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Posts posted by KFI

  1. From other thread i posted:

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: Is it very essential to keep your head on your shoulders?

    Mr. Gupta: The body cannot survive without the head.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: But supposing the body survives after the head is cut off, would you cut off your head.

    Mr. Gupta:The head is a part of the body and a very prominent part of it. It is only the head that completes the body. Without the head the body cannot be what it is?

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: Have you created the head on the body?

    Mr. Gupta: No, God has created it, and placed it on my shoulders.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: Because God has given you this head, therefore, you feel it to be an essential part of your body. Had it been made by you and placed on your shoulders, you could conveniently take it off, whenever you wished to do so.

    Mr. Gupta: Yes, of course. But we cannot remove what has been given to us by God.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: Supposing someone cuts off your God-given head, what would you call him?

    Mr. Gupta: Murderer, killer, and slayer.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: If some one questions you, why have you kept your head on your shoulders, what would you say?

    Mr. Gupta: It would be very foolish of that person to put such a question.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: Just as God has given us this head and made it a part of our personality, so are hair given by God and made part of our personality. As the hair is also given by God, the question you have posed, "why it is essential to keep them is not tenable. The question is out of place. I have not created these hairs myself. God gave them to me and I have kept them. Just as God has given us the head, and we keep it, so also the hair on the head has been given to us by God and we keep it. So it is the duty of everyman and woman to preserve and

    Maintain them. You call a man who cuts off a person's head, a murderer, a slayer, a killer, would you not consider a man who removes his hair equally cruel? Is not one who destroys a God-given gift an important part of our personality, a blood-thirsty oppressor? I think he is.

    Mr. Gupta: You cannot call him a murderer; you can call him by any other name.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: Why not a blood-thirsty murderer?

    Mr. Gupta: Because when you cut hair, no blood comes out.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: So you think that when no blood comes out, and when some one destroys a part of our body, it is not cruelty, and least of all murder. Supposing some one strangles a person, would you not call It a murder? No blood comes out and the man is killed. I do not wish to prolong any discursive discussion, but you will admit that nowadays so many methods have been devised to kill man that not a drop of his blood comes out. Would you not call these murderers killers, and blood-thirsty slayers? What else would you call them?

    Mr. Gupta: But Sir, excuse me, if I say, that when you cut off the head of a person, you cannot replace it, but if you cut off the hair of a person they grow again. A dead man never comes to life, but when we destroy living hair, new ones grow in its place. There is a good deal of difference between cutting one's head and cutting one's hair. Even if both are crimes, there is vast difference between the two crimes.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: Do you believe in the transmigration theory.

    Mr. Gupta: Yes, I do believe in transmigration theory.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: Then according to that theory, you do not die even when your head is cut off. The soul (Atman) is born again. So those who murder, kill nothing. The soul is eternal. They relieve a person of one birth in a cycle of births. By doing so they indirectly do well. But the man does not die after being killed. He will be born again and again. This is what actually happens. Yet he who kills commits a futile act, he does not do good. So they who cut their hair again and again do no good, nor is there any virtue it. The hair that is cut again and again just as a man who is killed, is born again and again. The only difference is that the soul may be born in different forms and may be even born as an animal. The hair of the head continues to grow when cut. Man foolishly cuts the hair and it grows again. That is how nature slaps the fool who goes against its requirement. Thus the attempt of a man to destroy his hair completely is as futile as to kill a man or animal. The life and Spirit of the Atman survives as long as the Spirit and vital force of God is present in it. Similarly the living essence of the hair will continue to be there as long as the body and head survive with the Spirit of God. The hair of the body is to be preserved and kept clean just as Nature has created them. The hair of the head grows to a natural length. Beyond a certain length they do not grow. Those who put on artificial hair to bring them to a fashionable length go against nature and do a foolish thing. Women do not grow any beard on their faces. If any woman wants, she cannot. Just as it is unnatural to try to develop beards on the faces of women, it is unnatural and wrong to destroy the natural hair that grows on men's head. Men naturally grow beards on their faces. But the fashionable people shave it every morning. Every morning nature slaps them on the face by resisting their attempt to remove the beard, but they are unconscious of it. They want to make their faces look exactly like those of women. Men have gone against nature by shaving their beard and appearing like women and gained nothing. Unfortunately women have started cutting short the hair of their head like men, in order to look like men. They too have gained nothing. I think it is utter shamelessness for men to try to imitate women and for women to imitate men. The real question should be, "why is this God given gift, the natural hair and beard removed," but those who do so against the wishes of nature start questioning the other way round. The unfortunate thing is that the majority of the people are shaving these days and this sheep-like imitation and fashion to remove the hair and beard is deemed as the natural law. There are very few who obey the essential laws of nature in this connection. Apart from the Sikhs there are very few who keep hair and beard. Those who spoiled their manly appearance and personality given by nature, are unconscious of their own folly in distorting their appearance but they are shocked to see a man keeping hair and beard, and do not hesitate to ask him : "Is it essential to keep hair and beard ?" They suddenly become unconscious of the fact that hair is a part of the whole body and grows on every pore of the body. Those who are pure in body, mind and soul, and those who know something about sciences know that to remove bodily hair from the whole of our body is crime against health. You have taken up discussion on a subject on which many articles and even a book can be written. Neither you have time to enter into such a long discussion nor am I free to do so. Such discursive discussions and questions are generally raised by Arya Samajists. Have you at any time fallen under their evil influence?

    Mr. Gupta (laughing): I am not the type of Hindu, the staunch Arya Samajists are, nor do I believe in any discursive discussion. I was attracted a bit towards Arya Samaj. I put the question out of curiosity and not with the intention of debating about it in an injurious way. I really wanted to know something about it. Although you have used some strong words in your discussion, yet Your arguments have impressed me. Many of my doubts have been cleared. I hope when you are released you will write excellent book on the subject and get it translated in other languages to explain it to the world at large. Your argument of fashionable and sheep-like imitation is correct. Our Rishis, Munis, Avatars and Prophets used to keep hair and beard. We have clear cut evidence up to period of Mahabharata. Brahamins, Kshatriyas, and Peshwas in our ancient history kept hair and beard. God alone knows when the custom of shaving began in India. From the Mahabharata and other Indian literature of the period we learn that removal of the hair or beard was considered worst punishment than death. When Shri Krishna on the recommendation of his espouse Rukmani, reduced the death sentence of her brother Rukman to the punishment of removing his hair and beard, Rukman in a pitiable tone appealed to his sister Saying:

    "0 Rukmani you are not my sister; you are my enemy. You have got my death sentence repealed and got for me a greater punishment of removing my hair and beard. To remove my hair and beard would be far more painful and tortuous than killing me. “Your ideas are indeed very enlightened and you are indeed a true Sikh living according to the highest principles of your faith. No one has ever given so convincing reply to my question. For a seeker even one good argument is enough. Now a good deal of time has elapsed. My namaste to you. We will meet again. I greeted him. "Again, we may never get a chance to discuss anything-" I said. Mr. Gupta was indeed a very noble soul. We never got a chance to hold discussion again.

  2. The Struggle with Life.

    Well since all this is gupt, you can tell us what it really is, from your post it seems like it's depression and the "craving" to maybe cut or self-harm, as you put it you "do it",this is a action that you perform, this all is relating to the feeling of suicide.

    It is a legit feeling to leave quickly and get rid of all the problem around you, and right now there might not be a reason to go on or to see the next day, but you have to hold on a bit longer even though the future may not bring happiness. The key is having hope for better days, you can die before the sun comes out, but if you wait it will come out while you are awake. Hold on for a bit longer for yourself, and especially the people around you, it will be appericiated.

    Do simran, It will help you release and receive.

    Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, Vaheguru ji ke Fateh.

  3. sakal dharam mai grihasath pradhhaan hai

    skl Drm mY igRhsqu pRDwn hY ] kibq BweI gurdws

    Bhai Gurdas (Bhalla) Pp 376-378


    Dn ipru eyih n AwKIAin bhin iekTy hoie ] eyk joiq duie mUrqI Dn ipru khIAY soie ]3] - vwr sUhI kI mhlw 3 pMnw 788

    “A union of two bodies is no union, however close it may be; it is only when souls meet that we can speak of a union true:”

  4. Some people think just completly stopping rap/bhangra/etc is helpful, cut down slowly, same like smoking ciggeretess, u cant just stop one day, you gotta cut down, and slowly keep ur self busy in other things, replace it with something else which isnt hopefully bad/addictive.

    If you want to let go of rap, put it into steps, Slowly listen to less and less rap, Don't download new songs, don't listen to the radio (cause theyll update) Keep the rap songs u have, listen to them if u have to once in awhile then slowly put something else in, Listen to JATHA, it's almost like rap but way sicker, talks about real stuff not gold chains, girls, and maybachs, once you have something like jatha/kirtan/simran in there, then you're set. Listen to rap while you are doing all this as it will show you and let your brain compare what is what. You will soon realize and once you're at the biggest stage of realization and feeling how bad it is to listen to niggas talking about bad things and then listning to kirtan after, you will surely stop.

    Don't force yourself, take it slowly, it will come easily, you do it when you WANT to. Like amrit, you get this thing inside of you telling you, its time. Same thing, have the intention of letting rap/etc go, But still listen to it, as it is ur "addiction/taste of music", slowly it will get off.

  5. why do u think the word "ANAND KARAJ" exists?

    why is there Lava?

    Guru Ram Das, the third Guru of the Sikhs has us Laava, a formula for a successful marriage . These four Shabads, describe the sacred journey of the soul through this world to the final destination, the merging with the infinite. If one follows this sacred path and applies it properly to institution of marriage, it should results in happiness and fulfilment – Anand (Bliss).

    SGGS page 788

    ਮ: ੩ ॥ mehlaa 3. Third Mehl:

    ਧਨ ਪਿਰੁ ਏਹਿ ਨ ਆਖੀਅਨਿ ਬਹਨਿ ਇਕਠੇ ਹੋਇ ॥

    Dhan pir ayhi na aakhee-an bahan ikthay ho-ay.

    They are not said to be husband and wife, who merely sit together.

    ਏਕ ਜੋਤਿ ਦੁਇ ਮੂਰਤੀ ਧਨ ਪਿਰੁ ਕਹੀਐ ਸੋਇ ॥੩॥

    ayk jot du-ay moortee Dhan pir kahee-ai so-ay. ((3))

    They alone are called husband and wife, who have one light in two bodies. ((3))

    Also, NOT marrying is something really big, and if one doesn't want to marry, it can happen, but you better have a good reason for it. If you say you want to spend your life in bhagti, then you wouldn't be on a internet forum asking people If one has to marry or not. You ask for sources and proof if we should marry, you should know sikh history, and see who married and who didnt, and for what reasons.

    So my answer is, yes it is mandatory to get married for all sikhs.

    although i said things about there being rare cases which can be reasons for not being married these reasons dont affect us in this day and age.










  7. Dass has seen lots of people wanting to keep hair, may it be Bibis or guys, but they just need that extra help and boost to do so. Dass has seen and dealt with a few people who think keeping hair is not necessary, this article was something that Dass was looking for in order to show people another way to look at why Sikhs keep our hair, and many Sikhs are asked why do you keep your hair? Many just say It’s apart of my religion, or "God made us like this". Many will argue the significant of hair, the purpose, there is not much online either, Health-wise hair growth is due to testosterone hormone in men, and lack of this in women is what makes their facial hair controlled, etc. Although, there is known to be some other effects of hair such as keeping you warm, while some argue it has something to do with light being absorbed, etc.

    If you are aware of topics in psychology, it is well known the brain does billions of calculations, out of 5,000 billion calculations, we as humans only know about 2,000, that have a purpose, either it being memory, retrieving information, solving, analyzing, observing, compiling, controlling our organs, blood flow, pressure levels, growth, etc some calculations have no reason, Some also argue that these calculations is our brain collecting data, that may not currently affect us, for example, If you are looking for something, the image of what you want to see is made in your brain, and although you may be looking around, looking for maybe a pair of keys, everything else that you come across stays in your brain, for example, When you take a picture of someone, Although the picture itself focuses on the person, The tree, person walking in the background, etc all gets captured, Look at the eye itself in this way, when we look for things, other things are caught in our brain, maybe this can explain the phenomenon of dejavu.

    Back on topic, The purpose of explaining that was to give a brief introduction to what's below, We as humans still don't know everything in the world, everything develops, and our knowledge of space, planets grows day-by-day, as many argue we are eliminating natural resources, we are wasting and abusing our sources, polluting the air, You learn something new at school, but come home and your ego takes over and makes you think now you are full of knowledge you know everything, you go to school again the next day, to slap yourself and realize we didnt know everything, everything isnt discovered Other than issues that affect the world like pollution, corruption, wars, What kinds of things do we pollute within ourselves? Our thoughts and actions are just two of many things that we directly abuse.

    A good example of self-abuse is cutting of kes. Many look at hair as something "extra", the "dust" on our heads that we can just take off in order to be clean. Dass can't argue with such people and cannot change their views on kes, but someone who some consider a Sant, had his own views, Bhai Sahib Randeer Singh on why one should keep and maintain their hair:

    One incident that happened in Bhai Randheer Singh's life while he was in jail.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: Is it very essential to keep your head on your shoulders?

    Mr. Gupta: The body cannot survive without the head.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: But supposing the body survives after the head is cut off, would you cut off your head.

    Mr. Gupta:The head is a part of the body and a very prominent part of it. It is only the head that completes the body. Without the head the body cannot be what it is?

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: Have you created the head on the body?

    Mr. Gupta: No, God has created it, and placed it on my shoulders.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: Because God has given you this head, therefore, you feel it to be an essential part of your body. Had it been made by you and placed on your shoulders, you could conveniently take it off, whenever you wished to do so.

    Mr. Gupta: Yes, of course. But we cannot remove what has been given to us by God.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: Supposing someone cuts off your God-given head, what would you call him?

    Mr. Gupta: Murderer, killer, and slayer.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: If some one questions you, why have you kept your head on your shoulders, what would you say?

    Mr. Gupta: It would be very foolish of that person to put such a question.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: Just as God has given us this head and made it a part of our personality, so are hair given by God and made part of our personality. As the hair is also given by God, the question you have posed, "why it is essential to keep them is not tenable. The question is out of place. I have not created these hairs myself. God gave them to me and I have kept them. Just as God has given us the head, and we keep it, so also the hair on the head has been given to us by God and we keep it. So it is the duty of everyman and woman to preserve and

    Maintain them. You call a man who cuts off a person's head, a murderer, a slayer, a killer, would you not consider a man who removes his hair equally cruel? Is not one who destroys a God-given gift an important part of our personality, a blood-thirsty oppressor? I think he is.

    Mr. Gupta: You cannot call him a murderer; you can call him by any other name.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: Why not a blood-thirsty murderer?

    Mr. Gupta: Because when you cut hair, no blood comes out.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: So you think that when no blood comes out, and when some one destroys a part of our body, it is not cruelty, and least of all murder. Supposing some one strangles a person, would you not call It a murder? No blood comes out and the man is killed. I do not wish to prolong any discursive discussion, but you will admit that nowadays so many methods have been devised to kill man that not a drop of his blood comes out. Would you not call these murderers killers, and blood-thirsty slayers? What else would you call them?

    Mr. Gupta: But Sir, excuse me, if I say, that when you cut off the head of a person, you cannot replace it, but if you cut off the hair of a person they grow again. A dead man never comes to life, but when we destroy living hair, new ones grow in its place. There is a good deal of difference between cutting one's head and cutting one's hair. Even if both are crimes, there is vast difference between the two crimes.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: Do you believe in the transmigration theory.

    Mr. Gupta: Yes, I do believe in transmigration theory.

    BHAI RANDHEER SINGH: Then according to that theory, you do not die even when your head is cut off. The soul (Atman) is born again. So those who murder, kill nothing. The soul is eternal. They relieve a person of one birth in a cycle of births. By doing so they indirectly do well. But the man does not die after being killed. He will be born again and again. This is what actually happens. Yet he who kills commits a futile act, he does not do good. So they who cut their hair again and again do no good, nor is there any virtue it. The hair that is cut again and again just as a man who is killed, is born again and again. The only difference is that the soul may be born in different forms and may be even born as an animal. The hair of the head continues to grow when cut. Man foolishly cuts the hair and it grows again. That is how nature slaps the fool who goes against its requirement. Thus the attempt of a man to destroy his hair completely is as futile as to kill a man or animal. The life and Spirit of the Atman survives as long as the Spirit and vital force of God is present in it. Similarly the living essence of the hair will continue to be there as long as the body and head survive with the Spirit of God. The hair of the body is to be preserved and kept clean just as Nature has created them. The hair of the head grows to a natural length. Beyond a certain length they do not grow. Those who put on artificial hair to bring them to a fashionable length go against nature and do a foolish thing. Women do not grow any beard on their faces. If any woman wants, she cannot. Just as it is unnatural to try to develop beards on the faces of women, it is unnatural and wrong to destroy the natural hair that grows on men's head. Men naturally grow beards on their faces. But the fashionable people shave it every morning. Every morning nature slaps them on the face by resisting their attempt to remove the beard, but they are unconscious of it. They want to make their faces look exactly like those of women. Men have gone against nature by shaving their beard and appearing like women and gained nothing. Unfortunately women have started cutting short the hair of their head like men, in order to look like men. They too have gained nothing. I think it is utter shamelessness for men to try to imitate women and for women to imitate men. The real question should be, "why is this God given gift, the natural hair and beard removed," but those who do so against the wishes of nature start questioning the other way round. The unfortunate thing is that the majority of the people are shaving these days and this sheep-like imitation and fashion to remove the hair and beard is deemed as the natural law. There are very few who obey the essential laws of nature in this connection. Apart from the Sikhs there are very few who keep hair and beard. Those who spoiled their manly appearance and personality given by nature, are unconscious of their own folly in distorting their appearance but they are shocked to see a man keeping hair and beard, and do not hesitate to ask him : "Is it essential to keep hair and beard ?" They suddenly become unconscious of the fact that hair is a part of the whole body and grows on every pore of the body. Those who are pure in body, mind and soul, and those who know something about sciences know that to remove bodily hair from the whole of our body is crime against health. You have taken up discussion on a subject on which many articles and even a book can be written. Neither you have time to enter into such a long discussion nor am I free to do so. Such discursive discussions and questions are generally raised by Arya Samajists. Have you at any time fallen under their evil influence?

    Mr. Gupta (laughing): I am not the type of Hindu, the staunch Arya Samajists are, nor do I believe in any discursive discussion. I was attracted a bit towards Arya Samaj. I put the question out of curiosity and not with the intention of debating about it in an injurious way. I really wanted to know something about it. Although you have used some strong words in your discussion, yet Your arguments have impressed me. Many of my doubts have been cleared. I hope when you are released you will write excellent book on the subject and get it translated in other languages to explain it to the world at large. Your argument of fashionable and sheep-like imitation is correct. Our Rishis, Munis, Avatars and Prophets used to keep hair and beard. We have clear cut evidence up to period of Mahabharata. Brahamins, Kshatriyas, and Peshwas in our ancient history kept hair and beard. God alone knows when the custom of shaving began in India. From the Mahabharata and other Indian literature of the period we learn that removal of the hair or beard was considered worst punishment than death. When Shri Krishna on the recommendation of his espouse Rukmani, reduced the death sentence of her brother Rukman to the punishment of removing his hair and beard, Rukman in a pitiable tone appealed to his sister Saying:

    "0 Rukmani you are not my sister; you are my enemy. You have got my death sentence repealed and got for me a greater punishment of removing my hair and beard. To remove my hair and beard would be far more painful and tortuous than killing me. “Your ideas are indeed very enlightened and you are indeed a true Sikh living according to the highest principles of your faith. No one has ever given so convincing reply to my question. For a seeker even one good argument is enough. Now a good deal of time has elapsed. My namaste to you. We will meet again. I greeted him. "Again, we may never get a chance to discuss anything-" I said. Mr. Gupta was indeed a very noble soul. We never got a chance to hold discussion again.

    Same file in .doc format attached.


  8. Five (5) lessons to make you think about the way we treat people.

    1 - First Important Lesson - Cleaning Lady.

    During my second month of college, our professor gave us a pop quiz. I was a conscientious student and had breezed through the questions until I read the last one:

    "What is the first name of the woman who cleans the school?"

    Surely this was some kind of joke. I had seen the cleaning woman several times. She was tall, dark-haired and in her 50s, but how would I know her name?

    I handed in my paper, leaving the last question blank. Just before class ended, one student asked if the last question would count toward our quiz grade.

    "Absolutely," said the professor. "In your careers, you will meet many people. All are significant. They deserve your attention and care, even if all you do is smile and say "hello."

    I've never forgotten that lesson. I also learned her name was Dorothy.

    2. - Second Important Lesson - Pickup in the Rain

    One night, a 11:30 p.m., an older African American woman was standing on the side of an Alabama highway trying to endure a lashing rainstorm. Her car had broken down and she desperately needed a ride. Soaking wet, she decided to flag down the next car. A young white man stopped to help her, generally unheard of in those conflict-filled 1960s. The man took her to safety, helped her get assistance and put her into a taxi cab.

    She seemed to be in a big hurry, but wrote down his address and thanked him. Seven days went by and a knock came on the man's door. To his surprise, a giant console color TV was delivered to his home. A special note was attached..

    It read:

    "Thank you so much for assisting me on the highway the other night. The rain drenched not only my clothes, but also my spirits. Then you came along. Because of you, I was able to make it to my dying husband's bedside just before he passed away... God bless you for helping me and unselfishly serving others."


    Mrs. Nat King Cole.

    3 - Third Important Lesson - Always remember those who serve.

    In the days when an ice cream sundae cost much less, a 10-year-old boy entered a hotel coffee shop and sat at a table. A waitress put a glass of water in front of him.

    "How much is an ice cream sundae?" he asked.

    "Fifty cents," replied the waitress.

    The little boy pulled is hand out of his pocket and studied the coins in it.

    "Well, how much is a plain dish of ice cream?" he inquired.

    By now more people were waiting for a table and the waitress was growing impatient.

    "Thirty-five cents," she brusquely replied.

    The little boy again counted his coins.

    "I'll have the plain ice cream," he said.

    The waitress brought the ice cream, put the bill on the table and walked away. The boy finished the ice cream, paid the cashier and left. When the waitress came back, she began to cry as she wiped down the table. There, placed neatly beside the empty dish, were two nickels and five pennies..

    You see, he couldn't have the sundae, because he had to have enough left to leave her a tip.

    4 - Fourth Important Lesson. - The obstacle in Our Path.

    In ancient times, a King had a boulder placed on a roadway. Then he hid himself and watched to see if anyone would remove the huge rock. Some of the king's wealthiest merchants and courtiers came by and simply walked around it. Many loudly blamed the King for not keeping the roads clear, but none did anything about getting the stone out of the way.

    Then a peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. Upon approaching the boulder, the peasant laid down his burden and tried to move the stone to the side of the road. After much pushing and straining, he finally succeeded. After the peasant picked up his load of vegetables, he noticed a purse lying in the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained many gold coins and a note from the King indicating that the gold was for the person who removed the boulder from the roadway. The peasant learned what many of us never understand!

    Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition.

    5 - Fifth Important Lesson - Giving When it Counts...

    Many years ago, when I worked as a volunteer at a hospital, I got to know a little girl named Liz who was suffering from a rare & serious disease. Her only chance of recovery appeared to be a blood transfusion from her 5-year old brother, who had miraculously survived the same disease and had developed the antibodies needed to combat the illness. The doctor explained the situation to her little brother, and asked the little boy if he would be willing to give his blood to his sister.

    I saw him hesitate for only a moment before taking a deep breath and saying, "Yes I'll do it if it will save her." As the transfusion progressed, he lay in bed next to his sister and smiled, as we all did, seeing the color returning to her cheek. Then his face grew pale and his smile faded.

    He looked up at the doctor and asked with a trembling voice, "Will I start to die right away".

    Being young, the little boy had misunderstood the doctor; he thought he was going to have to give his sister all of his blood in order to save her.

  9. Everyone has different views, because people who dont know anything and are still learning the basics are trying to argue with some people who have a little experience with life. I have seen 12 yr olds mess about on sikh topics with 20 yr olds and they are unaware that they are not well informed, experienced in life at this stage of life. (12 yr olds) so they should wait and see what happens.

    Many people think it's impossible, A manmukh cousin of mines never looked at a girl, never had any bad thoughts about girls, and now he is about 21 and he is planning on marrying next year, and he has a girlfriend.

    If a manmukh with a haircut can do it why cant we sikhs of the guru with a kesri dumalla do the same thing? Infact, we should try to control ourselves so much that marriage or anything else should not be needed orlookd forward towards. Guru ji says a true person has no desires

    Singh with dunnali

    you are surely an immature person from the way you talk and your views. You conclude on the most easiest and simplest things and try to show he is truly wrong. Firstly, you exaggerate his view and try to make him look stupid

    The key is, communicating when you are at the level of fighting and being good with maya, girls, etc. If you truly believe in yourself, you will not be affected by maya, and your past experience tells you, Girls are nothing, i can never look at them in a bad way, I can never like them, I can never do anything. Then i gladly say talk to girls, get to know singhnis, help their problems, help others in sikhi and their life problems. If you still have a little bit of maya in you and the desires to do such things, Then i suggest you stay away.

    Lots of girls and singhnis are affected with problems, and lots of so called gursikh men are only outer apperence, and lots of people do need help dealing with such men, if you are affected by maya at a very low level, and are indeed able to cooperate in such cases, then i suggest you help out and make use of your situation. From a little psychological point of view, you would notice if someone is in help/need and you are helping, you may get attached to them, etc. It is how our brain ours, we believe without us, that person will mess up, If you can be at that level, and still control yourself properly. Go ahead talk to singhnis. If you are at a low level and get into this kind of stuff it will be difficult for you, and you will cause destruction

    Lastly, lot of people who should be learning, are preaching.

    Those who are preaching, are struck down and jumped on by the students who all are ego filled, and disagree.

    This is kaljug these days

  10. I agree with the article.

    Infact, i have made many posts saying almost the same thing.

    Many of you guys are just saying what's on your mind. How old are you? How much have you been through?

    This is the very well ego that exists in all of you little kids here, This is ur unknown ego, You won't believe us until you experience it yourself. You guys are talking like you are all paunchay people (Enlightened/brahmgyanis) and cannot come across such a situation, so you will continue to talk to gursikh females and men. Even if you're intentions are good, What about the pepole who also have good intentions but dont plan on doing anything? You can't use that as an excuse. It's true that most of the poeple here would be learning better once they experience it themselves. So go ahead, talk to as many gurskh girls and men as you can, and then once you fall into the trap of maya, then tell us when you've successfully screwed yourself and you are here making posts about "I LIKE A GIRL/BOY BUT I DONT KNOW IF HE/SHE LOVES ME....WHAT SHOULD I DO? MOH AND MAYA ARE TAKING ME OVER :D:(:@"

    You guys very well know these posts exist... These people were same like you, knew what was right, knew what was wrong, but once they got struck down due to their false beliefs they realized. But it is too late for some people, and they fall and destroy their sikhi and start from day1, and some go on, and start living a life of manmat.

    WHat do you think my purpose is? To destory sikhi? Thats why i wear a turban on my head everyday? When we say things liek this its cause of our prior past experience that makes us realize... Just like your bigger sisters/brohters learn something and tell his smaller sister his same-age brother, that this is whtas up so try to avoid it. But imagine that brother saying F off you dont know <banned word filter activated>, that's not how it is. What do you want us to do? If u truly consider us your brothers and sisters, then do what we say, and see how it is. That is the safe way. If you want to see it the real way, then go ahead, talk to anyone u want, once u hit someone u will fall and then you will be begging for someone to hold your hand while maya and moh run its course on you

    Also heart, if maha moorakh wants to get a point across, he is trying to do so, you are telling him to leave you as you are. This is what MAHAMOORAKHS truly say..If you tell a manmukh "read bani its good to do simran" he/she will surely say "If you think its good doing it, then go ahead do it, i will do what i think is good, which is going to clubs and smoking". You jsut told him to do whatever he wants and u do whatever u want, what difference did you juts show between you and that person who doesnt listen to gursikhs?

    Its ironic, you juts told him to keep things to himsef, and u do ur own thing, you just violated that, by telling him to leave things for himself. You first told him to stop making posts, ten u told him to leave things at himself while u do ur own thing. If you truly believed that you wouldn't tell him to stop making posts. Let him do what he wants. You do what you want.

  11. i dont recommend all albums narinder singh listed

    these singers sing about how small a girl's waist is, and then sing about how great guru gobind singh ji is in another album.

    do you want to hear veechar of these people? they only make albums that are religious to keep well their "career" in music, and to get to all audiences. Theres no point in listening to their whack songs


    then slowly start singing urself cause kavishree is going extinct soon if we dont get new ppl!

    i've informed WWF of this problem.

  12. Sorry to have offended and hurt your feelings.

    But, if someone u dont know, on a online forum, is making you this mad and you are getting sick and tired. If this is affecting your personnal life i am really sorry, and i suggest counseling.

    lol jk..

    Seriously, i am sorry what is your solution to my problem other than counselling? because counselling can cost a lot.

  13. kaur, your views are flawed

    are you involved in life-threatning dangerous situations a lot? he goes to college/uni not a warzone

    If it's hidden, only you know where it is, and you can take it out whenever, that has advantages of it's own. If it's on the outer, people are well informed prior to attacking you. They can maybe bring better/more weapons and/or first take the kirpan off you.

    No need to talk about life or death situations most singhs and singhnees freak out in such sitatuons and dont even know what to do because they are not prepared previously. When they are told to prepare themselves they think sitting at home and talking on forums is good preperation or the good old excuse "I'm Guru Gobind Singh Ji's sikh, but i dont carry a weapon cause its too much" or something similar.

    This is a fine example of the questions people ask these days... Rather than fulfilling other purposes you are asking where i shud put my kirpan, My honest suggestion is putting it at home because if you can't make a decision so simple you will certainly get confused at decisions that may require taking it out.

  14. my view is to put it under ur shirt

    you just want attention, ppl to ask you about it, etc.

    Keep it under ur shirt, and dont use it as a fashion icon.

    control your little attention desires.

    yes, it does teach others about ur kirpan, but its not necessary, this is a clue you are still at an early stage, keep it hidden from now on, people wont ask u unless its necessary, asking out of shock or for entertainment is useless.

  15. Listen to what makes sense to you and somethin you understand that has a real meaning to it.

    This can be anything, Shabads slow or fast.

    as long as it unknowingly distracts your mind

    Jatha is my personnal favourite. Some people only listen to Shabads, i sggest you get into jatha, It relates with Singing Praises of God, but it's of People (shaheeds) who died for the panth.

  16. I never tell people its the first step

    People think its the first step in terms of "Learning more later on"

    No, you don't take it when you're new to sikhi and dont know anything, you take amrit, and you still have that disgust in your brain with society, then you are committing a greater kurehit which is inside your mind. Rather, We should wait for that day when we can proudly say i am a Singh.

    By keeping your hair, taking amrit, this can be done in a month, the standards for being a "Sikh" have been lowered by sangat drastically, That is why lots of amritdharis are still having childish problems with kaam and other things, Wait for amrit, it's not the first step, But it is the first step at the same time, you have to understand the true meaning of what is first step, First is w hen you become a singh, read bani, do simran, etc from there on, u will get to another level, read the meaning of amrit and what it is, WHAT WAS THE REASON AND CAUSE/EFFECT FOR FIRST 5 PANJ PYARE TO TAKE AMRIT.. can you do it for that same reason?

    People take amrit, but are still worried about their family, still attached to moh. I know these cannot be eliminated, but there are types for each one, The bigger moh may be difficult, but i'm talking about childish situations i see people complaning about.

    You do also say everyone is on the stage of learning, We should stay on that Stage of learning until it hits us, that We know enough. I know some may say oh well that's ego sayin u know enough... That's again childish, you know how things work, When you know enough and you are willing to do some seva you will be blessed with amrit, you wont even have to take it your soul will need it.

    Ill put it simple, there comes a time when the 5 vikars will be weakend this will be at a certain point. You have to then move on to the other step..

    Thikn of it like that game ..Frogger.. u know, when the frog has to cross the street, but all these cars keep coming?

    Sort of like that, you move up when things are really weak and out, (when theres no car) then u wait in the next line, waiting for the same thing to happen again.

    Meaning, you wait and move up slowly.

    Also i can even give examples of people who did it like this and they aren't Bramgyanis they're humans like me and you, but they didnt have such a weak attachment in "taking amrit". Infact, he was supposed to be YOM, but things got delayed as he went to india... Hopefully in the next few months we can get him on

  17. kaur ur probably experiencing same stuff as her or in the past were in a similar situation to support her.

    its better for her to ask herself what she is and what is wrong or right, you dont need to ask this q to sangat to see what is good or bad, she should develop her own morality not use other ppls, u shud use others at a young age to develop ur own, but if she is teen and can understand what she said she should be smart enough to do something


    it is true that truth really hurts for you guys, but try to eliminate the ego within yourselves so you can bear and listen to the truth

    u guys help out on issues that should not be helped at, and this is the impression you give, that these kinds of problems are OK, and COMMON, and that is why more youth are involved in it -- and more fall for it, and eventually become apart of the problem it is bec ause it is over publicized and known to be "Normal". and it is only due to your lack of understanding how things work that makes you say these things.

    she said maybe akal purkh wanted this for me, and maybe it is who i am destined to be with. you guys dont know anything and think she has the right mental mindset? if akal purkh has something in store for you, it will happen similar to death even if u sit at home with no connection or interaction with the world, we have ppl here asking when i get sick , is it akal purkh making me sick ? rather than letting youth form rationale but all you guys say is stuff that the original person can tell him/herself rendering whatever you say absolutely useless!

  18. What made you take amrit gupty? if you are not aware of your kurehits?

    How will you know if you have violated any if you have to come on a forum and ask if hair falling off your head when u comb is a kurehit?

    I think i am going crazy

  19. how do you know when you can talk to the opposite sex?

    When you are good at controlling kaam

    Kaam can come out of nowhere, what starts as something that's nothing more than a friendship can slowly turn into something else, When it gets to a certain level it will seem legit.

    If you are having problems with kaam, then my advice is dont talk to the opposite gender much, only when needed or important (need to ask something at work/directions,etc) but just for "nothing" it should be avoided.

    Talking less is one of the things we should be doing, many sikh youth have a problem of being all outgoing and talking to everyone they see and this in return creates a problem for themselves.



    most of your posts are retarded, if i'm not mistaking in a post you are indirectly saying some kaur may be a lesbian. Now you're telling another person "Guest" that her intentions might be bad, i mean, you login, then click add reply, and type up your message, and if your message is bascially bs or a lame joke no one laughs at, i dont know what is ur true purpose for coming here, is it to "Make the place live?" You should stop with your silly immature comments and jokes, as they're not funny, i believe you were warned before, for putting up a immature sexual related image as your avatar, I'm still confused what you are doing here with your childish comments.

    Before posting make sure someone gets something out of your post, if you're trying to increase your post count to look cool, i'm sure you can message a moderator and he will gladly add 50000+ posts to your current number to increase your e-cool rank. Post something useful, that someone can be helped and can learn from. I mean, that's why this place exists, in most threads people come making silly unfunny jokes. Lets keep this place useful, if you want to make jokes or make fun of ppl, do it in the Fun section, in all other sections don't joke around, be serious or dont post.

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