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  1. becaue marrying strangers is retarted. It can be harmful or deadly for one or both int he marriage.

    it does not work. it worked in the old days because it was 100% male dominated and the women where made into servants pretty much, or if not that, just complied iwth the husbands orders right or wrong.

    that is a disgusting practice. and the not seeing till after the wedding part, was only on the wedding day, similar to the christian bride wearing a vail??!

  2. omg..............she's sitting on a chair!?!!?!

    SHE'S OLD FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, obviosly has problems walking! she is just deserved for the chair.

    the people who are young and like most of us blessed ppl (physicaly speaking) and sit on chairs in the langar hall re the pople you should be posting such threads about, not some old bibi.

    REQUEST TO MOD, delete the pictures please, the bibi is not at fault, her face does not need to been gloated on a forum like this.

  3. I've never heard of south indians doiong phaat

    actualy thats a lie, i have a s. indian friend and she does "bahjans" to guru nanak dev ji.

    But i'm talkin about Punjabi people of Muslim and Hindu religions taking part in phaat. This happened mostly because there was no difference between all Punjabis from the begining of the Sikh kingdom till 1947.

    and every1 had great respect for the Sikhs.

  4. right kam1985 i'm gonna go on your hearsay, i have'nt even hear dof half the blokes u talk about.

    but giani mohan singh does NOT PERFORM ARTHI OR CONDONE IT. don't make it up son.

    you guys say it ceased in 1947? wrong it ceased to exist in 192x. further more answer my question when did it start?????

    hint 186x?

    it was started by mahants who regained controls of the Sikh Kingdom fell. It was not existant before that Singh Sabha lahore did a great job at getting rid of it again.

    SO POLEASE PUTHORO. read academic work before you read wikipedia.

  5. we live in the western world, nothing is going to be resolved by resorting to threats, we have avenues to resolve such problems. These avenues are the policing system put in place to protect and govern our communities.

    Do not waiste a moment, register a harrasment complaint, have an officer give him a chat.

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