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Everything posted by mandy42

  1. have you read any part of the guru ganth sahib if you say you have you are a liar the guru ganth aslo says that who ever speak evil of sant whether he/she be self pro cliamed we mere mortials are in no position to bad mouth them as we are worse than them and also no where in the guru ganth sahib does it say you are allowed to kill an unarmed individual who has no means of proctection or we a true sikh you are to make the individual to your status and to be fair. we are given life by god himself and have no rights to take it from ourself or other. i would also like to point out that killing hasnt stopped the followers in fact its encouraged more so where was the logic behind it. BY the way sikhi is a religion of tolerance which none of you so called sikh have. i would also suggest that you chech up on your ancestor as sikhism was formed from two other religion one being islam and the other hindism. Sikhism was formed by the ten guru to stop in the injustice being done to muslim and hindi by each other so please before you start writing <admin-profanity filter activated> get you fact right and make sure you can backed them up. i would like to point that no one has doen anything to the gaini who raped and 14 year old girl at smethwick gurwara in FRONT of the Guru ganth sahib in fact the Gudwara community are trying to pay the family not to press charges i dont see no bhai rajinder singh now shotting this false gaini who has come over from india to discredit sihki
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