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Posts posted by thesoldier

  1. On 08/09/2016 at 10:17 AM, nahid said:

    vat is the praablem yaar?

    Izlam aint perfect !!! and the false profit mohammed was in my opinion just that, false. A sexual abuser of both little boys (his nephews) and little a girl (poor ayesha).

    Go to subreddit,  reddit dot com /r/exmuslim/ read the hundreds of stories of how ex-moslims have to live a lie and pretend to be moslims because they hate the false cult called izlam. Many of whom too scared to come out due to the fear of repercussions of being an apostate. Hijabi woman angry they are forced to wear head covering and then lie that it was her choice and now want to leave izlam. I visit /exmuslim subreddit every week as their is so much juicy stuff their to learn and digest.


    Nahid start questioning and leave izlam.






  2. of course this one women employee's paid for testimony used for campaigning ... hardly unbiased

    How about shes defending someone she knows personally who is maligned in media. Look media makes out Trump to be a racist and misogynist

    What Lynne Patton does is kill two birds with one stone. One she is a female executive and two she is black. The media will not pick this up because it goes against their propaganda of maligning Sir Trump

    Wait you are a Bernie fan (maybe hillary) right? Or your just anti-trump.

    So there is no point me even trying to explain to you. Because no matter how much i try you will never accept it.

    Why? Because you support the other team (bernie, hillary, nevertrump, anti-trump, cruz). So biased is you.

    I thought sikhs of all would be impartial knowing how the enemedia can turn against you as seen in india, who distort truths.

    I will tell you who is paid for though, its those bernie fans that turn up at Trump rallies, 15 dollars an hour


  3. I tend to find, most of the sikhs who eat dirty halal meat,are the new arrival freshys, who say they havnt heard of halal back in panjab/haryana. If u say to them its '<banned word filter activated> maas' then they may understand. But they seem completely oblivious to the fact that we cannot eat halal/kosher.

    Now that i think of it you probably right in your observation there. Majority are freshie types.

    I seen this video a while back, although i forgotten about it. We need basics of sikhi team to hang around those places to educate a few, hand out leaflets. Do a youtube video too.

    Just messaged BasicsofSikhi facebook page, hope they can look into this. Thanks

  4. We should make sure that ALL sikhs no matter what state of their sikhi stop eating at Halal places , this was hukam of Guru ji because that is how the conversion process is sealed if everyone is eating halal/kuttha all they have to do is get people to say/read.write shahada and it's done. It is to ease their conversion process

    I am saddened at sikhs eating halal. There is this place called Roosters piri piri in uk just like nandos but is moslim owned, prices are similar to nandos and I see alot of singhs in there. I remember their outside shop dont appear to have a halal sign. They covertly don't show this to draw in non-moslim customers, especially alot of sikhs in west london.

    Has basicsofsikhi addressed this issue? How good it would be to have Jagraj singh outside a few of these stores to speak to some of these singhs that go there who are lacking knowledge.or awareness.

  5. #Trump: After staying in various places in #Indiana, all I saw was negative ads60,000 negative ads... the people don't buy it

    Whereas Trump spent only 900,000 and won.Trump wrote one of the best sellers "The art of the Deal", he knows one thing which is for sure and that is how to win and win big. Trump started out against 17 politicians some congressman, some senators all with years of political experience with them, he shot them all down. Truly historic

    Trump says if he is elected: "you will find out who really knocked down the World Trade Center."

    "It wasn't the Iraqis," he explained. "You may find it's the Saudis."

    "They have papers in there that are very secret," he also said, referencing the 28 still-classified pages of the 9/11 commission report. "But you will find out."

    Sir Trump go after the Saudis make them dhimmitude servants then charge them the Jizya tax once you have conquered them. Take out ISIS fast. What i time to be living in the coming Trump era.

  6. I love the sound of the Sarangi, also Playing dilruba, esraj, taus, my finger tips used to ache pushing down on the strings (it pains avoid lol). So i preferred the sarangi. With the sarangi you push your nails against the strings causing no pain. The strings are not wires so they dont mess up the nails as they made from sheep intestines.

    Also to get around finding the notes as theres no frets. I used a pencil to mark lines for Sa, ra, ga, ma notes just below and by the side of the strings, once the instrument is tuned up that is. This helps a great deal if you are beginning.

    The saranda if i can remember correctly, is similar to sarangi so if you know one the other is not hard to play. But i believe its harder to see where your fingers are placed.as its a wider bodied instrument compared to sarangi. So you have to pop your head around more to see strings. Saranda looks beautiful little harder to hold as its round on the bottem where as Sarangi has edges.

    Hope that helps

  7. ^^^

    Wat garbage, EVERYMAN and his dog knows, those sikhs killed in chittisinghpura were killed by indian army personnel. The fact that they did that upon president clintons visit and THEN, they tried to do the EXACT same thing when obama visited india, shows u who is behind this all. The eye witnesses said that they captured indian army topis and quelled anotha organised killing by arming themselves when obama came. All the locals of chattisinghpura n surrounding areas (hindu, sikh n muslims) all say that both incidents were done by indian army (border security forces id imagine).

    Sikhs have every right to be suspicious of Indian army after what happened during the 80s/90s. But izlamic militants are far worse in my opinion.

    You have izlamic ideology that preaches hate. VS corrupt government officials that hated sikh minorities and others who dont look upon minorities as equal. As well as corrupt Brahman caste system that loves to be in power with great amounts of wealth.

    I dont know who did it, there were opinions/witnesses from both sides. We also know moslims lie, like they blame everything on America for the cause of islamic terrorism, to take the heat off their hateful cult called izlam

    I wouldnt be surprised if jihadists did it, i wouldnt be surprised if hindu army had a hand in this.

  8. As crazy as it sounds, there probably are some 'low iq pendus' out there blaming Trump for this attack.


    We can spin it around too. Maybe that sikh guy protesting at Sir Donald Trumps private event enraged the guy who attacked a sikh in Qubec. I bet that sikh guy got paid good money to protest, what are they paid i think $15 a hour.

    The sikhs that protected mosques in southall during the london riots, i wonder who they feel now. I couldnt believe they were doing it. They groom our girls and then these guys protect their mosques

  9. A new poll found that two-thirds of British Muslims living in Muslim neighborhoods would not give the government any information if they knew details about a terror plot.

    See link


    Anyone suppirsed by this ?

    Moderate moslims will hold your head, whist the extremists would chop your head off.

    Whens the last time a moslims have told authorities of their extremist brothers that may want to cause a terror attack in UK, in USA. I dont remember any.

    Ban izlam in western nations and multiculturalism may just work

  10. It works both ways

    Other peoples agenda - Is voting for the most likely winner of democratic party nomination Hillary Clinton.

    According to The Wall Street Journal, between 2001 and 2014, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Oman, and the UAE gave a total of $18-50 million to the Clinton Foundation (roughly 1.4-4 percent of contributions it received over these 13 years).

    • The Saudi Arabian Kingdom- $10 million to $25 million,
    • Qatar- $1 million to $5 million
    • The Sultanate of Oman gave the foundation between $1- 5 million, and
    • UAE- $1 million to $5 million

    A total number of governments contributing, the Journal noted, which in 2014 appeared to have doubled from the previous year.

    This is appeasement to Izlam (the worlds most dangerous cult disguised as a religion). Hillary bows to islam.

    "Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism." Hillary Clinton 19/11/15

    Moslims are peaceful and tolerant people? really, what world is she living in?. Shes crooked bought out and silenced.

    Main parties in India are corrupt to the core too, but a vote for khangress (left wing) is much worse than a vote for BJP (right wing centre). After Gujra train bombing by moslims Modi took no action against rioters against moslims. Well you cant just let a death cult keep killing non-believers, you have to take a stand somewhere. 1400 years of jihad lets not forget this [ thereligionofpeace.com ]

    Hillary will bury her head in the sand regarding izlam whilst her people are blown up, gurdwara getting bombed, etc.

    Sir Trump will question izlam, possibally ban it and its people.

  11. Well wasnt expecting that! I dont thinl ive ever heard of Muslims attacking a Gurdwara in the West, not that Id put this past them.

    Im willing to bet there will be some Sikhs who are so in love with muslims, that theyll try to say this is some conspiracy and the muslims are being framed.

    Trouble is sikhs have so called friends called moslims and they believe the crap they tell them. Not realising they are the enemy within who are allowed to lie and deceive us

    Sikhs should know the nature of izlam the best as our gurus were shaheed by them.

    The vicious snake, only one leader right now with a backbone saying it as it is.


  12. It's quite certain that Trump will NOT be winning the republican primary unless a miracle happens now. Looks like we're ending up getting the bandari aka Hillary Clinton.

    She was responsible for the death of many soldiers and has mishandled foreign policy so many times. To top it off she was one of the rats who were for the invasion of Iraq.

    I never liked Trump, but I dislike Hillary with a passion. She accepts money from anyone and will say anything to win the election.

    Anybody but Hillary !!! I wouldnt say its over for Sir Trump, its made it harder for him yes. Trump took 6 delegates from the 42 for Wisconsin whilst Cruz got 36. Next up is Trumps ground in New York, Trump will have that easily.

    Lets hope Dinesh D'Souza's Documentary film will knock enough votes off her chances of winning.

  13. I clicked the video, took me to youtube. I paused the video as soon as I say the channel The Young Turks

    Turkish = moslims.

    I havent even watched the video, i looked at the top 5 comments. Dont get me wrong i have watched a few videos from TheYoungTurks. They are leftist moslim apologists and that Turk guy.

    Armenian Genocide of 1915: An Overview. On the eve of World War I, there were two million Armenians in the declining Ottoman Empire. By 1922, there were fewer than 400,000. The others — some 1.5 million — were killed in what historians consider a genocide.

    Note Armenians are christians, this is what islam did to them.

    Of course this youtube channel is not going to like Sir Trump because he is anti-islam. He will fix islamic terrorism.

    ^^ This is how dangerous and evil these Turks are. Remember the paris attacks not so long ago. They did a 1 minute silence as a mark of respect but the Turks booed and chanted allah akbar before the match. Disgusting.

    Still not convinced, well then listen to this interview on above video. I hope this video opens your eyes.

    and EU idiotic Leftist Liberals are going to allow Turkey to join Europe.

    I support Trump because he is the only one that will go after ISIS and finish them off. He will shut down so many currupt radical moslim organisations that support terrorist hamas in USA.

    The actual video (not recorded via camera mobile like the youtube video above)

    What Muslim people think about atheists


  14. OK so was Guru ji mistaken then for protecting ordinary muslims from mughal atrocities in India ? Did Guru ji say protect the weak, helpless ...but only if they are sikhs ? Was Bhai Taru SIngh ji wrong for saving the daughter of the muslim and thus getting arrested? All oppressors are to be targetted by SIkhs as they start with one group then they move right along to others finally getting to yours. All humanity needs to speak up against discrimination against people purely to scapegoat innocents for sins of a minority . By your logic, we should adjust Guru ji commands to suit , Guru Pita ji also has made it clear to protect others we should have proper conduct and matt according Guru's matt firstly . Sure be strong in your sikhi life and mentality but stay aloof from worldly political manipulations . Trump is antisikh by nature : as he chooses to divide man against man, he lies, he cheats people of what he owes them (6-7 bankruptcies), he is racist, he is misogynistic ...why are you so ruffled by sikhs calling him out ? Maybe your hero worship is misplaced .

    Ordinary moslims They were minority sufi. Sufi's are not moslim. They have been persecuted for a long time by sunni moslims.

    Trump is antisikh - Please I haven't been offended I have listened to his speeches. Unless you think yourself as a moslim. Trump is anti-islam not anti-sikh

    Racist - Get me the quotes of what Sir Donald Trump has said that is racist. Then i will explain it to you. LOL. Better yet watch this video i posted earlier http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?/topic/78988-sikh-hero-lt-brian-murphy-asked-trump-a-question-regarding-safety-of-sikhs-in-usa/page-14#entry657661

    Misogynistic - He has praised many woman too. Not forgetting the many executive ladies that work for him.

    Look at this link, more female executives at Trumps organisations then there are male. https://youtu.be/lrZTJt8g4bI?t=1m21s

    This is what the media will refuse to show us because it does not fit their narrative. See video on link


    sikhs calling him out - We have been fed a pack of lies by the media, designed to put people off voting for him. Because trump is not accepting money from lobbyist and special interest groups.

    Whether you like Trump or not thats fine by me that is not the problem. But don't repeat what the media is saying without your own research as that is doing Nindiya. Im not saying Trump is someone to aspire to but please be careful not to slander.

    He slanders others, and pollutes himself with his own filth.

    Outwardly, he washes off the filth, but the impurity of his mind does not go away.

  15. Excellent comment by this paen ji regarding the singh most probably paid protestor

    Rajvinder Kaur
    Is there not enough muslims in the world to fight their own battle just this once? How about we sort out the problems in our kaum first before we begin to play heroes for others. Typical behaviour of Sikhs is to look elsewhere for problems to solve rather than look closer to home. We have many deep routed issues in our own community to deal with...our Guru Jis taught us to be strong and mighty as a kaum from within first...but we are far from it. No one can deny the rapid increase in extreme muslims...however has anyone begun to think well why aren't those moderate muslims speaking up for themselves or is it because secretly some share the same view? The weak mentality within us takes us further away from Guru Gobind Singh Ji's hukam that in around 16,000 years time, everyone on this earth will become Sikh including those muslims at mecca. One can only begin to think what state this world will be in for the need of the Khalsa to bring peace everywhere. Make your own kaum strong, sort out the differences between the elder generation and get your youth on the right track to ensure that our kaum is strong and ready for when the time comes; only then can you be in a position to make statements like this Singh did. Please, stop being so naive by thinking every muslim is great....clue yourselves up for Waheguru's sake! Yes we are taught to love every human being because every being has God within, but that doesn't mean to say we should stand for a community which has a lot of bias within in it in this age. It is up for muslims to prove that their religion is not evil or barbaric as its texts seems to suggest, not Sikhs! Dont forget brothers and sisters, the Qu'ran says that we are all kafirs anyway and because we don't accept islam we will all be going to hell anyway...so I guess we won't need to worry so much about our muslim 'friends' after death because they will be living the high life in paradise with how many virgins was that? 70? Yup..this is the religion you all so bravely defend. Only Waheguru can help us now!
  16. why would anyone patent their name ? it is not unique to me (or as your example him) . Frankly speaking the rally was a public event which these two gentlemen got tickets for and were admitted so they were entitled to ask questions , however free speech according to Trump is purely for him not for anyone else . He just has proven time and time again that he has disdain for anyone who chooses to not fall hook , line and sinker for his hate speeches and blame laying . If the country is not doing well it is because it has not been doing well for a long time and only a facade of success has been afforded them by printing more money and creating wars in which to sell weaponry.

    Sir Donald Trump booked out the stadium, paid for in advance by none other than himself. Stop spreading lies, you book/register for an event not pay for a ticket, so the singh was not entitled to anything. Its his event his rules, Donald Trump was giving his speech and the singh disrupted his speech and caused chaos. Made sikhs look bad in my opinion. Singh ji should stay out of other peoples problems when it don't concern us. Sikhs have enough problems as it is. A sikh could have very well got beaten up because of his foolishness of getting involved into moslim own caused problems because of mistaken identity

  17. M.K. Gandhi isn't even worth quoting let alone calling him a 'Mahatma'.

    RSS ideology not going to work here. Best keep it to yourself there.

    I got the quote from the video i posted. I never heard of the quote up until i watched the video. I thought the quote was befitting of what Sir Donald Trump is going through. Im not particularly fond of the ganja gandhi my self. Sorry to disappoint you again i despise the RRS ideology. Although i like the idea of theirs to convert moslims back to their ancestors faith.

  18. Why don't these Libyan/Syrian refugees go to Arab countries? Why Europe?

    Arabs dont want them as its all part of their plant to conquer the western nations by immigration. Arabs have requested western nations that they will help them by building and funding them with construction of very large beautiful mosques LOL

    Their plan is to subjugate the non-moslim countries through large mass immigration of young strong men. And the leftist governments who think the only way to stop radical islam is by apologising to them and showing them love and empathy will stop islamic terrorism. How wrong they are, how foolish of them.

    The leftist government ignore the recent history of moslim conquests, through europe, attack on USA by north african moslim pirates. Leftists ignore all of these recent warnings

  19. https://youtu.be/Gw8c2Cq-vpg?t=36m54s

    Here is a link to the video of what Sir Donald Trump said regarding moslim ban, how the media lies about what Sir Donald Trump said. As well as the porkies told of the constitution says about a particular group of people that are up to no good.

    How refreshing it would be to boot all moslims out of US and let them live in their own 50 countries of paradise. That way sikhs will never get targeted as being moslims if they all no longer exist.

    First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. Mahatma Gandhi

    Sir Donald Trump right is at the fighting stage right now

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