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Posts posted by canadian_sikh

  1. there is an article in this weeks TIme magazine, the speciall 100 addition, it explains about everyhing tht is happening. those who r interested in helping can read tht and spread the word.

    I believe it is essential for us to understand what the root of these problems are. We should explore the causes of these conflicts and then spread awareness. If we are ourselves are not educated about these issues, then how can we help.

  2. hi, parents can do tht 2 u sumtimes, it can be waay anoying but ive learned 2 ignore them n not 2 tell them 2 much about my life, like i dont sdo n e bad stuff, but i jjust dfont talk 2 my parents much. just the usual, hows school, fine, what did u do, nothing and then i go to m room. tht way theylll feel guilty n no tht there not dfoing sumthing rite n they mite chnge their minds. also, ull need 2 learn how 2 keep it cool. dont freak on them and just ignore them, look like ur paying attention adn just do ur paath and simran and ull be fine. just do ardaas from ur heart 2 ask Guru SAhob for help. thts all ive got 2 say. bye.

  3. wjkk wjkf

    sangat ji, being sikh, it is our duty 2 help others n rite now, there r people in rave danger tht are being massacred in sudan. we no how brutal these things can be because of 1984, spread the word about the happenings and lets stop it before its 2 late. thnk u

    wjkk wjkf

  4. Vahegurujeekakhalsa,Vahegurujeekeefateh!

    Sangat jeeo, i have a problem and im not sure why. All of a sudden i cant get up for amritwela. I did it before, everyday! and now i cant get up before 6 (cant get up for about the last week now)... and then i have to rush to get to school. Amritwela is so important to me. Ive done ardaas to gurujee to ask him for himat to wakeme up for the ambrosial hours yet i havnt yet. I know my physical body is weak, and i dont deny that. Does my body need more sleep, becuase my irons low? im weak? im always sick? Im really un healthy and for reasons i dont

    tell my parents that. so nobody really knows... i dont know what to do. I feel like crap everyday when i go to school and havnt woken for amritwela. Vaheguru...

    Bull chaak maaaph karnee jeee.


    wjkk wjkf

    hi chandan, u never told me u abojut this amritwela sitch, e me.

    wjkk wjkf

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