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Everything posted by arblev

  1. I study religions as I find they all have valuable lessons and during one of those periods I recognized that the bracelet a certain client of mine wears on his right wrist is a kara. I asked him if that was indeed what it was, and he said yes and told me the meaning of it. I told him that was what I heard it meant and that the idea of it is utterly beautiful to me, even though I am Christian. He said that Sikhs generally do not mind if others wear the kara respectfully and that the next time I saw him he would give me my own, which really touched me- he wears the really thick iron type In light of that, I was wondering what the best way to get familiar enough with Sikhism to honor his gesture. I'm not sure where to start with the scripture or if I should attend a temple service. Any help in pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated, everything I've heard of Sikhism has sounded wonderful, but I'd like to go deeper
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