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Everything posted by Sewadar

  1. Dear Sangat, A few guidelines to keep in mind: - When posting gurbani, you can copy/paste the following tags and a transliteration under the gurmukhi shabad (make sure you change the font size to 4) kasathoor ku(n)goo agar cha(n)dhan leep aavai chaao || When posting an interpretation, try to break down the shabad line by line, or even word by word, see HERE.
  2. In Sri Guru Granth Sahib jee, after Sri Japji Sahib, comes Sri Raag, written by Sri Guru Nanak Sahib, below is the first shabad. *Note: Mods will try to do the seva of posting the shabads with Guru Sahib's kirpaa in order of start from SGGS to end. <> siqgur pRswid ] rwgu isrIrwgu mhlw pihlw 1 Gru 1 ] moqI q mMdr aUsrih rqnI q hoih jVwau ] ksqUir kuMgU Agir cMdin lIip AwvY cwau ] mqu dyiK BUlw vIsrY qyrw iciq n AwvY nwau ]1] hir ibnu jIau jil bil jwau ] mY Awpxw guru pUiC dyiKAw Avru nwhI Qwau ]1] rhwau ] DrqI q hIry lwl jVqI pliG lwl jVwau ] mohxI muiK mxI sohY kry rMig pswau ] mqu dyiK BUlw vIsrY qyrw iciq n AwvY nwau ]2] isDu hovw isiD lweI iriD AwKw Awau ] gupqu prgtu hoie bYsw loku rwKY Bwau ] mqu dyiK BUlw vIsrY qyrw iciq n AwvY nwau ]3] sulqwnu hovw myil lskr qKiq rwKw pwau ] hukmu hwslu krI bYTw nwnkw sB vwau ] mqu dyiK BUlw vIsrY qyrw iciq n AwvY nwau ]4]1] ik oa(n)kaar sathigur prasaadh || raag sireeraag mehalaa pehilaa 1 ghar 1 || mothee th ma(n)dhar oosarehi rathanee th hohi jarraao || kasathoor ku(n)goo agar cha(n)dhan leep aavai chaao || math dhaekh bhoolaa veesarai thaeraa chith n aavai naao ||1|| har bin jeeo jal bal jaao || mai aapanaa gur pooshh dhaekhiaa avar naahee thhaao ||1|| rehaao || dhharathee th heerae laal jarrathee palagh laal jarraao || mohanee mukh manee sohai karae ra(n)g pasaao || math dhaekh bhoolaa veesarai thaeraa chith n aavai naao ||2|| sidhh hovaa sidhh laaee ridhh aakhaa aao || gupath paragatt hoe baisaa lok raakhai bhaao || math dhaekh bhoolaa veesarai thaeraa chith n aavai naao ||3|| sulathaan hovaa mael lasakar thakhath raakhaa paao || hukam haasal karee bait(h)aa naanakaa sabh vaao || math dhaekh bhoolaa veesarai thaeraa chith n aavai naao ||4||1|| One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: Raag Siree Raag, First Mehla, First House: If I had a palace made of pearls, inlaid with jewels, scented with musk, saffron and sandalwood, a sheer delight to behold -seeing this, I might go astray and forget You, and Your Name would not enter into my mind. ||1|| Without the Lord, my soul is scorched and burnt. I consulted my Guru, and now I see that there is no other place at all. ||1||Pause|| If the floor of this palace was a mosaic of diamonds and rubies, and if my bed was encased with rubies, and if heavenly beauties, their faces adorned with emeralds, tried to entice me with sensual gestures of love -seeing these, I might go astray and forget You, and Your Name would not enter into my mind. ||2|| If I were to become a Siddha, and work miracles, summon wealth and become invisible and visible at will, so that people would hold me in awe -seeing these, I might go astray and forget You, and Your Name would not enter into my mind. ||3|| If I were to become an emperor and raise a huge army, and sit on a throne, issuing commands and collecting taxes-O Nanak, all of this could pass away like a puff of wind. Seeing these, I might go astray and forget You, and Your Name would not enter into my mind. ||4||1||
  3. Dear Sangat, We have setup a new sub-section on SS under the Gurbani | Gursikhi | Rehat section, its called 'Gurbani Vichaar' http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?showforum=38 All topics/posts will be moderated, its started to help each other better understand gurbani and what guru sahib is trying to say about certain shabads, their contexts, raag, history, and translation, instead of looking at the one or two line translations of the shabad, in this form we can dive deeper into the shabad and try to extract the jewels in this endless ocean of gurbani, its a futile attempt to trying to understand the word of Guru Nanak more closely, there's a similar effort being made at hukam.sikhnet.com, but the unique thing here will be that the understanding of the shabad will be of discussion, and for everyone to gain understanding/knowledge of the different tuks and entire shabads, we hope that everyone participates more in these discussions of gurbani instead of other matters, to try to understand Guru Granth Sahib jee at a more deeper level. So lets all make an effort to learn/grow together. SikhSangat.com
  4. waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa waheguru Ji Ke Fateh !! It is, with Guru Jee's grace, we are able to announce this months Youth Of The Month : Amrit Kaur She can be described as a true "Singhni For Life", having been brought up in a totally GurSikh family since birth. Now, she is a successful, inspirational Singhni in the UK, gracing sangat up and down the country with beautiful keertan and even studio recording Gurbani CD's. Heres her story... http://www.unitedsikhs.com/amrit.php
  5. Khalsa Force you are right. It is about the harrasment in real life not on SikhSangat Forums nor other Websites/cyberlife. Possible harrasment cases such as: http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?showtopic=20118 http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?showtopic=19955 and many other old topics posted under GUPT section by GUPT singhnia.
  6. There have been numerous threads about harrasement to singhnis. Keeping this in view, we have setup a new webpage from where singhnis can send anonymous information. They will not need to reveal their identities. This webpage is located at http://alert.sikhsangat.com Anyone from UK, Canada, India, USA and other countries can send us the tip of anykind. Our teams will try to investigate the case and prevent any future happenings of the simmilar kind. You don't have to worry about your identity or your name being brought up, this form is totaly confidential. The initial steps will be read and taken care by a team of singhnies. Admin
  7. There have been numurous threads about harrasement to singhnis. Keeping this in view, we have setup a new webpage from where singhnis can send anonymous information. They will not need to reveal their identities. This webpage is located at http://alert.sikhsangat.com Anyone from UK, Canada, India, USA and other countries can send us the tip of anykind. Our teams will try to investigate the case and prevent any future happenings of the simmilar kind. You don't have to worry about your identity or your name being brought up, this form is totaly confidential. The initial steps will be read and taken care by a team of singhnies. Admin
  8. Please do not post Personal Phone numbers as its against the forum rules & guidelines. From forum rules: Do not post messages that advocate harm or death to anyone, threaten the livelihood of anyone, or otherwise harass anyone. Do not send email, snail mail, phone, fax, or other messages to anyone if your intent is to threaten or harass, and do not encourage others to do the same.
  9. Please post such topics under FUN section.
  10. This forum does not advocate software piracy. Topic is closed
  11. Admin Note: We have our own religion and social problems to worry about thus we try not to encourage topics ridiculing other religions. This forum is not to find faults in other religions but instead to talk and discuss sikhi among sikh youth or with other community members. How would we feel when members of other faith posting Sikh related pictures on their website/forums and throwing negative comments on the lifestyle of sikhs. Thread Closed
  12. Thanks Killah veerjee for positive reply :| The Mod comment was "Sikhi respect other religions" We have our own religion and social problems to worry about thus we try not to encourage topics ridiculing other religions. This forum is not to find faults in other religions but instead to talk and discuss sikhi among sikh youth or with other community members. How would we feel when members of other faith posting Sikh history pictures on their website/forums and throwing negative comments on the lifestyle of sikhs.
  13. Waheguru jee ka khalsa Waheguru jee ke fateh ! We want sangat to be the part of the SikhSangat.com sewa. We would like sangat to create one Top Universal banner for SikhSangat.com which will be used most of the time. Banner should go along with current board color theme. Please reply here with your banner or send it to us at Contact@sikhsangat.com. Chardi kala SSTeam
  14. Everything should be in working condition. Reply here if you see any other error(s). We will fix the banner link asap.
  15. WJKK WJKF Take control both of you veerjees. Pritnam brother, We will not tolerate those type of foul language in future. Kids visit this forum often and its upto us to keep this forum clean. Thread Closed. WJKK WJKF
  16. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji ki fateh We have sucessfully moved all the necessary files from our old server to the new. The forum is now live on the new server. In a day or two we will make the final changes. The important news is that the forum is now back online and ready to be used by the sangat. Also the Edit button should work fine now :TH: If you guys do spot any errors then do drop us a pm or two.
  17. Shaheedi Divas Guru Arjan Dev Ji
  18. Gurgadi Divas Guru Hargobind Ji
  19. Waheguru jee ka khalsa Waheguru jee ke fateh Our forums were hacked because of the security lapse in the forum software. We upgraded the forum and added few security patches and so far we are safe with gurus grace. We lost several websites and the database of the picture gallery. When our forum was hacked, all of our sewadars were on vacation and some were away from their home. We would like to thank several individuals who took their personal time to inform us about the activities of the hackers and their several attempts. Many members are suggesting us who can be behind these attacks and deletion of the websites. To clear the misunderstanding, we still don't know who the hacker was and why he did it but we can assure that it wasn't any *SIKH* individual/group who attacked us. We may have differences in nature with many ppls but that doesn't mean that we all have personal grudge against each other. So it wasn't our Sikh Brothers/sisters who did this to us (we hope). Several other famous forums who use Invision Board platform were attacked and sadly some of them lost their data, so it was global hacking rampage which came to end with the new release of forum version by the company. We are also having problems with our hosting company and we ordered the dedicated server recently to avoid downtime and infamous sql errors that many members were having. Having lot of pending work to do, we will not be doing "Youth of the Month" for this month. SikhGiving.com project shifted to next month. We enabled the NEW member registration but we haven't enabled the "Search" option of the forum yet. We haven't took the look at the failure function of the POST EDIT option, we will look at it soon. Besides the current updates, this summer we are bringing many new projects including the Non-Profit Sikh Shop (khalsaMart.com) for Sangatan, audio website (GurkiBani.com) and the new project of SikhGiving.com. We apologize for any inconveniences we caused for the past few days. We thank you for your patience!! Gurfateh SSTeam Balait_da_Sher Khãlsã S1ngh Sikhlionz Kaür
  20. We recently upgraded the forum, because of the the blogs and arcade is not available at the moment, they will be back soon.
  21. Please Post any hukamnama issued by Akal Takhat sahib in this topic.
  22. Parkash Divas Guru Amar Das Ji
  23. Waheguru jee ka Khalsa Waheguru jee ke Fateh ! Sukhmani Kaur of Southall, UK has been choosen as the May 2006 Youth of the Month. http://www.Unitedsikhs.com
  24. Please, Don't use CAPS next time.
  25. Parkash Divas Guru Arjan Dev Ji
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