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Heera Singh

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Posts posted by Heera Singh

  1. Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh..!!

    I think this is GREAT for sikhsanat.com. I think MANY of us saw a LOT of bias and 'abuse' of power in the 'old' sikhsangat.com... Its time for us to start fresh and become the site that it was first intended to be... not a place for us to come and jathaa bash and gursikh bash.. I'm actually very happy to see SS is on its own.. its VERY VERY funny that some members that posted in the 'why the change' thread seem to be 'shocked' at why SS left W!N... these guyz need to stop playing around and stop pretending like they don't know whats goin on...

    Is it me or did anybody else seem to notice certain members replying continuously.. and if i'm not mistaken.. some of those same members are ON the new W!N admin list.. hmmmm... fishy??? u better believe it..

    In the next week or so, I want everybody to visih W!N and see what type of posts they have 'bashing' SS... anywhoo.. bottom line... GOOD WORK SIKHSANGAT...

    I'm actually looking forward to this site more now..!!!

    Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh..!!

  2. Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh..!!

    I think tat's with Religious symbols or Gurbani are completely okay.. some people would argue 'ur defacing your body'... but whould u call a gurbani or a Sikhi tatoo to be defacing ur body?... i personally wouldn't...if its something that means that much to you then go for it.. personally if i had a khanda or ik oankar tatoo on my arm or something.. every time i saw it, it would probably proud and happy to be a sikh... it would get me to start thinkin bout sikhi at that time if i already wasn't... u all know the expression 'having something tatoo'd to ur heart'.. well this is just gettin it on the outside of ur body so you yourself can see it..

    on the other hand, if ur gettin a tatoo of like a naked gurl or sum1s name. then i think tha's whack.. I myself am actually thinkin bout gettin a tatoo... something that's significant to me in regards to sikhi..

    to me there's only ONE problem about gettin a tat.... the thing is when u get one, in most cases they shave/remove that hair where the tatoo is gonna go... i know this 'cause i know peepz with tatoo's.. i know it's not MANDATORY to remove ur hair (depending on where ur getting it)... so if u can get one w/out removing your hair... then i think i's all good..

    but tha's jes personal opinion..

    btw.. i think the Baba Deep Singh one looks WEKKED..!!!!

    Bhul Chuk Maaf...

    Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh..!!

  3. realizing my voice sucked.... i decided to ask japmans to do some kirtan... japmans said we should all go to the other concert.. so we all went... then we started our own little raensabhae.. japmans was first to start, and he of course like alwayz RIPPED it..!! and of course YOURS TRULY :cool: was doin tabla seva... one by one we all took vaari's doing kirtan... day light came and we were still going... at this point we were all very tired so we decided to sleep (after nitnem though :umm: )... after about 8 hours of sleep.. we all woke up to find ourselves back in 2005 at Heera Singhs house... confused, singhstah said ___________......

  4. Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh..!!

    last novembers kirtan darbar was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING... i can't WAIT for this one... i got the heeby jeebies... hahaha...

    and i wouldn't mind listenin to Daasn Daas for 7 hours... :umm: hehehe...

    but seriously.. EVERYBODY come out... you WON'T regret it... and come prepared with shabads... :cool:



  5. Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh..!!

    GREAT ideas guyz... now the thing... would anybody be able to come down to montreal for the celebration?? rides could be arranged for those who wish to attend... it would be great if everybody could come out and help...

    and again.. i think the Date they set now is April 1st...

    please let me know...

    Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh...!!

  6. Heera Singh, who's mind was too powerful for that... he then (with the help of the Sikh Incredibles) tried to make them all snap out of their zombie mode.. he then started doing simran... the Sikh Incredibles joined in... slowly they started coming around... and within 20 mins everybody was doing naam jap... by that time.. the fish itself had started doing naam jap... once everybody was themselves again Singhstah ________......

  7. Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh..!!

    Ummm.. i think my brother was sayin its gonna be indoors on a stage or something.. because nebody who's been to or lived in mtl knows they have some crazy winters... i's gonna be way too cold to have it outside.. so i'm pretty sure i's inside...btw.. the whole showing the bana and what it represents i's a good idea... and books about sikhi sound good...

    I will try to get in contact with Santbir Singh... is he still LIVING in mtl at this point?? if he is.. that would be AMAZING.. i can refer him over to my brother and they can go for a cup of cha and discuss this.. hahaha... newhoo... u guyz rock... more ideas would be great..!!!!

    Vaheguru Jee Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Jee Kee Fateh..!!

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