajoana n wisconsin gurdwara shootings. These Cow pishaab drinkers, cannot tolerate sikhs having good media/world coverage n awareness. I get a feeling 2016 will see indian govt step up false flags galore on sikhs and try to do anotha load of badhnaami on our kaum, to counter the love sikhs r getting everywhere.

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