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Everything posted by Kira

  1. those theme parks were hilarious. The amount of people dancing around like they were in heaven is pretty amusing sight. Though Kabaddi in the villages is just as homoerotic. A bunch of guys in pants wrestling around in the mud...oh dear.
  2. So Sant Ji were all liars in your book. That's what they did according to you. So what you're doing is calling the Santhiya and Gyan of Guru Gobind Singh Ji as being dishonest? I'm still waiting for you to provide me with the Carbon dated texts dating back to the age of Satyug.
  3. And Who gave him that Name, wait for it...it was humans....after he asserted he was God. All names are traced back to God, not the other way around. Anyone with half a brain can see that. No pracharik has done that, That's the Sanithya taught by Guru Gobind Singh Ji that the Taksal is teaching, that every Brahmgyani teaches. According to you all of them are wrong. What a creature you are. Are they all liars in your book? No it's not. History is what's written by humans, not the History Guru Sahib taught. If you want to argue history then lets do so. The Vedas themselves are constantly changed, infact the ones written now are completely different from when they were first prescribed. So please find the texts that existed during Satyug because the tradition was always oral and the oldest ones are traced back to a couple of hundred years BC. Again with this stale and stupid argument. The only way it has infinite meaning is if you look at it from the glass of Gurmat. Which you cant since you've never even read Gurbani clearly. The fact that Chaupai Sahib calls people who consider Shiva as lord as being "High fools" is evidence of that. An atheist can play around with Gurbani to mean that its nothing more than metaphors for knowledge and that God isn't real. I guess they're right too. I'm the one changing it? this is the Santhiya and arths taught by Guru Gobind Singh Ji to the taksal, these are the arths given by Brahmgyanis. None of it is my own interpretation. So are they all liars? So Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji is dishonest? So Sant Jarnail Singh JI is dishonest as well? So every Mahapurkh who stated the facts such as Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh Ji are they all dishonest? all you've done here is show you're nothing more than a cretin who's lying through his teeth. The fact of the matter is your Lord Shiva is nothing more than a beggar at the Doors of the Mahapurkhs as he's lost in Maya like everyone else. Vishnu is the same and Brahma is the same. Fact. Written and penned by the 10th Master. I've shown you the Gurbani, I've shown you Katha by Mahapurkhs. So i'll ask you a direct question, are they all liars?
  4. There's a MaccyDs near Darbar Sahib? Well that's news to me and I now know the next stop after Darbar Sahib for me
  5. No he isn't. That's just your idiocy talking, Now you're calling him a liar again saying he'll lie to appease people. Really how disgusting are you. He flat out says Vishnu proclaimed he was God and that was completely bang out of order. You're argument is based around a word, a word that's used so commonly in the world its unreal. The word is used for literally any form of honorific. You've yet to post a Katha where he says "oh yeah Vishnu is amazing and not indulging in Maya" because reality check. That's a load of tosh. You're free to go and pray to him, but you'll be stuck in the same Vicious cycle of life and death. No you don't. They serve him, they came to his Darbar because they're weak and powerless without him, because he's far above them, He is the King and they are the paupers just like all of us. He holds Gurbani at the highest, stop dragging Mahapurkhs names into things without even having any proof, your proof is they visited his Darbar, so what? So did countless other people, all of whom needed Sant Ji to help them, So thank you for further proving the point the Devta are lost in Maya. Find me where he flat out says that Vishnu should be worshipped. You wont because he never said it, He said Guru Nanak Dev Ji is Supreme.
  6. Are you really that desperate to have sikhs bow to Devtas. I never said Vishnu was useless, I said he was lost in Maya. Which he is. He does his duties but Gurbani has called him lost in Maya. End of story. Go and argue with Guru Sahib on that. Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji confirms this, go and call him a liar. No Bhagwan doesn't mean Sargun form of Waheguru. What the actual hell lol. Bhagwan Vishnu was simply his title, which Sant Ji used. Sant Ji is more than happy to call out the failings of the Trinity. He calls Shiva as being Shiv-Ji, also a mark of honorifics and a title. Yet here he openly criticises Shiva as well. He already calls that tongue like yours cursed who claim that Shiva is in any ways above Guru Sahib and that he even asked him for blessings. Even more he further says that Devtas like Shiva (yes that includes Vishnu) are of no importance to Sikhs and subordinate to true Gursikhs. http://www.gurmatveechar.com/audios/Katha/01_Puratan_Katha/Sant_Jarnail_Singh_(Bhindran_wale)/Dasam_Granth_Viakhya/Sant.Jarnail.Singh--Dasam.Granth.Viakhya--Ab.Main.Apni.Katha.Bakhano.(part1).mp3 He confirms what I just said there. But you'll ignore that I bet. You're actually so cursed you're claiming that Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji and Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh Ji are liars and you're right? No Sant Isher Singh Ji wasn't named after Shiva. That's just your stupidity talking. Isher is referring to God in this context not Shiva. Yes they did visit Sant Ji's darbar, because they were subordinate to him. They were thirsting for the darshan of a true Mahapurkh as being in their presence is where they accumulate their powers. lol. So much for being Brahmgyanis, they need true Gursikhs to do anything. Them coming to his Darbar further proves my point at how much lower they are to Brahmgyanis who are Akaal themselves. Please present Evidence from Gurbani that the Trinity aren't lost in Maya. Thank you. I've presented evidence upon evidence of various Mahapurkhs all saying the Trinity are within Maya, this is once again this dude's lame way to promote some Hindu propaganda. In this entire thread he has yet to provide any reliable source and thus far all he's done is grasped for straws by saying "because a certain word was used it means Sikhs should bow to the Devtas" IN this thread alone he's insulted Guru Pita Guru Gobind Singh Ji and the intelligence of Various Mahapurkhs. He considers himself infallible. If you want to go and fall at their feet and beg them for stuff then do so. No one here will stop you. But don't drag Sikhi into it. If you have proper hardcore evidence then I'm all ears, otherwise you're grasping for straws and it couldn't be more obvious you know next to nothing about Sikhi since you're using the names of God (that were handed to the Devtas by others) to say Sikhs are followers/adherents of them. The same stale argument used by the Hindu=Sikh brigade. If the words of Mahapurkhs and Scholars aren't something you can swallow and you think they're wrong then there's no hope for you.
  7. ehh not sure if that was directed at me or the gentlemen in the OP. I was referring to the US as a whole, I'm well aware it doesn't apply to government buildings.
  8. http://www.vidhia.com/Bhai Randheer Singh Ji/Unditthi-duniya.pdf This is Bhai Sahib Ji's words on the topic of the trinity, this is the punjabi translation too. https://www.scribd.com/doc/276107862/Andithi-Duniya-Randhir-Singh-Punjabi This is also Bhai Sahib Ji's words about how the Vedas lack Divinity too. http://www.vidhia.com/Bhai Randheer Singh Ji/Is-bowing-to-Guru-Granth-Sahib-Ji-akin-to-idol-worship.pdf The Punjabi translation is here too. http://www.gurmatveechar.com/books/Punjabi_Books/Bhai_Sahib_Bhai_Randhir_Singh/Ki.Shri.Guru.Granth.Sahib.Ji.Di.Puja.But.Prasti.Hai.by.Bhai.Randhir.Singh.(GurmatVeechar.com).pdf Sant Gurbachan Singh Ji on the trinity being affected with Maya. http://www.gurmatveechar.com/audios/Katha/01_Puratan_Katha/Sant_Gurbachan_Singh_(Bhindran_wale)/Guru_Granth_Sahib_Larivaar_Katha/Volume_05_Ang_0347-0462/042--Sant.Gurbachan.Singh.(Bhindran.wale)--Raag.Aasaa--Ang-394%2B395.mp3 I've posted Gurbani and words of Mahapurkhs, They're far above the trinity, far above me . Are they wrong and shallow? My depth of Gurbani comes from them. IN this thread alone you've made accusations on Guru Gobind Singh Ji being less of a brahmgyani than Shiva (who isn't even one in the first place), You said Gurbani isn't Yugo Yug attal. IN this thread alone you've insulted Guru Sahib more times than anyone, yet you'll level the accusation that we're shallow. By your posts you've never even touched Gurbani yet you have the audacity to call others as being superficial. The hell? lmao. So focusing on a non-biased account written by Guru Gobind Singh Ji is suddenly me calling myself all knowing? There's positives in everyone and negatives too. Why should Sikhs ignore the negatives and say they're Divine when that's a load of tosh according to Gurbani. I've quoted the Dasam Granth here. Bachittar Natak is history, why would it be in poetic form? Guru Sahib flat out states it in no small words. That whole argument is ludicrous. NO one's arguing Gurbani isn't vast, but if you're not even looking at it through a Gurmukh lense then you're basically going to draw the wrong conclusions and provide false arths. An athiest can sit and read Gurbani and say that E-On-ankar refers to Nature and not the Divine supreme. Are you going to argue that Arth is fine and God isn't real? You're entire pretext is based on you taking some arths and trying to spin them into Gurbani telling Sikhs something that is not.
  9. Live in the UK so a bit unwise to American culture but don't you guys have the right to bear arms?
  10. your understanding is about Sikhism is about as good as a fundamental Christians. You've openly said that Guru Granth Sahib Ji is wrong about Druv, you said that Shiva was a Senior Brahmgyani (lol btw) to Akaal Purkh's light Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Just how much Nindya will you do. You're so rooted in your own twisted views you'd even call Guru Gobind SIngh Ji's bani as being incomplete? He said those people who abandon the Vedas are the ones who found God. You're the one calling Guru Sahib inferior to others and seem to think you're a Brahmgyani. I congratulate you. This has to be the stupidest thing you've written thus far, Guru Sahib said the Vedas/all texts should be abandoned. No they were never the whole truth, the ones who left them found god. The ones who didn't remained in Maya's grasp. Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh Ji even stated that Vedas lack Godly qualities. Guru Gobind Singh Ji said those who followed it left the grace of God. What more proof do you want? Yes the Vedas said name of God is above all but stating it isn't the same as it being the revealed form of the Shabad Guru. I can write that on a piece of paper, am I right about what I wrote? yes. Is that paper the word of God suddenly? nope. Guru Gobind Singh Ji told sikhs not to follow the Puranas, because they're false. Do you not read Chaupai Sahib? have you not even read Chaubis Avatar?
  11. Guru Sahib already went through them and corrected them, he also said sikhs should follow them so please. Read Dasam Granth, Bhai Sahib Bhai Gurdas Ji already wrote the story and Vishnu isn't the person Druv worshipped. Seems like you enjoy following Puranas over Purtan Sources. What an amazing Sikh who puts more faith in other Granth than his own religions.
  12. It did he said a while ago that Akaal has infinite forms. He's just outed himself as a troll. Either that or he's really thick. I'll go with the former.
  13. No it wasn't the Vedas. Nice try but Guru Gobind Singh Ji said those who abandoned the Vedas found god. ਜਿਨ ਮਤਿ ਬੇਦ ਕਤੇਬਨ ਤਿਆਗੀ ॥ Jin Mati Beda Kateban Tiaagee ॥ जिन मति बेद कतेबन तिआगी ॥ ਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਕੇ ਭੇ ਅਨੁਰਾਗੀ ॥ Paarabarhama Ke Bhe Anuraagee ॥ पारब्रहम के भए अनुरागी ॥ Those who abandoned the path of the Vedas and Katebs, they became the devotees of the Lord. That's the Hindu version of the story. Why would you believe that? He gained the Gurmantar from Guru Sahib, no one else. He wasn't an adherent of Vishnu, not by a long shot. He worshiped the Primordial Lord, not someone enslaved by Maya, it seems you've spent more time learning from Hindus than Tat Gurmukhs. Prahlad was saved because God ordered Vishnu to incarnated and save him. Why call the tool that breaks the nut the force behind it?
  14. No it wasn't the Vedas. Nice try but Guru Gobind Singh Ji said those who abandoned the Vedas found god. ਜਿਨ ਮਤਿ ਬੇਦ ਕਤੇਬਨ ਤਿਆਗੀ ॥ Jin Mati Beda Kateban Tiaagee ॥ जिन मति बेद कतेबन तिआगी ॥ ਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਕੇ ਭੇ ਅਨੁਰਾਗੀ ॥ Paarabarhama Ke Bhe Anuraagee ॥ पारब्रहम के भए अनुरागी ॥ Those who abandoned the path of the Vedas and Katebs, they became the devotees of the Lord. That's the Hindu version of the story. Why would you believe that? He gained the Gurmantar from Guru Sahib, no one else. He wasn't an adherent of Vishnu, not by a long shot. He worshiped the Primordial Lord, not someone enslaved by Maya, it seems you've spent more time learning from Hindus than Tat Gurmukhs. Prahlad was saved because God ordered Vishnu to incarnated and save him. Why call the tool that breaks the nut the force behind it?
  15. No one needs to write the Shabad Guru, The Shabad means word. The Word has existed since the start of time since all of creation came from it, The Shabad Guru was there. The Shabad was simply Gupt except for those with the pure hearts. People like Bhagat Prahlad Ji all unlocked it due to their pious nature. Again how do you not know this?
  16. What would I fear? I'm not scared of Durga. Heck, I may as well go out and say it I've had Darshan of her. The fact you don't even know what her name meant yet you consider her Supreme is really hilarious. Calling a Sikh "Amrit Singh" doesn't make him "Amrit" same way calling Durga as Durga wont make her invincible. capish?
  17. According to Guru Sahib it's still ongoing into Kalyug and will still be on going. Read Bachitar Natek for god sake. Chaubis Avatar makes it clear they'll be within Maya as even Nikalki Avatar will fall before her.
  18. The name Durga has countless Arths. At the beginning of the bani he even states that she was created by God to kill the Asura, the same style of writing is prevalent in Chaubis Avatar. Durga in that context meant the "the invincible" or the undestroy-able. Durga Devi is destroy-able, that is a reference to Akaal as that Bani also has a hidden second layer of message He existed in the Shabad Guru form. The truth that's always been there. Only difference is in Kalyug that Shabad Guru took the form of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, this is basic knowledge. For someone claiming to come here and calling all of us as being sikhs in name, the fact you don't know this is rather astounding.
  19. There are millions of Vishnus, Shivas and Brahmas, all doing their jobs. Yes they are still attached to Maya, they will be because that's Guru Sahib's Hukam. Gurbani stated they are, that type of logic can be applied to anything and anyone. They've not overcome it in Satyug, Treta and Dwaypur. They have no chance in Kalyug until they forsake their own egos, Which is when Guru Gobind SIngh Ji came into the Earth and he stated that this is why following them is wrong. So yes they still are. Guru Nanak Dev Ji is Sargun Roop of Akaal Purkh, He HAS always existed. He provided Gurmat to the truth Bhagats in all the ages. Bhagat Prahlad, Bhagat Dhanna Ji, Bhagat Kabir Ji ALL learned from Guru Nanak Dev Ji as he's always been around as he is Akaal Roop. Correct. But they'll never claim to God as the Trinity do. They are God themselves so they know the limits of God anyways, that's their nimrita talking, and one thing they never do is point fingers at other Brahmgyanis as they are beyond that. So as Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir singh Ji said, the Trinity aren't Brahmgyanis because Maya controls them and they are bound to her and not to God as Gurmukhs are. No I am not. I'm pointing out how you're so lost in your own little world you're ignoring the Gurbani that criticizes and tells Sikhs not to fall into the same trap as them. The Guru in all the ages has been Guru Nanak Dev Ji. The True Brahmgyanis also existed but the Trinity aren't them. Please listen to this Katha on the failings of the Trinity given by examples and how Maya has ensnared them. http://www.gurmatveechar.com/audios/Katha/01_Puratan_Katha/Sant_Gurbachan_Singh_(Bhindran_wale)/Guru_Granth_Sahib_Larivaar_Katha/Volume_05_Ang_0347-0462/042--Sant.Gurbachan.Singh.(Bhindran.wale)--Raag.Aasaa--Ang-394%2B395.mp3 Sant Ji is a Brahmgyani and if he believes the Trinity are ensnared by Maya then so do I. Just as it's written in Gurbani. So you can either call him a liar or agree with him.
  20. No he does not. Now you're doing Nindya, read Uniditi Duniya, he outright says that Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva can't understand the lord. Any true Brahmgyani is one with the lord so he always understands the Lord. So no they are not brahmgyanis. ਤੇ ਹਮ ਤਮਕਿ ਤਨਿਕ ਮੋ ਖਾਪੇ ॥ Te Hama Tamaki Tanika Mo Khaape ॥ ते हम तमकि तनक मो खापे ॥ ਤਿਨ ਕੀ ਠਉਰ ਦੇਵਤਾ ਥਾਪੇ ॥ Tin Kee Tthaur Devataa Thaape ॥ तिन की ठउर देवता थापे ॥ I destroyed them in no time and created gods in their place. ਤੇ ਭੀ ਬਲਿ ਪੂਜਾ ਉਰਝਾਏ ॥ Te Bhee Bali Poojaa Aurjhaaee ॥ ते भी बलि पूजा उरझाए ॥ ਆਪਨ ਹੀ ਪਰਮੇਸੁਰ ਕਹਾਏ ॥੭॥ Aapan Hee Parmesur Kahaaee ॥7॥ आपन ही परमेसुर कहाए ॥७॥ They were also absorbed in the worship of power and called themselves Ominipotednt.7. ਮਹਾਦੇਵ ਅਚੁਤ ਕਹਵਾਯੋ ॥ Mahaadev Achuta Kahavaayo ॥ महादेव अचु्त कहायो ॥ ਬਿਸਨ ਆਪ ਹੀ ਕੋ ਠਹਰਾਯੋ ॥ Bisan Aapa Hee Ko Tthaharaayo ॥ बिसन आप ही को ठहिरायो ॥ Mahadeo (Shiva) was called Achyuta (blotless), Vishnu considered himself the Supreme. ਬ੍ਰਹਮਾ ਆਪ ਪਾਰਬ੍ਰਹਮ ਬਖਾਨਾ ॥ Barhamaa Aapa Paarabarhama Bakhaanaa ॥ ब्रहमा आप पारब्रहम बखाना ॥ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੋ ਪ੍ਰਭੂ ਨ ਕਿਨਹੂੰ ਜਾਨਾ ॥੮॥ Parbha Ko Parbhoo Na Kinhooaan Jaanaa ॥8॥ प्रभ को प्रभू न किनहूं जाना ॥८॥ Brahma called himself Para Brahman, none could comprehend the Lord.8.
  21. No they are not. What Brahmgyani in the world is enslaved by maya. Brahmgyanis are beyond the influences of Maya, The Trinity are not. You're ripping Gurbani apart, that entire first is reference to the trinity being subordinate to Maya, Maya in the context of Gurbani within Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is ALWAYS an enchantress who leads men astray. Guru Gobind Singh Ji already said the Devta (the trinity in fact) are nothing more than power-worshipers who told people to worship them as God, are you going to deny that? Brahmgyanis don't worship power nor do they tell people to bow to them. Bhai Maharaj Singh Ji used to make sure no one touched his feet, to the point when someone did he had that person hunted down and then he touched that persons feet. Please stop doing Nindya of Brahmgyanis. ਆਸਾ ਮਹਲਾ ੫ ॥ आसा महला ५ ॥ Āsā mėhlā 5. Aasaa, Fifth Mehl: ਮਾਥੈ ਤ੍ਰਿਕੁਟੀ ਦ੍ਰਿਸਟਿ ਕਰੂਰਿ ॥ माथै त्रिकुटी द्रिसटि करूरि ॥ Māthai ṯarikutī ḏarisat karūr. A frown creases her forehead, and her look is evil. ਬੋਲੈ ਕਉੜਾ ਜਿਹਬਾ ਕੀ ਫੂੜਿ ॥ बोलै कउड़ा जिहबा की फूड़ि ॥ Bolai ka▫uṛā jihbā kī fūṛ. Her speech is bitter, and her tongue is rude. ਸਦਾ ਭੂਖੀ ਪਿਰੁ ਜਾਨੈ ਦੂਰਿ ॥੧॥ सदा भूखी पिरु जानै दूरि ॥१॥ Saḏā bẖūkẖī pir jānai ḏūr. ||1|| She is always hungry, and she believes her Husband to be far away. ||1|| ਐਸੀ ਇਸਤ੍ਰੀ ਇਕ ਰਾਮਿ ਉਪਾਈ ॥ ऐसी इसत्री इक रामि उपाई ॥ Aisī isṯarī ik rām upā▫ī. Such is Maya, the woman, which the One Lord has created. ਉਨਿ ਸਭੁ ਜਗੁ ਖਾਇਆ ਹਮ ਗੁਰਿ ਰਾਖੇ ਮੇਰੇ ਭਾਈ ॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ उनि सभु जगु खाइआ हम गुरि राखे मेरे भाई ॥ रहाउ ॥ Un sabẖ jag kẖā▫i▫ā ham gur rākẖe mere bẖā▫ī. Rahā▫o. She is devouring the whole world, but the Guru has saved me, O my Siblings of Destiny. ||Pause|| ਪਾਇ ਠਗਉਲੀ ਸਭੁ ਜਗੁ ਜੋਹਿਆ ॥ पाइ ठगउली सभु जगु जोहिआ ॥ Pā▫e ṯẖag▫ulī sabẖ jag johi▫ā. Administering her poisons, she has overcome the whole world. ਬ੍ਰਹਮਾ ਬਿਸਨੁ ਮਹਾਦੇਉ ਮੋਹਿਆ ॥ ब्रहमा बिसनु महादेउ मोहिआ ॥ Barahmā bisan mahāḏe▫o mohi▫ā. She has bewitched Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. ਗੁਰਮੁਖਿ ਨਾਮਿ ਲਗੇ ਸੇ ਸੋਹਿਆ ॥੨॥ गुरमुखि नामि लगे से सोहिआ ॥२॥ Gurmukẖ nām lage se sohi▫ā. ||2|| Only those Gurmukhs who are attuned to the Naam are blessed. ||2|| What more do you want? A brahmgyani that's enchanted and will die? never heard of that since Brahmgyanis are always alive and never feel the wrath of Death. The Trinity will. So here's your choice. Either accept Guru Sahib's blessed Raag that shows the Trinity are corrupt or stay within your own manmat and challenge Gurbani. If you feel the translations are off I can do one for you too.
  22. By that Logic so are you. You're Akaal in Sargun form, so let's all bow to you too.
  23. What a load of tosh. He never pays respect to Shiva, never once. Shiva's brahmgyan is limited and narrow. What Brahmgyani calls himself God? I've never heard of it. Never has a Sant said he's God and that we should worship him. Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva are all one of MILLIONS doing that, there isn't 1 of them but billions upon billions. Read the Brahmgyani Astphadi in Sukhmani Sahib, Shiva looks for Brahmgyanis, he isn't one. Devtas are extremely Jealous of human life as it is. Why would Guru Gobind singh Ji (Akaal Purkh himself) pay respect or even bow before any of the trinity. He's so far above them words can't even describe it. Shiva used in that context is referring to "Destroyer Lord" not to Shiva the Yogi. Learn some proper Gurmat before spewing nonsense like this. I already know their role in the universe. How do I know? Because Guru Sahib told me through Gurbani, something you clearly don't read. Where have I bashed them? I said their egotistical, which is written in Gurmat, I said their lost in Maya which they are, as stated in Gurbani. The only Sargun form of Akaal Purkh that ever existed is Guru Nanak Dev Ji, no one else has come even close to it. The Devta have their duties, but calling them the Sargun form of Akaal is the same as saying you and I are. No one's bashed any Devtas. All of us have stated what's in Tat Gurmat. You love to throw the word Nindya around, Guru Gobind Singh Ji refers to Krishna and Rama as being insects. Wow I guess that's Nindya too, Guru Sahib also states that Durga claims to be Ad Bhavani but during the time of true Mukhti she hides her face as she has no power to do anything. Wow More Nindya. I gained my knowledge from Purtan Brahmgyanis, Bhai Sahib Bhai Randhir Singh Ji also states that Vishnu, Brahma, Shiva are so far below Guru Sahib its beyond words. The same Devtas you want to smash your head for are the same ones who beg at Guru Gobind Singh Ji's door, the same Devtas are nothing more than his servants. Nindya is stating Falsehood, if stating Gurbani is falsehood then im fine being a Nindaak. The highlighted above is a sign that you have no idea what you're saying. No true Sikh would dare say anyone is Above Guru Sahib in anything.
  24. Sure I'm lost. I'm willing to accept it, but I'm not going around calling myself God. In that respect I differ from Devtas. If you're going to be snarky at-least be a bit more subtle about it. All I've done is stated what Guru Gobind Singh Ji wrote in his bani, if that's a bitter pill to swallow for you then so be it.
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