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Posts posted by ChardikalaUK

  1. 11 hours ago, californiasardar1 said:


    The vast majority of "Sikh" women already choose mates in this way. You say it is not a big problem in Punjab yet, but it is. Most "Sikh" women in Punjab will only marry "Sikhs" with haircuts and/or trimmed beards.


    Whether it happens to be a "mona Sikh" or a Hindu or a Muslim or a Christian or whatever makes no difference to me.

    There are a lot of Keshdhari Sikhs who do not want to marry a woman who wears a keski and doesn't trim her body hair.

  2. On 01/02/2021 at 4:53 PM, AjeetSingh2019 said:

    sometimes I feel its all mind games. I have seen comment section on sikh related articles of some of these English newspapers like the daily mail . I notice how the commenters usually say nice thing about sikhs which gets lot of likes , indicating others think likewise. Some even say Sikhs did a lot for us in WW1 and WW2 . 

    And I am like "WWTF did your gorey buggggers did for us ? you left us in a travesty" 

    Its all mind games, a cliched image being created and our dimwit people (sorry) keep falling for it . 

    I would say one more thing  : Don't go overt now in your anti-british hate lol. Like the vandalizing with "Sepoys no more" that happened few years back on a sikh monument. RATHER , milk the pro-sikh sentiments among english people to your benefit . And exploit such that they don't know they're being manipulated . Keep giving freebies like road langars, but ALWAYS make sure you get 10x or atleast 5x the returns on it ?

    syaane bano , become cunning and deceiving . If noble principles helped us, we wouldn't be in this situation 


    EDIT -- 

    at the end of the day our enemies gonna paint us in bad light anyways, so why not earn the stigma by actually doing it 

    The difference is that they came to Punjab as conquerors and we came here as beggars.

  3. 18 hours ago, imhosingh said:

    why not ask a bird, ant or monkey whether god is 'capitalist' or 'communist'? If you could speak to them, they'd think you were mad. Humans are the only creatures that pay to eat, drink and have shelter...have a think about that. Just because you've been brought up to think a 'madness' is normal and natural and accepted by most, doesn't mean it actually is

    Do you think they could even comprehend such a thing?

    Are Sikhs from Punjab running away to North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam or to the UK, USA, Australia, Canada?

  4. 17 hours ago, scali said:

    We are three brothers married to women from Sikh families with similar experiences, mostly negative with these women. Their side of families can come over stay for weeks while when our sides show up attitudes start flying. So I have stopped giving Spiritual meaning to Grasth Jivan. Three similar Sikh women experiences is enough data.

    Its not an uncommon scenario. Is your wife and your brothers wives from India? Also do you all live together?

  5. This thread smacks of hypocrisy. Sikhs are the most obsessed with going abroad out of all communities in India. Often using illegal methods. Travelling through dangerous South American jungles, Mexican deserts, hiding in wheel compartments of aeroplanes, going to fake colleges. All just to get to Amreeka or Inglaand. 

    A lot will make up excuses that they are being oppressed in India, but thats nonsense, its all for material gain. They are not fleeing Iraq, Syria, Rwanda.

    What do these unparh illegals do in the West? 10 of them live in one house, they continue their heavy drinking and drugs, harass local Sikh girls. Are they enriching the countries they move to?

    We are the bhaiyas of the west.


  6. 15 hours ago, puzzled said:

    Haven't watched the video, but I don't think it's true. One my cousin's back in the 90s was involved in gangs. He even had a gun when we went around their house back in the days. God knows how many women he has been with! He once told me he "im not racist when it comes to women, I dont discriminate" I know he was with a Muslim woman when he came out of jail.

    On the other hand, his father was pushed around by his wife his whole life! He's the kind of guy who is really quite and only talks after he's had a few drinks. He spent most his evenings in the pub, to get away from his wife and kids!  

    Depends on how society defines alpha. There are some quite men, have never hurt a fly, yet they've got absolute command over their wife, kids and whatever goes on in the house ... 

    He sounds like a real pillar of society. What's he up to these days?

  7. 9 hours ago, dharamyudh said:

    I honestly do not know. In the past, the panth was our only true identity. Now, we have people saying "I am Indian before Sikh." Furthermore,  no one really understands the Sikh psyche other than Sikhs and I feel like the Indian government used that to their advantage (KPS Gill and other "Sikhs").   


    Look at how fall we have fallen. Reading historical texts such as Akali Baba Rattan Singh Bhangu's Sri Gur Panth Parkash, you could see the unity of the Sikhs. It was the panth against everybody else! We had no other identity we pledged allegiance to. We had our own brethren committed atrocities against their own community. 

    There have always been traitors in our midst.

    I think some Sikhs even fought alongside the British in the Anglo Sikh wars.

  8. 22 hours ago, ipledgeblue said:

    well not really. Even Guru Hargobind ji and Guru Gobind Singh had guns. so why did they still use swords and have Singhs wear kirpaana?

    Guns run out of bullets too!

    Do you know how guns used to operate in those days? They were extremely slow, often you'd have to reload after every single shot. 

    Today you have high power hand guns and machine guns with large cartridges and high rates of fire. Welcome to the 21st century.

  9. He was just a front for the Italian Sonia Maino so there wasn't much he could do of his own accord. 

    He's a quiet and highly educated man, a combination that isn't appreciated by the dumb Indian masses. They would rather have a loudmouth illiterate tea boy as their leader. Sikhs aren't any better in this regard.

  10. 21 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

    He's no good for us (Sikhs). BUT if I were in HIS shoes, I'd be doing the same to protect my people from the obvious Islamic threat. Of course, if I were a Muslim then I'd be doing everything to advance my cause at the expense of Hindus. That's how the game works. It's one big mess, lol.

    Exactly. Its human nature. If Christian missionaries became even more powerful in Punjab you can bet your bottom dollar that Sikhs would a Sikh version of Modi to stand up to them.

  11. The only reason for the rise of Hindutuva is the threat Hindus feel from Muslims. If Hindus did what Sikhs did in 1947 - get rid of all Muslims from their areas then no one would care about or vote for the likes of Modi. In Pakistan they dont have a right wing Islamic party because there is no threat from another religious group. The muslim league collapsed for this reason, no Hindus to fight against.

    Look at it from a Hindu's perspective - the Muslims got their own countries Pakistan and Bangladesh, pretty much all Hindus were removed from Pakistan in 1947 and the number of Hindus in Bangladesh has decreased a lot.

    However despite getting Pakistan and Bangladesh, a whopping one third of all subcontinent Muslims remained in India and they have been breeding like rabbits going from 9% of the population in 1947 to 14% today. Put simply the Muslims got their cake and ate it. They were the number one benefactors of partition.

    Pakistan has Sharia Law which prevents non muslims to marry Muslim women or convert them, a non Muslim can never be Prime Minister in Pakistan. So this is how Muslims behave when in a majority. What will happen if Muslims keep growing in numbers in India. Look what they did in Kashmir, kicked out all of the minorities.

    There are also many cases of love jihad where muslim men seduce hindu women for conversion. This is the over confidence and aggression of Muslims, they do this even when in a minority.

    The Hindus have simply had enough of muslim aggression and the only way they can fight back is through Hindutva and the likes of Modi instead of muslim appeasement like Gandhi and Nehru, it's basic survival.

    I'm no fan of Modi at all but you can't blame Hindus for voting for him. He seems to be the only one who is standing up against Muslims.

  12. Its not just the numbers it's the quality. Muslims are always at the bottom of multicultural society.

    The likes of Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X were fools. At one point they believed in the nation of islam which believes that white people were created by a mad black scientist in an experiment that went wrong.

    Then they converted to regular islam. Malcolm X complained about white Christian oppression but was able to cavort around with white women in America in the 1940s. He went to the middle East in the 1960s and was treated well by the high society there which made him think that was how all black people would be treated. However that was never the case, Saudi Arabia only reluctantly abolished slavery a couple of years before his visit! Malcolm X was simply naieve. To this day blacks are referred to as Abids (slaves) in the Middle East and North Africa, they would be murdered for trying to marry an Arab woman.

    That is how Muslims and Christians convert in a lot of cases- through trickery. Plus we don't need a bunch of dumb jail thug converts.


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