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Everything posted by Sewadar

  1. From : http://forums.waheguroo.com/index.ppa?act=...t=ST&f=2&t=1337 Posting Policies Administrators and moderators of Sikhsangat.com do not have any enemies nor we hold any grudge against any member, jatha or anybody ! Never give any personal Phone number in any post (exclude Sikh organizations) NO personal Fights/Attack ! .......
  2. As power vested on me ! I hereby officaly Declared Amardeep as the New Chef of Sikh Sangat !
  3. waheguru ji ke khalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh Pyare jio, I am not sure what was the intention behind this mail by learner singh, but I think it should be answered. Akj is a mother organisation which creates sikhs through inspiring them with Guru maharajs bani. But all of us in sikhi do seva for the Panth, we do not feel the need to add akj name to everything we do. Many young akj youth were involved in Khalsa aid, which went to Orissa, Kosovo and africa. Actually young Singhs like Onkar singh (general sec of AKJ Uk), sukhvir singh, inderpal singh, and many others were main players aswell as other youth from Hounslow. Many of the youth camps run in Uk are run by youth associated with akj. Akj regularly gives money to shaheed privaars and many other charities. Even Uk based charities such as Children In need. Youth do seva with the under priveldged. I personally have worked with youth dealing with drugs, racism, etc. Currently dass is working with those who have mental health issues, all non-sikhs. I know of many other akj youth who are social workers and teachers. Many of us youth while at unis, fought with fundamentalist groups such as HUT, also stood up to RSS infiltration in Uk gurdwaras. Some youth ended up doing time inside. Recently we was heavily involved in clashes up north with a neo-nazi group Combat 18, the militant wing of BNP. They were doing racism against blacks and muslims, and mixed race families. My family was the only sikh familiy there, but we stood up against them. In my pind in India, eye camps, education camps, gurmat camps, have been done, paid by seva done by Gursikhs in Uk. This is from money they recieve from Gurdwar as for akhand paths, teaching at punjabi schools, etc. All the Gursikhs do niskaam seva, so the money that is given goes to further seva in Punjab. as far as Akj during Arya samaj times, most were in jail, some were fighting in WW2, but many in the form of Panch khalsa Diwan did alot of seva in parchaar, shahhedain, etc. Please read your history. The people you are questioning, are the ones who did not just talk, but gave thier lives. The reality is alot of seva is done, but it done as Gursikhs for the Guru khalsa panth. We have never felt the need to put an AKJ stamp on everything we do. Akj is a centre of abyass. But we are members of the Panth. waheguru ji ke khalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh Mod Note: Post accidently sent to moderators/admins by user id jagjit_waheguru
  4. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh Pyare jio, I saw the same thing when I moved to yorkshire 5 years ago. I was used to slough where we had one main gurdwara, plus the standard ramgarhia gurdwara. But here things are abit out of hand. I believe leeds has 5 aswell. With so many problems here with youth, it is really sad how the community cannot get together. When we did our first leeds and bradford camp, we spoke against caste, and its negative impact on sikhs, and how it is not part if Gurmat. After the camp, the head of ramgarhia gurdwara said to me, all the kids came back from the camp not believing in caste. I said thats good then is it not? He replied no matter what we do, that he will always teach their kids that they are ramgarhias. Since then attendance at the camp from that gurdwara has been low. I was amazed when I went to Ravidas gurdwara to invite them to the camp, they said to me I was first amritdhari from bradford to come there. With leeds road, we had a clash when they decided to support right Hindu extremists, who openly speak against sikh Gurus, and sikhs. What I have realised that these people running these gurdwaras have no interest in Gurmat or Panth. They are just interested in their own egos, and pindoo politics. He said this to me, and he is like that. So I started doing seva with Singh Sabha because at least they are Panthic, pro-youth, pro-sikhi, and pro-eduaction. We have a good thing going with alot of youth, 79 at last count, who do seva from leeds and bradford. Lets get ourselves strong in sikhi and help others. as far as gurdwaras here, I see many of them closing in next 5 years. Only those with youth will survi ve, which are Singh sabha Bradford, and Chapeltown leeds. The rest from their own predjudices, lack of gurmat education and support, and anti-gurmat practices are finishing themselves. waheguru ji kekhalsa, waheguru ji ke fateh By the way if you want to regularly know what is going on in the area, join leedsandbradfordsikhs@yahoogroups Mod Note: Post accidently sent to moderators/admins by user id jagjit_waheguru
  5. Mod Note: Post accidently sent to moderators/admins by user id jagjit_waheguru ------ waheguru ji ke khalsa, waheguru jike fateh pyare jio, it does not matter what you, as long as you do it with dedication. I did tae kwon do for 5 years, fought in many national tournaments, and it was the experience of a lifetime. I was the only sikh, but the people you meet in these circles are amazing, so focussed, friendly and down to earth. Plus it got me amazingly fit. I did gathka for a while, and then streetfighting. Then got into sikhi and sangat, and found I did not have much time for anything else. I need to get back into it now, because unfit again. waheguru ji kekhalsa,waheguru jike fateh
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