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  1. Sorry veerji, i take back my dumb comment, i would rather say it is not logical.

    As cheap grain was and is readily available. Ever since creation of India, the center has tried to allienate punjab of water, if they cared so much for grain then whyw ould they want to suffocate punjab of water and create a desert land? This has been an attempt and so far it is successfull, punjab is sinking and the water reserves are drying.

  2. Please people don't be so ignorant, it was not over grain.

    Remember the simplest answer is normaly the right answer. The true reason why they attacked Siri Darbar Sahib was to teach the newly uprising Sikh community a "lesson". "You stand up against us, and we will DESTROY YOU". And i'm sorry to say they succeeded. Sure we still had our pride after Op Bluestar, but the fact that did not allow the Warrior Sangat from pinds to reach darbar sahib to aid in the battle was a great blow to our moral. They succeeded in causing a sudden demand for khalistan, and putting the Sangat down like dogs.

  3. THanks veerji/panji.

    I have been shutout and shutdown by amritdharis because i'm a monah and have these beliefs, but i don't care.

    Its just that people who claim 2 be sikh, dont' even care whats happening to their people. They dont' care at all, or think India is a haven. Its sick. For example, there are two girls who hate Malik and Bhagri, cause they cussed at the Radhaswamis (their nana is a radha), and because of this they think india is a the home of the sikhs.

    Sikhs shall liberate punjab.

  4. Ever since the war for Sikh independance started, I feel that every father and mothers pug has been thrown off the head of the Sikhs, and i feel it is the duty of the Sons and daughters of these fathers and mothers to bring the pug back up on their head. Even if they aren ot sikh and from Sikh families, as we are all still one community. People may know I am a monah but i feel this way. And when i try telling it to someone, especially girls at university (who are brain washed by bollysh1t) they say thats an extreem view, and I am a terrorist supporter blah blah.

    Who else feels that it is our duty to bring upright the pug upon the mothers and fathers of the quam? :TH:

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