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Posts posted by taboo

  1. Hi all,

    Before I explain my dream last night, jus a bit about myself coz people often say that dreams are often related to the events that happpen in our lives.

    Im a hindu brahmin engaged to a sikh. We were due to marry soon but in the last 5 months or so his father has said that we will not get his blessings coz Im not Sikh. So in May we made a trip to Punjab (his parents live in india and we live in new zealand).

    We tried to convince him but he has refused and has threatened to disown my my fiance. In the end b4 leaving my fiance took me to the golden temple and asked me to have faith in the gurus and that they will help us.

    Its been about 2 months since we got back but this thing with his father has been slowly eating away at us.

    we carry alot of hurt. Before I go to bed each night i say a prayer to lord shiva and the gurus.

    So now to my dream last night.

    Im seated on the floor in an empty place. In front of me is the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. I begin to open it up and read through it. Get to a certain page and the words are all in bold. Then this voice, a man's voice (i cant see anyone) reads to me and says

    1) marrying each other out of religion is not going to be easy

    2) you both must follow one god

    3) dont worry my child, come and see me, I will look after you both.

    then I woke up, even reliving the dream now gives me goosebumps pray.gif

    My questions are, the male voice that I heard, was it of one of the gurus or of shivas and when he says come and see me would that mean the gurudwaras. I have never touched the SGGS, only have seen in the gurudwaras.

    Of course I know theres no definite answer but I just thought that I might get some input from you guys.

    Thank you all in advance and please please just post back abt my dream and NOT abt the hindu sikh relationship.

  2. thanks for trying to point out what mann kaum layee meant, i hope thats what he or she meant.

    i agree with you that hey if you can use your kirpan to get out of a life threatening situation then by all means one should.

    quote: if your attached to your family, wealth and other worldley posessions then by all means beg your heart out wen the camras rollin

    but i strongly disagree with your statement as above. i DONT think that people who are begging in front of the camera are thinking about their wealth and possessions.

    these people are beheaded. this situation is not for me and you to talk about. unless we are in their shoes one cannot say what he or she is gonna do or what is it that they are thinking about. Those who die innocently should always be remembered in our prayers.

    once again, i only wanted some everyday life scenerios and mann kaum layee provided the gas station scenerio whch made sense.

    sorry to the original poster, didnt mean to steal your thread.

  3. quote: have you watched the news where in Iraq you see a video with two three terrorists making their hostages talk into a camera and basically beg for their lives? well a shashtardahari sikh(armed) would not be put in such a vulnerable position.

    im sorry but i dont think anyone can escape those terrorists in iraq even with a kirpan. there have been people who have survived but thats thanks to the military and other tactical stuff.

    also i was asking about the kirpan more along the lines of everyday life.

    the gas station idea makes sense.

    quote: the kirpan is not a janeoo or ritual thread worn by the brahmins

    dont get the point ur making here. i know that the kirpan isnt a thread :lol: . the ritual thread worn by the brahmins is not for protection so why compare it to the kirpan?

  4. The saree is one of the most beautiful costumes in the world. its an attire that celebrates women. IMO saree represents culture, has nothing to do with religion. a sikh is a sikh despite what he or she wears.

    btw, pardon my silly question :lol: but jus wanna know, i read in many threads that the kirpan is for protection (of course) so in times of danger would someone really use it? like i mean to hurt someone else?

    i can see how the ladies can use it (if theres a rapist) but what about the guys?

  5. Rajs,

    Your post did not provide opportunities to ponder and discuss sikh theology because you concluded that jesus was the only way to get to god.

    quoted from your original post

    'Therefore, Jesus alone can unite us to God the Father because he came from God the Father and returned to Him to prepare a place for us, so that we can be where He is today – the King of kings, and the Lord of lords'.

    A sikh is neither muslim or hindu, he or she is simply the seeker of truth.

    and they seem to maintain themselves as how god made them (like not cutting hair)

    And what makes them different from you n me is that they believe in the teachings of gurus.

    quote Not all religions can lead us to same God because there are fundamental differences – BIG ONES

    I disagree, the basic fundamentals of all religions are the same. to be good human beings, to be kind to our fellow people, to pray and to be spiritual. no religion teaches us to disrespect other religions, to murder, to cheat and i can keep going.

    Sure there are differences and the differences are what separates us as hindus, christians, muslims etc.

    QuoteGod, why did He create us? How we came to be? What happens after we die? Why I cannot do away with sin in my life? To whom am I accountable for my life? How can I relate to my Creator? What hope do I have to make myself stand before God, Does God care, etc. etc.?

    all religions not just christianity have answers to these questions.

  6. raj,

    well as one non sikh to another ( i do love my own religion blush.gif ), it seems to me from reading and learning about sikhi is that its one religion where, the gurus respected all other religions and were trying to spread the message that we are all one and that

    We may be on different paths (christianity, hinduism, islam, buddhism ) but ultimately we all are seeking one god.

    that i think is to be APPRECIATED.

    its great if you think that christianity is the religion that can get you closer to god but you cannot force that upon everyone else.

  7. Quoted from militant singh:

    "what i have pikced up and learned about hinduism is that thier rituals r worthless and mean nothing The hindu is blind the muslim has 1 eye - Guru Nanak"

    "why would a hindu come on this site"


    Sabre sword, this is what i was disappointed with, which made me post.

  8. to sabre sword,

    religion and faith is unique to every human being in this world, just because my fiance attends rituals in a place of worship that is different from his, does not make him less of a sikh than anyone else. even if it is against sikhs 'code of conduct'

    i read somewhere in this forum, that a sikh is a student of the gurus. if thats the case then my fiance is a SIKH.

    To be faithful to one religion and yet have the humanity to appreciate someone elses religion is a wonderful thing.

    I find it hard that the gurus will not bless my fiance when he prays for their blessings just because hes been attending hindu rituals.

    as for hinduism, im not from india where state support is needed for a religion to thrive. i was brought in a multicultural society where theres temples and gurudwaras in abundance. where the hindu and sikh communities respect each other and continue to grow in their own ways.

    l am sure that hinduism has its flaws and in no way is perfect but in relation to the original post of this thread, i was disappointed that it was called 'stupid' because some sikhs applied a tilak.

  9. if i have offended anyone, im really sorry.

    in the original post, i felt like the sister was asking for an practical answer rather than a religious one so i gave my opinion.

    the reply came straight from my heart as one female to another.

    like i said, sometimes our happiness is in our own hands. we can either stay depressed or do something about it.

    and no waxing does not make it worse, my friends mother started experiencing facial hair upon reaching menopause. once waxed it lasts for 6 to 8 weeks and then u will have to do it again. in due time hair regrowth is reduced.

    ( i know, i know, before you guys start going off , its the ultimate sin to remove hair i know. just answering someones question)

    like i said before no offense to anybody.

  10. Hi ,

    My parents often say to me that God only helps those who help themselves. I strongly believe that if something is making you so sad and in this case you know so clearly what it exactly is, you should do something.

    there are so many people out there who get depressed and not know why.

    its well known that facial hair is a possible side effect of being on the pill. some ladies gain weight and get depressed as well.

    waxing is the best solution. surely facial hair is not worth your happiness. like u said what about your future, your marriage.

    you wouldnt want to be second guessing yourself with your partner.

    whether we like it or not, it is a superficial world. we get judged everyday.

    also moving away from your parents will only bring distance, thy will never stop worrying about you. its just what parents do best.

    our faith marks our religion, it should be no grounds for misery.

    take care.

  11. to those who think that hinduism is b**ls**t. what a small minded group of people ....... i feel sad for most of you who think that the hindus are out there to get you.

    this is a youth forum, is this what you want to teach your youth? "shoot those who adopt stupid hindu rituals" is this what your gurus taught you?

    i am a hindu brahmin, mu future husband to be is sikh. i love my religion and my fiance loves his. everynight and morning, we pray to the vaheguru (your gurus), and there is a certain peace and calm that comes over us. and yes my fiance comes to my temples takes part in the so called stupid hindu rituals.

    we both love and respect both our religions.

    but after reading this forum all i can say is that even though im not sikh by religion, i think respect sikhi more than some of you do.

    hinduism, is one of the oldest religion in the world. it has no need to preach or get people involved to grow its numbers. if you guys so upset about why the tilak was applied why dont you try to get to the publisher of the photo, and found out why and where it happened. and why dont you write to them about your disgust?

    at this day and age, people have bigger problems in the world, aids and poverty and heres the sikhi youth of the future debating over the STUPID hindu tilak as in their own words....

    respect to the gurus who only preached love.

  12. Hey Janet, sorry to hear about whats going on. what you have mentioned is too common a story tht happens in the indian culture as a whole. its pathetic.

    the indian culture is such that, kids are brought NEVER to disrespect their parents.

    we are often told that decisions will be made for us when the time is right.

    these parents, aspire to give their children everything and that includes finding the right person for them to marry. if you do fall in love with another race or caste, often you are almost disowned untill you give them up. some mothers even threaten to kill themselves.

    indian parents lack faith and respect in their own children, this is why they cannot accept the choices that the children make.

    think about it, afterall. it is us who is going to live with our partners for the next 50 years or so, so why cant we have a say in it?

    it is all in your boyfriends hands to make them agree, im not saying that he should leave them for you, but he has to make them understand why he is in love with you and give them a chance to see who you are (have you met them yet?)

    its sad that so many hearts get broken carelessly because of our culture.

    take care.

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