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About Akaali

  • Birthday 04/13/2001

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  1. Vaheguru jee ka khalsa, Vaheguru jee kee fateh! This is an open invitation to all sangat to the Toronto Gurmat Class. We all know that the youth are in dire need for english parchar so they can learn more about Sikhi and this class has been doing just that for almost 20 years. Alot of sangat still does not know about this class including some of the Dixie Gurduara committee. We would really appreciate if you could please do ardaas for the class and chardi kalaa and get more sangat to come out. The one and only thing you have to do is share our website, facebook and youtube pages with your friends. www.GurmatClass.com www.Facebook.com/dixiegurmatclass www.Youtube.com/dixiegurmatclass Guru Sahib Jee is watching us all and our actions I hope you will show him you care. Bhul chuk maaf karnee! Vaheguru jee ka khalsa, Vaheguru jee kee fateh!
  2. I was actually wondering the same thing, since I do that sometimes. One thing I would mention though is to also try to memorize the translations of all punj baniaa so your mind doesn't wander off and when it tries to think of what each tuk means it can feel more anand doing it.
  3. Singh sahib was at my wedding, family friend of my wife, great gursikh! Many wishes of success to him!! Make us proud!!!!!
  4. Akaali


    When daas did seva in punj some singhs who have come to pesh would say stuff like "mai kaam de parbhaav vich aa gya see te mere to hath saaf ho gya see", one way you can put it in front of the punj pyaare. Look at it this way, think of what you are looking at when you are getting aroused is made up of blood, puss, guts, bones, veins, etc. all contained in flesh that most of the world eats and when you think of it in this sense, hopefully it will disgust you enough to put your mind off of it. Whenever you're alone at home, wear a chola with sri sahib on top, stay tyaar bar tyaar and these thoughts won't hurt you.
  5. Unfortunately at most Guduaaraa Sahebs, Guru kaa langar is no longer guru kaa langar as any sharabi/kababi is allowed to make food in langar which cannot be accepted by Guru Saheb let alone by Gursikhs.
  6. Decided to check out the Sikh Sakhia section today for some inspiration and to my amazement I run into an old friend's sakhi. This sakhee reminds you of the protective power and importance of chaupaee saheb and how complete faith in maharaaj can accomplish anything. Sikhi is all about faith and trust, but it all depends on how much faith and trust we have in Guru Saheb, if we surrender our everything in his feet he will keep us in this world and the next. Like the sakhi of dhru prahlaad and harnaakash. He had complete faith and was saved. Dhan Dhan Gur pitaa jeeo please bless me with such faith and undying commitment to your piaaree gursikhee, vaheguroo..
  7. The reason why there's so much resentment towards Ravidassi "Sikhs" is because they are pretending sikhs, who are claiming to be sikhs, but not following the code of conduct passed down by the Sikh Gurus. They are distrorting Sikhi in the eyes of others telling them that they are a Sikh, when they are clearly not. Sikhi doesn't have any sects, some people still beleive Sikhi itself to be a sect. The rules of Sikhi are simple. If you want to follow a bhagat whose bani happens to be included in Sree Guru Granth Saheb jee then why not call yourself a student of the bhagat, why do you have to call yourself a Sikh per say? Sikhs follow the tenents of the 10 gurus including the initiation to becoming a Sikh by taking amrit. SS.com is always open to freedom of speech but not open to those who come here to distort the basic fundamentals of Sikhi.
  8. Yea, maybe this "sikh" channel has an agenda of their own, who knows. But if you're telling the sangat that you don't need the sangat's support and telling them "If you want to go down that road, thats fine" then, well the sangat can make their own decisions on this channel.. I don't think its gurmat to have a non-amritdhari to talk about gurmat in any way shape or form, and be an advocate to the gursikh sangat out there, by doing this you are basically saying there's not any amritdhari gursikhs out there who can do the job better so we're going to elect non-amritdharis to. If you're not willing to listen to the sangat's views and just telling them "If you want to go down that road" then I guess we shouldn't be supporting you in the first place.
  9. They should be amritdhaaree you should have someone who is actually a living/practicing gursikh to be the voice of your channel not someone who hasn't adopted the basic fundamentals of the faith. avar updese aap naa kare| aavath jaavath janme mare|
  10. Veerjee/Bhainjee, when meditating one goes through many experiences. It could be an out of body experience you're going through, you should google it see if it makes sense. Anything that you go through when japping naam CANNOT be bad. If you are getting this vision or experience, its with maharaj's kirpaa, he says so much about naam in gurbaaNee.. all we have to do is read and understand, bhul chuk maaf jee.
  11. You should get a bread maker, and make your own bread. We're gonna get a chakki soon make our own atta.
  12. What if someone asks you to do punj piare di seva, but you feel that you're not upto it, can you say no to that?
  13. He's amazing, first time I met him he went to touch my feet, knowing I'm like his son's age. I said ehda da paap na sir te lao jee, and gave him a huge hug. Hear so many stories from singhs about his funny visits in India.
  14. Daas, came across this shabad by Bhagat Jaidev jee who was born and bred in bengal, 2 of his shabads are included in Sree Guru Granth Saheb jee. The line first line of the shabad intrigued me and so I started to do vichaar on the shabad and do some research, what I found is that there have been claims that Bhagat Jaidev jee promoted Yoga through his shabads, which is incorrect because Guru Naanak Saheb jee also writes a similar shabad in the same raag about haTh yoga and breathing techniques. This intrigued me even more and prompted me to read what Bhai Saaheb Singh has to say about this, which made alot more sense. I'm gonna post both the shabad by Bhagatjee followed by the shabad by Gurujee. rwgu mwrU bwxI jYdyau jIau kI raag maaroo banee jaiday-o jee-o kee Raag Maaroo, The Word Of Jai Dayv Jee: <> siqgur pRswid ] ik-oNkaar satgur parsaad. One Universal Creator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: cMd sq ByidAw nwd sq pUirAw sUr sq KoVsw dqu kIAw ] chand sat bhaydi-aa naad sat poori-aa soor satkhorhsaa dat kee-aa. The breath is drawn in through the left nostril; it is held in the central channel of the Sushmanaa, and exhaled through the right nostril, repeating the Lord's Name sixteen times. Abl blu qoiVAw Acl clu QipAw AGVu GiVAw qhw Aipau pIAw ]1] abal baltorhi-aa achal chal thapi-aa agharh gharhi-aatahaa api-o pee-aa. ||1|| I am powerless; my power has been broken. My unstable mind has been stabliized, and my unadorned soul has been adorned. I drink in the Ambrosial Nectar. ||1|| mn Awid gux Awid vKwixAw ] man aad gun aad vakhaani-aa. Within my mind, I chant the Name of the Primal Lord God, the Source of virtue. qyrI duibDw idRsit sMmwinAw ]1] rhwau ] tayree dubiDhaa darisat sammaani-aa. ||1|| rahaa-o. My vision, that You are I are separate, has melted away. ||1||Pause|| AriD kau AriDAw sriD kau sriDAw sll kau slil sMmwin AwieAw ] araDh ka-o arDhi-aa saraDh ka-o sarDhi-aa salal ka-o salal sammaan aa-i-aa. I worship the One who is worthy of being worshipped. I trust the One who is worthy of being trusted. Like water merging in water, I merge in the Lord. bdiq jYdyau jYdyv kau rMimAw bRhmu inrbwxu ilv lIxu pwieAw ]2]1 badat jaiday-o jaidayv ka-o rammi-aa barahm nirbaan liv leen paa-i-aa. ||2||1|| Says Jai Dayv, I meditate and contemplate the Luminous, Triumphant Lord. I am lovingly absorbed in the Nirvaanaa of God. ||2||1|| Related shabd by sache patshah Guru Naanak Saheb jee: mwrU mhlw 1 ] maaroo mehalaa 1 || Maaroo, First Mehla: sUr sru sois lY som sru poiK lY jugiq kir mrqu su snbMDu kIjY ] soor sar sos lai som sar pokh lai jugath kar marath s sanaba(n)dhh keejai || Heat up the sun energy of the right nostril, and cool down the moon energy of the left nostril; practicing this breath-control, bring them into perfect balance. mIn kI cpl isau jugiq mnu rwKIAY aufY nh hMsu nh kMDu CIjY ]1] meen kee chapal sio jugath man raakheeai ouddai neh ha(n)s neh ka(n)dhh shheejai ||1|| In this way, the fickle fish of the mind will be held steady; the swan-soul shall not fly away, and the body-wall will not crumble. ||1|| mUVy kwiecy Brim Bulw ] moorrae kaaeichae bharam bhulaa || You fool, why are you deluded by doubt? nh cIinAw prmwnµdu bYrwgI ]1] rhwau ] neh cheeniaa paramaana(n)dh bairaagee ||1|| rehaao || You do not remember the detached Lord of supreme bliss. ||1||Pause|| Ajr ghu jwir lY Amr ghu mwir lY BRwiq qij Coif qau Aipau pIjY ] ajar gahu jaar lai amar gahu maar lai bhraath thaj shhodd tho apio peejai || Seize and burn the unbearable; seize and kill the imperishable; leave behind your doubts, and then, you shall drink in the Nectar. mIn kI cpl isau jugiq mnu rwKIAY aufY nh hMsu nh kMDu CIjY ]2] meen kee chapal sio jugath man raakheeai ouddai neh ha(n)s neh ka(n)dhh shheejai ||2|| In this way, the fickle fish of the mind will be held steady; the swan-soul shall not fly away, and the body-wall shall not crumble. ||2|| Bxiq nwnku jno rvY jy hir mno mn pvn isau AMimRqu pIjY ] bhanath naanak jano ravai jae har mano man pavan sio a(n)mrith peejai || Nanak humbly prays, if the Lord's humble servant dwells upon Him, in his mind of minds, with his every breath, then he drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar. mIn kI cpl isau jugiq mnu rwKIAY aufY nh hMsu nh kMDu CIjY ]3]9] meen kee chapal sio jugath man raakheeai ouddai neh ha(n)s neh ka(n)dhh shheejai ||3||9|| In this way, the fickle fish of the mind will be held steady; the swan-soul shall not fly away, and the body-wall shall not crumble. ||3||9|| This post is not to put down yoga but those who promote Yoga to be a part of Sikhi misuse and mis-pronounce the shabad by Bhagatjee. Guru Sahibans did not condemn Yoga. However, Yoga cannot be counted as a required ingredient in what makes a Sikh. Anyone who disputes this should first examine the history of the Ten Masters, or study Gurbani, like the shabd, "Paath purrhio ur beid beechario..." (Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, p.641-42). Just like hygiene, regular exercise, balanced diet, vitamins, Yoga is an activity that any sensible Sikh should explore and use, while being careful not to become obsessed with the bodily functions. For instance, a vegetarian diet, various simple forms of Pranayama, are very useful, and chastity is essential, to enable one for the higher energy of the Shabad. Guru Sahibans do not reject a healthy lifestyle through proper use of any science. Yoga helps create clarity of mind and a healthy body. A Sikh is to be in a position to help and serve others and he/she must be ready, physically, mentally, spiritually. Yoga is not part of sikhi, its only a form of physical/mental exercise. Spiritually, the amount of gurbani/simran/seva you do will be your only support and not how much Yoga you practiced. In brief, you can practice Yoga to enhance your physical/mental fitness, but in no way does sikhi preach it to be a way to become one with akaal purkh. Beloved of akaal purkh vaheguroo are not concerned with breathing techniques, advanced level yoga, or ridhi sidhi, they are in love and in tuned with akaal purkh vaheguroo through his creation. They are automatically blessed with these virtues by akaal purkh through love, humility, compassion, meditation. They understand hukam rajaaee chalna, that all is under the will and power of vaheguroo and that he controls everything so why try to control the breath, when its not in their control? They understand that he takes care of his creation and that he will provide them with nourishment and health. This is my perception on the shabad, in the first two lines of the shabad by Guru Naanak Saheb he is saying, listen O' Yogi you tell me by: "Heating up the sun energy of the right nostril, and cooling down the moon energy of the left nostril; practicing this breath-control, bringing them into perfect balance..." "in this way, the fickle fish of the mind will be held steady; the swan-soul shall not fly away, and the body-wall will not crumble. ||1|| ?" And then he answers no, you're wrong... "You fool, why are you deluded by doubt? You do not remember the detached Lord of supreme bliss. ||1||Pause||" And then explain how to truly get in link with akaal purkh... "Seize and burn the unbearable; seize and kill the imperishable; leave behind your doubts, and then, you shall drink in the Nectar." "In this way, the fickle fish of the mind will be held steady; the swan-soul shall not fly away, and the body-wall shall not crumble. ||2||" "Nanak humbly prays, if the Lord's humble servant dwells upon Him, in his mind of minds, with his every breath, then he drinks in the Ambrosial Nectar." And then finishes by saying... "In this way, the fickle fish of the mind will be held steady; the swan-soul shall not fly away, and the body-wall shall not crumble. ||3||9||" So according to this shabad by controlling the breath and trying all sorts of techniques of meditation brings only but doubt, and that you need to have the qualities of a true soul bride of love, compassion, truth, etc. to do improve your jeevan and to get closer and linked with akaal purkh vaaheguroo, the true way is through seeing him everywhere and ever remembering his name. Bhul chuk muaaf karnee.
  15. I'm gonna remove that 'I'm stupid' emoticon so you don't use it
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