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Posts posted by StarStriker

  1. 17 minutes ago, silverSingh said:

    Sikh religion is male dominated.  Men rule ok.  We use our religion to control women by telling them what they can do and what they can't do.  

    Look at it this way, all our kirtaniyehs, kathavachaks, jathedaars and Sants/Mahapurakhs are men.  There are no women running the show in Sikhism, no sir, no way!

    Wake up you sleeping beauty.

    U say sikh RELIGION is male dominated.....its panjabi culture which is, try and differentiate between the 2. Look at the white sikhs for eg, they have women and men involved in kirtan, parchar and projects. Guru amardas ji sent 52 women parcharaks to do parchar all over s.asia, guru gobind singh had women in his khalsa, wen all other armies even in 2days world (kurdish aside), refuse to have women in frontline. Look at basics of sikhi here in england, they have plenty of women in their ranks for parchar/projects. This "male domination" has nutin to do with sikh dharam, but panjabi fudhuness. 

    Last time i checked at my gurdwara, women can eat langar, cook/serve langar, do the ardas, go to the gym, do meditation, do kirtan, read the paat, serve parshad, become amritdhari etc. Go to a mosque and catholic church, or even hindu mandhirs, where women r restricted to sh!t status. 



  2. 4 minutes ago, silverSingh said:

    Sikhsim is a male dominated religion, meaning men rule!  When it comes to mona Sikh marrying a monni the AK rules don't apply.  They only apply, when a monni Sikhnie marries a monna Hindu, a Christian or a Muslim.

    Shows wat u know u mug, there was a sham marriage at lozells gurdwara in bham last yr, which was stopped, which was of a sikh guy and a non sikh girl, so pipe down with that gender card.

  3. https://www.facebook.com/Everythings13.BasicsofSikhi/videos/1171024216268977/

    EVERYBODY check this video of jagraj singh (BoS), challenging and answering those coconuts atheist punks, who try telling those of us, who actually know about our dharam. He also mentions his pathetic bandhar brother, sunny and his crappy atheist articles. Its well worth a watch. Im gona upload this onto youtube too, as its 1 of th best videos ive seen challenging these coconuts.

  4. 17 hours ago, Hammertime007 said:

    http://m.hindustantimes.com/columns/the-rise-of-sikh-fundamentalism-in-britain/story-uJEsIBJwXzkb2PSHcE8QUP.html             article by sunny hundal a middle class liberal from London. He writes people who protest against non Sikhs marrying in Gurdwara are fundamentalists.


    EVERYBODY check this video of jagraj singh (BoS), challenging and answering those coconuts atheist punks, who try telling those of us, who actually know about our dharam. He also his pathetic bandhar brother, sunny and his crappy atheist articles. Its well worth a watch. Im gona upload this onto youtube too, as its 1 of th best videos ive seen challenging these coconuts.

  5. 17 minutes ago, DSG said:

    This is scary stuff , idiots like this obviously not Sikh , but giving Sikh point of view. Do you know if Jon Gaunt Show ,has been emailed stating this  jon@talk2meradio.com @talk2meradiouk @jongaunt . If not maybe good idea for sangat to email,tweet Jon in masses  , and tell him the truth maybe then he can have another show on this , where members of the sangat are invited and views aired as to people outside of Sikhi pretending to be Sikh and giving false information, trying to damage Sikhi .

    I have no idea khalsa ji, u can tey emailing him tho, hes a pretty approachable person n not stuck up like a lot of radio presenters.

  6. 3 hours ago, Jonny101 said:

    I have been reading the comments of all these non Sikhs. What I really find strange is how all these non Sikh people  think they have a say in our internal religious affairs. 


    We don't say to Muslims, Hindus, Christians how to conduct their Mosques, Mandhirs or Churches but when it comes to our Gurdawas, they all  become nosey.


    And Hundus, they do the most dakhal andazi of them all.

    Yea bro, i dont understand y non sikhs try telling us how n wat way we shud run our institutions. 

  7. https://m.facebook.com/DalKhalsaUK/photos/a.103723276720.95169.95881811720/10153691268991721/?type=3

    Well well well, it seems as tho the scummy freshy bahman who rang up asian network yday claiming to be a "mr singh", sayin how he was there at the lem spa gurdwara n then goes on a rant which i wrote about here yday, also rang into jon gaunts show, with same accent, but this time changing his story to his cousin was there at the wedding. Indian govt agents working everywhere it seems! If any1 doubted this as conspiracy b4, just look at the link above. He rings up sayin crap like, harmandar sahib is a vishnu temple, how sikhs have always married non sikhs (hindu/muslim), singhs protesting r like isis/taliban, callin every chardi kalah sikh terrorists/khalistanis etc. Also he mentions "SIKHSANGAT . COM", as a website which discriminates and is anti hindu/christian etc. Haaaaaaaa watever u prat.

    These ppl r so insane n obsessed with us, its embarassing!



    Go to the 4th minute in the show, n listen this indian agent chat tatti. Notice he says my uncle err relative was there....2mins later he says my brother was there. On asian network he says I was there....

  8. 1 hour ago, Hammertime007 said:

    He was the better of a terrible bunch.  He did show some personality at times. The rest are robotic and reading a left wing script. Nuresh puri Is the biggest left wing extremist out and very robotic.... Was it discussed? 

    The presenter was a kurri called sonali shah, pretty sure shes a hindu. Gurmel singh frm sikh council was on, n he did well. The presenter blatantly was biased in her thinking, n didnt show any neutral p.o.v. One guy rang up, who was supposedly there, and a relative of the bride, talked so much crap and misinformation on sikh history it was embarassing. He must of been 1 in a long line of panjabi hindus ringing up pretending to be sikh. He said things like, none of the gurus had anand karajs, sayin how sikhs have always married muslims n hindu in history and the protestors r like muslim wing isis of modern days sikhi........massive facepalm!

    So much bollox said by him n others i wudnt know where to start correcting the k@njar budda. About 3 callers compared the protestors to isis.....yea coz every1 knows, once the protest was over, the singhs beheaded the giani n filmed it, took all the women frm sangat as sex slaves n forcefully converted the goreh wedding guests.....wat bandhar ppl we have in r community.

  9. 1 hour ago, MrDoaba said:

    You’re forgetting that Leamington is home to idiots like Aman Hayer

    U r being bit harsh there, alot of aman hayers band frm the mid-2000s have become amritdhari sikhs in recent yrs. Infact quite few bhangra artists have, including specialist, ambi bilga, kaka mohanwalia, bally rai, ks makhan. Theres probably more i missed out. But yea, that lem spa gurdwara is 1 poisoned filled gurdwara, death to all committee h@ramis. Sikh council just released a video, sayin how the cops told them, the nakli lem spa committee, told police singhs were threatening sangat with guns, bats n weapons....complete utter lies. Thanks to those sons of b!tches, the headlines have been made to look million times more sinister than it was.

  10. 1 hour ago, genie said:

    Every couple I know and read of who are mixed faith Sikhs have not produced Sikh kids who stayed Sikhs even if they were brought up as Sikhs in the beginning.

    There is this half white christian and half punjabi Sikh girl on facebook famous for being a slag and always boasting that she is a khalistani yet sleeps around with muslim guys and non-sikhs when she feels like it then goes back to Sikhi once shes bored and so forth. I'm sure you've seen her on facebook if not I can give you her profile link.

    there is this half white half punjabi Sikh girl on instagram who also had a Sikh punjabi dad and and atheist white mother she followed her mothers footsteps and the dad from being a religious Sikh guy become a hippy lilly liberal atheist. Net result she has become a trippy hippy rasthafarian pot using drug taking buddhist sleeping around with black guys.

    I can go on and on and on I have never come across example of interfaith Sikh marriage where the couple produced Sikh kids proud and strong in their faith. And this is the heart and core of the issue it isnt about race it isnt about caste it isnt about gender its about religious demographics.

    THE FUTURE WELL BEING OF SIKHI  !!!!! what do you lily liberal hippy anti-sikh fools not get about this!!!!! have you seen the conditions of the yazidi's, zoroestertians?  jews population (they luckily still have a country though)  thats us in 20 years time if we do not fix up right now.

    Blood, wats the links to these 2 individuals sl@gs online u r talkin of?

  11. 5 minutes ago, genie said:

    The mail online wants to use the sikh youth birmingham video probably to create an anti-sikh racist article knowing their past history of anti-asian rethoric. 


    Yea no doubt. The indian govt friendly lemmington gurdwara committees no doubt have tried to lure sikhs into a trap to give em a bad name. Theyve had 3 sham marriages in past 6 weeks, n called armed police everytime....why? All a set up no doubt, im ashamed of our community at times like this. We cannot even agree on sanctity of our guru, esp these coconuts who have no love for the dharam, but use words like "extremist, khaliban, terrorists, thugs" etc.

  12. Look at this fb page from 'sikh youth birmingham', look at the number of coconuts, who have NO knowledge of dharam n the guru, chattin rubbish about the events unfolding. These bloody selfiepreets need slaps for caring more about some mugs "special day", than our guru and the mischevious lemmington spa gurdwara committee, who r upto their old tricks. 




  13. 19 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

    I'm no legal expert, but couldn't what's being printed by 'Sikh Youth Birmingham' and 'Sikh Youth Derby' on Facebook be considered to be ill advised, especially if there's a trial later on? Or does it not count due to the murder occurring overseas?

    the guys at sikh youth derby, know the murdered singh in person/personally, and reported this story WAY before any media (UK or india) got hold of it.

  14. Ive been following this story on 'sikh youth birmingham' and 'sikh youth derby' facebook sites. The singh/husband murdered, was a kesdhari n amritdhari singh, y on earth this crappy newspaper didnt use updated pics is very dumb. Some say, she no longer wanted to b with him, coz of his kesdhari appearance, then also mentioned is, coz to take his property and land back home in panjab. All done with his treaturous "best friend", pure and utter gadhari! Its bad enuff his wife was a complete kutthi, but to then have his own bestmate do him over like that, is sickening.



    The local newspaper, in derby, is reporting, that her family r denying this story  and say she is being framed.



  15. 6 hours ago, Cisco_Singh said:

    Lamington Warwick commitee aren't Ramgarhias, the group that went to meet modi in the uk weren't Ramgarhias either. 

    A lot of the Gurdwaras still carrying our sham anand karaj ceremonies are not Ramgarhia Gurdwaras either.

    General Brar wasn't Ramgarhia either... Nor was KPS Gill...

     That's before we even start to talk about Prakash Badal and family, Makkar and the majority of the rest of SGPC , not a single African or Ramgarhia in sight....

    I know full well the lemington gurdwara isnt ramgharias, im talking about the gurdwara in question in the letter above, which ironically u uploaded. Btw i was also referring to a coventry gurdwara especially, which is run by africans, who love india n b!tch indira. Y ur mentioning badal, makkar, sgpc, brar/kp gill i have no idea, wen i CLEARLY said in my post, "in the UK".

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