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Everything posted by rina

  1. [ you mean gurdwaras which have halls next to or opposite them? no the gurdwara is in grays and has a hall in the same building in which parties are held after the lava. alchohol is served and all that seperates the guru granth sahib ji and the alchohol is a wall. i do not agree with this which led me to question why is was wrong to take our guru ji to a hotel, and yet have gurdwaras that do worse. if action is taken for the weddings then the same should be done for issues like this. i dont mean any disrespect, but feel issues like these should be given due concern
  2. thank you for the information you have provided. it does gove me and hopefully others a better understanding of why our guru ji should not be taken out of the Gurdwara. i fully agree with you, i was just annoyed at the way it was dealt with. thank you for taking the time out to make me understand. knowing now i will help prevent beadbi of our guru ji as best i can, and with a wedding coming up shortly i will advise the lava to be taken at the gurdwara. i was initially upset with how it was dealt in my family, but believe you have a firm point. once again thank you
  3. sikh people dont talk the way u do, u sound like ur more from the al qaida then the khalastan. dont question my knowlegde on sikhi, i dont pretend to be the best sikh in the world, which is what u seem to be doing. u do sound intelligent, so why not use ur brain and talk in a civil way, i wil learn and educate myself on sikhi, im not sure growing up will come so easily to u though
  4. u come across so arrogant, pompous and big headed. if im trying to have a civil conversation at least be civil back grow up darling
  5. i did not post a thread to 'bash' anyone. i also apologise for any reference to The Guru Granth Sahib Ji that may have offended. i can sit here and argue all nite and i know you probably could do the same. you have your opinion and i have mine, so we can just leave it at that
  6. its a shame that u think the way u are talking and preaching about sikhi will make more sikhs understand the point u are trying to make. if u think i am not a tru sikh, then educate me, do not talk down and disrespect as this is what makes me and others resent the points u are trying to make.
  7. u know what it is immature fanatics like u that make our religion similarto that of a cult. you sound like an immature loser and taking random quotes from the Guru Granth Sahib does not make U A SIKH! dont behave like u are a tru sikh and accuse me of not being one. u dont know me or my family our beliefs and do not refer to my talk as 'bla bla bla' as ur bantering on of how YOU are such a tru sikh is the real bore. if u want to protect our religion then do not be rudeto ur fellow sikhs. U ARE AND NEVER WILL BE MORE OF A SIKH THAN I AM SO DO NOT PUT URSELF IN SUCH A HIGH CATEGORY
  8. if the SGGS is not supposed to be jus taken anywhere why is it then bought into peoples houses? u dont know what goes on in each and every house it is taken to. also if u have a point of the granth sahib taken to hotels why was it not bought out a long time ago when people first started taking it into hotels. you say u are starting to make a difference but ur starting in the wrong place. i know how it was handled because it was in my family, and believe me it was not in a polite and diplomatic way. i am a sikh, i go to the gurdwara regularly and i have full repect for my Gurus and holy book, however the way in which people went about 'saving the guru granth sahib' angered me, it didnt feel as if they were trying to protect a big part of sikhi, instead it felt like a silly gang trying to throw thier weight around. maybe if people considered a way in which to talk and make the point understood in a calm way, you would not have fellow sikhs opposing to the point you are trying to make, and believe me there are many.
  9. first of all i would like to say that the lava took place in Barking Gurdwara after much distress imature people from this group caused before the auspicious occasion. you people preach of beadbe of the Granth Sahib and talk of repect to Sikhi when you call up older sikh men who are the same age as your fathers and show disrespect with threats, vulgar language and immaturity. how then can u preach about sikhi? u are all a bunch of hippocrites and deserve a slap for you parents as it was the younger boys who called and disprepected innocent families. before fighting for the beadbe of the Granth sahib, stop serving pork and meat in Gurwaras, is that not beadbe? when people have trouble or distresss in their homes , they bring in the Granth Sahib, for paat, where meat was once served and alchohol given out, is this not beadbe? not to mention when giannis turn up to gurdwaras drunk and read our holy book, is this not beadbe? first sort out bigger issues like this rather than trying to throw authority around and make our religion into a cult. as for the rude, immature little boys who made unnecessary phonecalls, you are the ones making our religion a disgrace
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