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Gurbar Akaal

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Posts posted by Gurbar Akaal

  1. Very dangerous move for Sangat TV by bringing her in. So far Sangat TV has been unregulated and raw coverage of whats been happening durin these riots. The presenter speaks his heart and the truth, what the government and media definitly dont want. Other media channels are biased, regulated and cover up what is really happening.

    As Sonia is BBC, Sangat TV will soon be polished with the BBC's words

    They need to drop her asap and not give in to any pressure, desire for fame or money.

  2. Panth Parkash talks about the sakhi of Baba Gurbaksh Singh who fought alongside Baba Deep Singh in the invasion of Ahmed Shah Abdali, but I have not come accross a headless corpse fighting.

    If the neck is cut, but the jugular and windpipe are still intact, it is possible for someone to stem the bleeding with pressure, overcome the pain and continue for a short while with a severe wound. The neck would be held so that movement would not whiplash the neck. This makes much more reasonable sense then a headless corpse fighting. For the purpose of story telling, it is probably easier to say that their head was separated, making it a more memorable story.

    I appreciate that people have grown up with this story and any difference in opinion will make people emotional, however it is not my intention to upset anyone.

  3. Get your fungal infection sorted out, it will take time but it can be done within a year. Depending on how bad it is, you can sort it at home with a kit called Curanail, and the skin can be sorted out with a cream called Lamisil. If it is more severe then go see a doctor, wearing socks is only going to make the infection worse cos your feet are sweating even more in socks.

    Keep your feet clean and dry, apply the medication and you should be sorted.

  4. To you maybe he is another normal regular human but not to many of us. But before i answer your question, can you shed light on this... Do you or do you not believe that some 30 or 40 sikhs were able to fight, kill and kept hundreds of thousands of mughals away from guru sahib jee @ fort?

    I believe that 30 sikhs could fight against a standoff of thousands, that is because I have understanding of the strategies, techniques and military prowess of the old Singhs. You see it as a karamaat, I see it as logical tactical deployment.

    If Baba Deep Singh was one of the greatest warriors in the Panth, how can you even begin to accept that he was caught off guard so much that he allowed his head to be taken clean off?

  5. I was 155 in 2006 and now i weigh WHOLE 192 pounds :| Been trying a lot to go back to at least below 170 but hard to do that.. Right now i am on strict calorie intake diet (1600/day but planning for 1200/day later on). I am keeping away from sugar products and all type of fatty food. Though hard but it sure is taking time. My parents raised us on strict fat free products.. we never used butter/ghee or those type of stuff.. Always on fat free milk or fat free cheese (rarely use em) and kept away from soda and so on.. BUT still i gained the weight maybe because of lack of exercise or my wife spoiled me lol...

    I can stay whole day without eating anything but when i eat.. i eat a lot.. (ex. i don't keep 3 meal a day stuff.. just eat once or twice a day)..

    As snack, I often take garnola bar, small v8 tomato can juice and kashi cereal whenever i feel something to eat.. gatorade instead of soda etc.. Im also putting limit on eating outside except subway sandwiches etc...

    i walk a lot between my classes so i am not exactly couch potato lol .. reason is that i don't exactly have much time.. i am thinking of stationary bike but still in deciding mode.. Now my question is.. Can i loose weight without joining gym?

    The human body is a complex thing, its chemical balances are so finely tuned that they require a good deal of understanding in order to maintain good health. Every type of diet will affect the body in ways which cannot be seen.

    You can easily lose weight without joining the gym, you just need the desire to become fit. To lose weight you will need to replace your energy stores away from your food intake. Your body uses the carbohydrates you eat on a day to day basis to fuel your movement, so to make your body use its fat stores you need to cut down on your carb intake. Carbs should be eaten in the morning, best is porridge (dalliya) and a banana, and the rest of the day you should stay away from carbs. Replace with proteins, lentins, cottage cheese, salads, fruits etc. Vegetarians have the biggest issue with this as there are few dishes which can make up a complete meal and still be protein rich.

    So to get over this, maintain a healthy diet but eat one quarter less than what you normally would. Replace white breads, white roti, white rice with wholemeal alternatives as they are not refined and loaded with sugars. Reduce the ghee in your sabziya, and don’t butter your rotiya. All these small things add to you gaining weight.

    Drink plenty of water and avoid fizzy drinks, avoid even the drinks which are “diet” as the replacement sweetners in there are dangerous to your health. Avoid crisps and any other snacks, instead replace with natural foods such as raw unsalted nuts, and dry fruits.

    Keep your intake of food small and regular, 5 small meals a day is better then 1 massive one in the evening. Imagine putting items through a machine bit by bit and the machine will chew it up no problem, put a whole pile through and the machine will grind to a halt. The same happens with your body. As long as the intake of food is small and light, your metabolism will maintain high if you start the day off with breakfast (Not alloo walleh pronteh!)

    Top the whole diet with a strict exercise regime of varying types, Dand Behtaks are the best exercise for anyone to lose weight and gain mass, these should be done for 30 minutes each day without fail. Add to that long distance running, dynamic weight lifting such as deadlift to snatch to shoulder press, deadlift to snatch to squat and kettlebell snatches to raise the heartrates. Put an evening to going for a run, swimming, or cycling.

    Making a start is the hardest thing to do, but once you do it becomes easier, your diet will automatically become cleaner because you want to be healthy, and your dedication to training will increase. If the body is the mandir for your aatma, then the body should be looked after. Those people who claim to be bhagats or devotees of god and are fat, are only fooling themselves. A fat person shows that he has too much desire to eat and cannot control his indriya/senses, if he cannot control his indriya how can he settle his mind to focus upon Paramatma. Above all that, a good clean healthy natural diet will help towards your spiritual journey as the mind is cleared of all imbalances created by modern day processed foods.

  6. Cottage Cheese is cheap and high in protein, add some fruits to it or cucumber and tomatoes with salt and pepper and it serves as a good healthy snack. Avocados are also good for you. Citrus type fruits such as oranges, green grapes etc are also good for weight loss. Have some raw unsalted nuts such as almonds (about 15 max per day) if you get hungry. Put next to a good exercise regime or Dand Behtaks, Kettlebells, Swimming, running you will shed that excess fat off in no time. Maintain a high intensity regime for at least 40 minutes to ensure you increase your heart rate to allow your body to start burning off your fat stores.

    Avoid processed wheat such as white bread, white rice and pasta, supplement it with wholemeal foods instead but keep your carb intakes for the morning rather then evening time. 5-6 good healthy small meals throughout the day will keep your metabolism high.

  7. Traditionally the Singhs would do daily dynamic body excercises, with main emphasis on Dand Behtaks (Squatting and Dive Bomb Pressups) which adds natural weight and strength to a person. The more the better, but the aim is to do at least 3000 squats a day and 1000 dive bomb pressups, combined with a regime of stretching to build up the tendons in the body rather then muscle, improving flexibility and agility. Core muscle groups like the back, stomach and legs were built up so that horse riding and marching could be withstood, combined with a good diet.

    Weights were used but not as much as the wrestlers as the Singhs would ride horses so they cudnt afford to keep too much mass on them. All this was combined with hours of swordsmanship practise, sparing, and meditation to focus the mind.

  8. The British would encourage the Sikhs to believe they were a different ethnicity/race when they were intending to get them as allies. Politicians turn up at the Gurdwaras close to election time to get votes but when they require help no one wants to know.

    A similar plea was made by the Singh Sabhias in 1930 for census status (SGPC Ilana Nama 22), and look how many rights that got them in India.

  9. I use different types of Caligraphy pens and Reed and Ink. Parchment paper is the nicest to use.

    Above the materials is how you actually write which makes caligraphy so beautiful. Consistency in the lettering style and sizes along with layout takes allot of practise.

    I would initially begin by writing out Oora Erra over and over, and experiment with different lettertypes. Find a style which works well and then attempt to begin writing words together to see if the style matches. Work on making it neat and crisp and then start working on layouts of writing. Making sure the ends of sentences are aligned.

    The key thing I find is knowing the particular bani off by heart so you can write with a consistent flow. When you break between words then the writing doesnt come out as nice.

    Takes allot of practise but the effort is definitly worth it.

  10. The group has been updated with videos from Shihan Marc Moors Bujinkan school, a student of Ninjutsu Grand Master Dr Hatsumi, the last living Ninja, and a demo from the 5th Annual Filipino Martial Arts Seminar infront of Filipino Martial Arts Grandmasters.


    Over 3 Hours worth of footage is available on the group.

  11. Baba Ji is attending a camp, the camps admission is £5, you are not paying to see Baba ji, but to attend camp.

    96 krori is 96 thousand, and is the number of Shaheed Singhs in the fauj, if I am correct, of which Baba Ji is the Jathedar

    One Hundred - 100 - Sau

    One Thousand - 1000 - Hazaar

    One Hundred Thousand - 100,000 - 1 Lakh

    One Million - 100,000 - 10 Lakh

    10 Million - 10,000,000 - 100 Lakh or 1 Crore

    So 96 crore means 96 *10 million = 96,000,00000

    Have there even been that many Sikhs let alone that many Shaheed Singhs? Take into account current day statistics say there are 20 million sikhs worldwide, 2 Crore only.

  12. In the Akhara we have many students who have learnt or are learning other arts. Students from backgrounds with experience in Wing Chun, Muay Thai, Boxing, Kickboxing, Praying Mantis, Escrima etc All these students soon appreciate how different the Vidiya is from what they have learnt or seen before, surely the Wing Chun students who have done 10+ yrs training would come to the same conclusion as you? Ontop of that, the Vidiya has been demonstrated at a number of martial arts seminars where world class and top ranking instructors have appreciated the art and acknowledged that it is an unadulterated battlefield killing art.

  13. What this niddar is talking about has never been referenced in the puranas or the vedas, as for vajramushti that was performed using knuckle dusters/nakhas and was part of a wider training involved in indian wrestling. How do i know this you ask, i have many friends in southern and middle india who are linked to wrestling akharras that still practice this sort of art basically vajramusti.

    Yes i agree that karas were used in form of strikes to the body but not really as this niddar is explaining....sorry mr niddar singh for ruining your fun.

    Firstly you accept that vajramusti existed, then you also accept that karas were used to strike the body, if the way Niddar Singh has shown is not the real way this combat was carried out, then please explain how it was done. Where in the video has Niddar Singh stated that vajramushti and lohmushti are reffered in the puranas or vedas?

  14. We can argue over this all day long and it wont go no where, comments such as "Shastarvidiya used to work before, but it wont now" just shows how delirious this person is. Did you know that Mauy Thai is also a traditional art, which comes from the battlefield art of Krabi Krabong? Did you also know that BJJ is an adapted form of JJ which comes from the traditional battlefield arts of the Samurai?

    Beyond the labels and styles, there is skill and technique, rather then argue over a style you should train your hardest to become the best of your ability.

    Its a waste of time to discuss this further, Gurfateh!

  15. mma muay thai ji jitsu wrstling judo boxing our the best hand to hand combat to learn in the world today, we seen this through ufc and pride fighitng in the 90's cause every other martial artist got his <banned word filter activated> kicked when they fought guys with muay thai wrestling judo ji jitsu boxing back grounds

    with krav mega its for modern day stree warfare with weapons, reason i believe its the best weapons training in the world is cause its the most evolved up to date weapons combat in the world today for modern day warfare, and reason i believe its effective is cause the isreali army trains in krav mega and uses it everyday when their patrolling and its put to the test every day in real life situations, were as these ancient martial arts havn't had any evolution and can't survive in modern day warfare, krav mega is the most evolved and modern weapons train ing the world, and its used more then any other weapons martil art in the world cause the isreali military is out using krav mega every day

    thats why ive said when it comes to one on one fighting mma is the best to learn

    when it comes to weapons its krav mega its the most evolved and modern weaons martial arts today thats put to the test every day in the middle east

    but krav mega just hand to hand combat won't last in the mma ring, krav mega emphisis on dealing with weapons and handling modern day warfare

    Is your responce based upon actual training in Krav Maga or is it based upon what you have heard?

    Do you know that KM also has a hand to hand fighting system and is not just based upon weapons? You state that KM hand to hand wont last long in the ring, does this mean that KM is only effective when the practioner has a gun in their hand?

    How can a art which deals with weapons be useless unarmed? If you have any experience with weapons arts you will know that weapons is a higher skill, if they can deal with knifes, sticks, batons, machetes and guns, surely punching and kicking is eassier to cope with?

    The real answer is that arts such as KV, Kali, Silat, SV, Bujinkan etc are killing arts, every technique they use is with the intent to seriously hurt and maim their opponent. MMA is a sport, with rules and regulations, these styles do not fit into the cage so to say that to prove themselves they must come into your arena is ridiculous.

    Like ive mentioned before, if you feel that MMA will "wipe the floor" with traditional combat arts, and you feel that Shastarvidiya is outdated, then whenever you are in the UK you are more than welcome to come to the akhara and put your money where your mouth is.

  16. Nothing is cultivated more in MMA than ego, to say that it will bring benefits to our society is ridiculous. Nothing provides humility, intelligence, and honour more than learning swordsmanship. In terms of a challenge, we dont use just fists, we put karas on the end of them and then go at it. You may be able to take a punch, the boys are quickly separated from the men when you realise the kara will cave your face in, split your nose and break your teeth.

    The clue is in the name, Shastarvidiya, the art of Weapons. If you dont believe our words, listen to the words of the Guru

    "Gur Ka Sikh Hatho Pai Kadhey Na Lareh, Apni Kesa(n) Di Aabroo Bachai" - A Sikh of the Guru must never fight with just his hands and feet, for he must protect the honour of his long kesh.

  17. It seems to me as you are a Niddar 'Singh' follower. Am I right on this (and don't say it doesn't matter if you are or not because it does). Gatka to you might seem as a really low art form for battle, but it actually is the base of training and acts as a guide to the more advanced and complex arts. Gatka in it's self is very useful art when battling more than one person.

    If what you state is true and Gatka is the low art form, how can it be used against multiples which is technically a higher skill compared to one vs one?

    What does the higher form of Gatka have which the lower form does not?

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