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  1. As you can tell from my name, Khalistan is numero UNO.

    The only problem i ever had with Khalistan was losing the name Punjab, which is also just as beutifull. My great grandmothers name was punjab kaur. I just don't know what could be done about this.

    Cant the Sikhs have their homeland named Punjab?? I'm all for khalistan, from head to toe....india out of khalistan... but this is the only quagmire i ever encountered.

  2. o and bigg guy "raj karega khalsa" i wuz reading ur comments about u wnating to become a human rights worker.

    BHai khalra was lawyer versed in indian law.

    I suggest for u bro, get a degree.. in coms and culture ( u won't make much $$$ with this i may say) poli sci..or international relations..or even engineering or an earth sci... this will give u credential..u make a name for ur self, and then u do the seva u want.

  3. TRYNA SEE why some of the fellars there have the holier then thou mentallity.

    i wanna rephrase..its the tapobanners..but quite a fwe individuals who present themselves on that forum.

    funny thing is u can't do jack schmit about ur "problem"

  4. I got 1 no1 can beat....

    So this is my first date with my gf (i knew from the get go i'm going to marry her, and she's my frist so not kanjaar commited).

    And we just had chinese food, and about an hour later, i got crazy explosive direah...and was running washroom to washroom while driving int he middle of no where...so i hadda go in the chardiya.

  5. Man just bn surfing that tapoban forum...who does those folks thinkt hey are?

    judging Udham Singh ji? like who cares if he cut his hair to do maahaaan seva...they think they are better then him b/c of this

    the most peeving is the topic on baba banda singh bahadur.......judging some1 of so much bhagtii...

    alll their views just plain and simple radicalllll


  6. ghandi wuz a gandu.

    ghandi facts:

    Ghandi called Guru Gobind Singh ji a "misguided patriot".

    Ghandi was actualy a pawn of british imperilisim, non-violence against an occupying force is pointless. He was installed by the british to hold down any large scaled violence.

    Ghandi raped little boys.

    Ghandi could have given Bhai Bhagat Singh ji amnesty but decided not to.

    GHandi gave the sikhs lies.

    Ghandi was evil

  7. I'm astonished at how ignorant people are. The United States entered Iraq, and destroyed a "more" function government, and today iraq is in total anarchy. Talk to Iraqis both who liked, and who have been tortured by saddam, that they rather have Saddam then the states. Because atleast with Saddam there was a morsal of law, and people could go to stores, malls etc without the fear of getting bombed.

    More so, US has broken multiple internation treaties, and geniva laws, governing the holding of a political prisinor as well as a prisonar of war. A political prisoner cannot be given the death penalty, and prisoner of war cannot be handed over to the enemy. This is a very simple law. THis does not mean that he does not deserve to die, but it means that the US who feels that they are instilling law and culture into the iraqis should also abide by the same laws, and thus forth Mr. Bush should also be tried with the same crimes as saddam.

  8. BHangra, or punjabi culture in its truest form is in line with sikhi. It oringaly never had mention of sharaba, lust etc. singin about love is not lust, its nature and cannot be called lust. lust is more along the lines of i wanna f u. THe flueditiy in the movement of bhangra is what is bhangra, the ableness to dance, and produce rythm to the beat of the dhol, as sardar dholi pointed out its a mixture of moves etc.

    Ne ways i love to see sardars doing bhangra, thats the only way it should be done.

  9. dood its very hurting to say but the true militant singhs left us a long time ago. 95'sh.

    But these youth today try hard to be gangsters by shunning their own culture. who cares punjabi virsa is ours no1 can take that away, i don't see why a sikh can't also love their virsa.

    as long as its clean, ihate songs about sharab and <admin-profanity filter activated> thats dumb....but can some1 point out whats wrong with clean boliyaan?

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