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Posts posted by canadian_sikh

  1. wjkk wjkf

    kaal is like, i guess u could say a devil tpe figure, like in tht story about guru Nanak Dev Ji and the meeting with Kaal. basically Kaal is evil, KAal's goal is to seperate u from SIkhi.

    homai is like egotism, pride, etc.

    bhul chuk maaf,

    wjkk wjkf

  2. wjkk wjkf

    im not sure wat is tru but i herd tht visions of Gurus, etc are done by Kaal or cuz of Kaaljug 2 try n bring homai in u tht u r soo important tht ur seeing these and Guru ji says we are no suposed to have homai. is it tru? wat does the sangat think? grin.gif

    bhul chuk maaf,

    wjkk wjkf

  3. I am very sociable but when I uni and I feel like that, something in my head just tells me that "okay you don't belong here" sort of thing if you get what I mean :lol: @

    Also its like everythings sooooo fake, everyone speaking loud or showing off to attract attention. And some ppl do things which are way OTT. For example I was in the lift with this guy who was wearing this white kurtan top which is cool but he had soooo much fragrance on I felt like choking!

    I'm not perfect myself but then this sort of feeling I can't understand. :@ @

    Veer ji I've got motivation but it's nothing to do with that. not in GTA

    wjkk wjkf,

    sry, its panji

    wjkk wjkf

  4. wjkk wjkf

    i feel like im playin a game of mnkey in the middle n im the monkey! an the game is not fun! :lol: mys 2 best friends who have been mine and each others best friends for very very long, ever since we wer very little, are in this huge fight. now ive been thinkin its gona blow over, for the past 2 months!but now im sik of hearin them complain and whine about each othwer! they keep ryin to bring me on their side. pray.gif please help me, their drivin me insabne and i dont want such a long and tight friendship to all of a sudden be over. just like tht. we are all 2 tight. i dont get it. who do i hang out with, whose side do i take. do i just let them hae each other now. they dont even agree to apologize. nonono.gif then they go around tellin how horrible the other 1 is! gossi.gif theyve been sooooooooo mean 2 each other and there acting like a bunch of little kids! slap.gif WAT DO I DOOOOOOOOO!

    bhul chuk maaf,

    wjkk wjkf

  5. wjkk wjkf

    dear panji,

    this problem comes up a lot in modern society.

    thats, it. society. in western society it is considered the beatifufl thing to be "Hairless" however, if u were in europe, the fashionble thing is to keep you hair on ur body. so thts the fashion point of view. now for the scientific point of view, theres this fabulous book call Hair Power, u can by it from Sacha Sauda, and it has all the scientific positive, like did u no tht the reason we have hair on our faces is becasue thts where lunar energy strike (like sun rays but its moon rays) and the more hair u hav there, the weaker ur imunity to it is so God's doing u a favor and giving u a sort of "moonscreen" (like sunscreen). now for religious point of view, DONT! Guru Sahib Ji is not stupid taht he would giver you somthing for no reason. would you cut of ur ears if they were not in style and they "looked bad". tell ur mom all about Bhai Taru, Bhai Mati Daas JI, Bhai Sati Daas Ji, the Sahibzadey, Mata Bhaag Kaur. tell her taht after all they went through, getting bricked alive, being chopped into pieces, getting their scalp chisled off, etc. than y should i cut my hair for fashion's ske or becasue "it doewsnt llook good". tell her u may be disobeying her but u will NOT disobey ur true parents; Mata Sahib Kaur and Guru Gobind Singh Ji. they are u really matter. tell all this 2 ur mom in a polite way and tell her tht u simply choose n not 2 and tht there r many other girlz tht dont do either cuz they hold their tru FAther's will and order, higher than tht of society.

    bhul chuk maaf,

    wjkk wjkf





  6. wjkk wjkf

    heres another 1, when i was younger. i was in tae kwon do class (NEVER TAKE IT!) and we were doing jumping jacks for warm up. i felt very sik and was (in my mind) doing simran. every1 takes turns counting them so when it came to my turn i was soo lost that instead of saying 1, 2, 3 i said waheguru, waheguru, wahegur and every1 in the room (there was lots of them) stop adn start laughin at me. ohmy.gif : non of them were sikh so they ddint undersand. oh well. lolz. blush.gif

    bhul chuk maaf,

    wjkk wjkf

  7. wjkk wjkf

    hi, i no exactly wat u mean, i mean, im not in uni yet but sumtimes im just so motivasted and others ill be like, whateber. i think wat u need is more motivation. r u in the GTA area?

    bhul chuk maaf,

    wjkk wjkf

    hey gobind hey gopaal

    hey dial laal

  8. wjkk wjkf

    hi every1, if u live in the GTA (Greater Toronto Area) than u should soooo go 2 this crazy event that the GGSCF is involved in. i cant go cuz im going bk home @ the end of this week but u should defnitly chek it out. u can go 2 there website, www.ggscf.com and get more details about it. its cool. by the wa GGSCF stands for Guru Gobind Singh Children's Foundation. this group of youth is awesome!

    bhul chul maaf.

    wjkk wjkf

  9. wjkk wjkf

    sory, didnt no, but n e ways, alot of the people are guest and anonmous and they cant say n e thing on n e of the other sections other then gupt, plus this is the section where allt the depressed people come.

    bhul chuk maaf,

    wjkk wjkf

  10. wjkk wjkf

    come on sangat ji, every1 has embarasing moments, share urs. its not like we even no who u r. lets see who can give us the funniest stories. and can we pleez try 2 keep our jokes non-racist and non-discrimintive. thnx.

    wjkk wjkf :e:

  11. wjkk wjkf

    i no after readin a lot of topics tht a lot of the sangat is, uh...depressed. so heres a fun way to cheer every1 up! list an embarasing moment or a joke and whoever is feelin down can go through these. :lol: hope it helps,

    bhul chuk maaf,

    wjkk wjkf

    wjkk wjkf

    to start every1 off, heres a funny story,

    i was calling my friend's house and her grandfather picked up. i thought it was her dad becasue it soubnded exactly like him. plus, her dad liked to joke around a lot so i thought it must be him, teasing me. afterwards i fojund out it really was her grandfather! blush.gif

    but thats not it, the nex time i called, i was positive it was the father this time. and i said to him, the funniest thing happened, i called ur house and ur father picked up, and i explained. he said that his father was not alive. now i was completly frekin. it was the grandfather again! blush.gifblush.gif

  12. wjkk wjkf

    wat is the deal with these giani, on this website alone, ive heard soooooooo many stories of perverted gianis. its disgusting. what is the world comin 2!!!1 :lol: @ such people really piss me off! :<Edited>: all those poor innocent panjia! if u r a perverted giani and r readin this, then u ebtter stop soon cuz every1 is begining to realize the truth!

    bhul chuk maaf,

    wjkk wjkf

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