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dust of ur sweet charan

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Posts posted by dust of ur sweet charan

  1. vaheguruji ka khalsa vaheguruji ki fateh

    in response to previous poster..... beg for ur forgiveness beforehand.... this is a beautiful thread n has been so inspiring to read... really dont think that anybody is trying to undermine or challenge the beauty n precednce that our Guru's, bhagats n fakirs have set in Gurbani..... these are really our own humble understandings, ponderings n feelings which have been evoked n provoked wen trying to convey our love and admiration for Vaheguru.... yet such words cannot do justice... personally... n i beg for ur forgivness again... an inspiring poem or verse becomes infectious... deepening love n awe n increasing the thirst n desire to learn more about gurbani n those historical events which have coloured our incredible Dharam... forgive me also think it acts as a valuable first stepping stone for some of our younger brothers n sisters who may have little undertsnding of Sikhi/ Gurbani due to barriers n difficuties they may face in terms of accesing n understanding language

    Pls forgive me again for my endless flaws, shortcoming n errors

    dhoor of ur sweet sweet charan

    vaheguru, vaheguru, vaheguru, vaheguru, vaheguru

  2. The Soul Bride

    So many planets, universes and solar systems all controlled by our will and whose fate lies in the palm of your hand

    So vast, so infinite, so amazing that mortal man cannot contemplate or even begin to understand.

    Everybody and everything works in accordance to your command

    Humans are born and die again and again by your sweet demand.

    You know everything, I know nothing

    I am nothing but you are my everything

    You continue to save me but I continue to mistake

    You refuse to abandon me, leave me or forsake

    The world continues to hurt me so I run to seek your shelter and to hide

    You hold your arms wide open and lovingly accept me your Soul Bride

    Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki fateh

    kott brehama(n)dd ko t(h)aakur suaamee sarab jeeaa kaa dhaathaa rae ||

    God is the Lord and Master of millions of universes; He is the Giver of all beings.

    Guru Arjan Dev Ji

    Raag Sorath 612

    naanak kaaman har // paaeiaa sagalae dhookh visaarae ||2||

    O Nanak, the soul-bride attains her Husband Lord, and forgets all her pains. ||2||

    Guru Amar Daas Ji

    Raag Gauree 244

    kaaman pir paaeiaa jeeo gur kai bhaae piaarae ||

    The soul-bride has found her Husband Lord, through the love and affection of the Guru.

    Guru Amar Daas Ji

    Raag Gauree 245

    All my love always


    Dust of ur sweet lotus charan

  3. The Soul Bride

    So many planets, universes and solar systems all controlled by our will and whose fate lies in the palm of your hand

    So vast, so infinite, so amazing that mortal man cannot contemplate or even begin to understand.

    Everybody and everything works in accordance to your command

    Humans are born and die again and again by your sweet demand.

    You know everything, I know nothing

    I am nothing but you are my everything

    You continue to save me but I continue to mistake

    You refuse to abandon me, leave me or forsake

    The world continues to hurt me so I run to seek your shelter and to hide

    You hold your arms wide open and lovingly accept me your Soul Bride

    Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki fateh

    kott brehama(n)dd ko t(h)aakur suaamee sarab jeeaa kaa dhaathaa rae ||

    God is the Lord and Master of millions of universes; He is the Giver of all beings.

    Guru Arjan Dev Ji

    Raag Sorath 612

    naanak kaaman har // paaeiaa sagalae dhookh visaarae ||2||

    O Nanak, the soul-bride attains her Husband Lord, and forgets all her pains. ||2||

    Guru Amar Daas Ji

    Raag Gauree 244

    kaaman pir paaeiaa jeeo gur kai bhaae piaarae ||

    The soul-bride has found her Husband Lord, through the love and affection of the Guru.

    Guru Amar Daas Ji

    Raag Gauree 245

    All my love always


  4. vaheguruji ka khalsa vahegurujiki fateh

    beautiful sangat hope ur all in chardi kala.... im addicted to bibi rena kaur's version of 'koee aan milaavai'.... pls can anybody help out in terms of how to play on vaja.... its on the tribute cd n its breath-taking.... tear-evokingly.... spine chillingly..... beautiful.... pray.gif

    dust of ur sweet sweet charan

    vaheguruji ka khalsa vaheguruji ki fateh

  5. Vaheguruji ka khalsa Vaheguruji ki fateh....

    This poem was inspired by the vision of a beautiful Gursikh during a time when Saadh Sangat felt so far away. I was sitting on a train feeling so much beraag when suddenly i looked up....

    The Train Journey

    As I looked into his deep grey eyes the story gently unfolds

    Unspoken truths, a forgotten history is shared and silently told.

    A Gurmukh pyaara contemplating upon his Lord Master with every breath

    Unnerved, untouched and unmoved by the nearing prospect of his death.

    His dark blue dastaar neatly envelopes and clasps his head,

    ‘Gurfateh, my child’ his sweet voice had kindly said.

    His long white kesh defines his commitment to Guruji and his noble age,

    As the journey moved on his eyes spoke his story page by page.

    Each memory of him, instilled within me, embracing my heart,

    I gazed wondrously at him, overcome by tears as his train was nearing it’s depart.

    A true Gursikh sent by Maharaj during a lonesome time,

    Freeing me from myself by uplifting me into your true sublime.

    gurasikh mael maeree saradhhaa pooree anadhin raam gun gaaeae ||

    Meeting the Gursikh, my faith is rewarded; night and day, I sing the Glorious Praises of the Lord.

    Guru Raam Daas Ji

    Raag Vadhans 573

    kurabaanee thinaa(n) gurasikhaa(n) man maelee kar mail mila(n)dhae||

    I am sacrifice unto those Gursikhs who meet others whole-heartedly.

    hou(n) sadhakae thin gurasikhaa(n) sathigur no(n) mil aap gavaayaa||

    May I be a sacrifice unto those Gursikhs who, meeting the true Guru have lost their ego.

    hou(n) sadhakae thin gurasikhaa(n) gurasikh dhae gurasikh milaayaa||

    May I be a sacrifice unto those Gursikhs who, imparting the teachings of the Guru make another disciple meet the Guru.

    Bhai Gurdaas Ji

    Vaars Bhai Gurdaas 12

    Forgive me if i have said anything wrong.

    For further poems pls visit http//www.sikhpoems.com

    dust of ur sweet sweet charan


    Vaheguruji ka khalsa vaheguruji ki fateh

  6. Vaheguruji ka khalsa vaheguruji ki fateh

    Thankuji for raising our awareness....

    Sukhmani Sahib ...

    if bhai sahib can listen or read Sukhmani as often as he can then with Guru Ji's kind grace he will cope better.

    Forgivenes for my endless flaws...

    Dust of ur sweet charan


    Vaheguruji ka khalsa vaheguruji ki fateh...

  7. Vaheguruji ka khalsa Vaheguruji ki fateh

    beautiful sis, feel for u ji, ur in my Ardaas... been there and it was such a lousy experience but it made me so much stronger, take a Hukumnama. Forgive me, dont want to say too much but sweet sis pls get in touch and we can talk.

    Vaheguruji ka khalsa vaheguruji ki fateh.

  8. vaheguruji ka khalsa vaheguruji ki fateh

    always thought that marriage was about compromise, communication, respect, understanding and unconditional love for each other and each others' sikhi..... he should not cut his kesh to please his wife.... and its sad he has been put in that position.... with Guruji's kind grace once the seed of sikhi has been planted within that home and marriage then Guruji themselves will let it flourish and flower.... the broji should do Chaupai Sahib.... pray.gifpray.gif forgiveness if anything out of line has been said.... dhur of your sweet sweet charan d_oh.gif

    vaheguruji ka khalsa vaheguruji ki fateh

  9. The Soul Bride

    So many planets, universes and solar systems all controlled by your will and whose fate lies in the palm of your hand

    So vast, so infinite, so amazing that mortal man cannot contemplate or even begin to understand.

    Everybody and everything works in accordance to your command

    Humans are born and die again and again by your sweet demand.

    You know everything, I know nothing

    I am nothing but you are my Everything

    You continue to save me but I continue to mistake

    You refuse to abandon me, leave me or forsake

    The world continues to hurt me so I run to seek your shelter and to hide

    You hold your arms wide open and lovingly accept me your Soul Bride

    Vaheguru, Vaheguru, Vaheguru, Vaheguru, Vaheguru, Vaheguru, Vaheguru .... ....

    kott brehama(n)dd ko t(h)aakur suaamee sarab jeeaa kaa dhaathaa rae ||

    God is the Lord and Master of millions of universes; He is the Giver of all beings.

    Guru Arjan Dev Ji

    Raag Sorath 612

    naanak kaaman har // paaeiaa sagalae dhookh visaarae ||2||

    O Nanak, the soul-bride attains her Husband Lord, and forgets all her pains. ||2||

    Guru Amar Daas Ji

    Raag Gauree 244

    kaaman pir paaeiaa jeeo gur kai bhaae piaarae ||

    The soul-bride has found her Husband Lord, through the love and affection of the Guru.

    Guru Amar Daas Ji

    Raag Gauree 245

    Forgiveness for endless flaws and shortcomings

    Dust of your sweet sweet charan d_oh.gif


    Vaheguru ji ka khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki fateh

  10. vaheguruji ka khalsa vaheguruji ki fateh!!

    lol the 'plum' thing has really taken off hasnt it... rolleyes.gif lol.... forgive me hun .... happy birthday sweet plumbulbee..... i pray that Maharaj continues to bless u with simran, sewa, bana and bani..... big hugs ... love u lots like jelly totz.... dust of ur sweet sweet charan d_oh.gif

    vaheguruji ka khalsa vaheguruji ki fateh

  11. Guru Sahib Dhe Chotte Lal

    Oh Gangu how could you let yourself be consumed by such greed?

    You were the Gurus entrusted servant carrying out a noble deed

    But the sight of money and valuables made your loyalties fade

    You abandoned your duty and honour in favour of being paid

    Mata Gujri and her two grandsons aged just six and eight were captured and jailed

    ‘Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa, Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh’ both young brothers together hailed

    They spent the night in the ‘Tanda Borj’ after failing to be lured by the Islamic way

    The children rested in their Dadi Ma’s arms and vowed to never let their minds sway

    ‘We will not renounce our Sikhi’ both chorused happily together ‘We gladly accept death’

    Side by side they stood being bricked alive, reciting Japji Sahib until their last breath

    Baba Fateh Singh and Baba Zorawar Singh so young yet so brave

    We ponder in awe and admiration over the incredible martyrdom you gave.


    Sir Jave Ta Jave, Mera Sikhi Sidhak Na Jave.

    If I die then so be it, but may my faith in Sikhi remain firm.

    Vaheguru, Vaheguru, Vaheguru, Vaheguru, Vaheguru, Vaheguru, Vaheguru ...... pray.gifpray.gif

    For further poems please visit http//www.sikhpoems.com

    Forgiveness for endless flaws n shortcomings

    Dust of your sweet sweet charan

  12. vaheguruji ka khalsa vaheguruji ki fateh

    i went to fill car up with petrol ovr weekend n wen i opened up the 'thing' the cap was missing! so i reaslised i must have left it at the petrol station since the last time.... so went inside n asked owners if they had seen a missing cap.... after they all stopped laughing and rasing their eye brows to the heavens... they handed me back the petrol cap.... blush.gif

    another cringe moment i had was wen i was on my teaching placement and was left alone with 30 eight year olds for the first time... i decided that some bonding time was essential so we all sat in a big circle and had to talk about ourselves.... wen it came to this little boy.... he told me he had a twin sister in the next class n i was like wow... that is so cool ... being a twin... n then asked.... are you both identical.... i didnt realise my error until all the kids were like well 'duh shes a a girl... how can they be identical...' :lol: little pests... lol..

    dust of ur sweet charan

    vaheguruji ka khalsa vaheguruji ki fateh

  13. Vaheguruji ka khalsa Vaheguruji ki fateh

    lol. thankuji proactive for ever-so helpful input..... singhni ji the AA (have no idea what they stand for... even tried to google it...) are a service in UK which fix vehicles in emergencies...e.g. when u break down on motorway, wen ur pile of metal n wheels refuses to start in the bitter cold mornings... wen u run out of petrol...oh yeh and wen u lock ur keys in the car.... dude i score 4 out of 4! you have to pay a yearly membership (jus under 180 squid) and they come to your rescue.... 'winter, spring, summer or fall... all u gotta do is call... and they'l b there yes they will.... u gotta friend...' singhni hope ur good plum.... talk later ji....

    dust of ur sweet sweet charan



    vaheguruji ka khalsa vaheguruji ki fateh

  14. Vaheguruji ka khalsa Vahegurujiki fateh

    going to ask for ur forgiveness in advance in case i say wrong.... vaheguru... im trying to read between the lines of ur post.... but its proving difficult.... im thinking it may be an alcohol addiction but then im unsure whether that wud come under drugs and since uv already ruled that out... im probably wrong... in which case... forgive me again.... you say 'i know some people in the same situation, but theyre all failing

    and im failing wth them' im thinking u need to change ur sangat... eg the people u hang around with... since they're failing and perhaps they're bringing u down with them... try to get into the sanagt of gursikhs.... sangat is so crucial... vaheguru... part of the problem with any kind of addiction is realising and coming to terms with the fact that u have one... whatever it is... and since u have already done that.... uv taken the first big step... vaheguru... is there a Gurdwara near by? if so go see Maharaj... beg them to have mercy on you.. beg them to save you... cry your heart out in front of Maharaj.... make getting darshan of Maharaj ur reason for geting up each day... forgive me if i have said wrong pls pls hang in ther and keep posting so at least ur cyber sangat can be ther for u ji....pls pls forgive me for my flaws and shortcomings...

    dust of ur sweet sweet charan

    Vaheguruji ka khalsa vahegrurji ki fateh

  15. Vaheguruji ka khalsa Vaheguruji ki fateh

    a poem....

    Dhan Dhan Guru Tegh Bahadhur Ji

    Baba Bakala, the True Guru amongst twenty-two contenders

    Makhan Shah found the real Guru amongst the frauds and pretenders,

    Guru Tegh Bahadhur Ji defended the Kashmiri Pandits under oppression

    He honoured the Hindu Dharam and saved it from suppression.

    Aurangzeb’s campaign of religious persecution continued ruthlessly

    Those who failed to convert and embrace Islam were massacred brutally,

    The Pandits visited GuruJi at Anadpur Sahib and relayed their anguish and pain

    9year old Gobind Rai asked their father what could remedy such suffering and disdain.

    GuruJi answered the only way to save the people from the Mogul wrath and control

    Would require the sacrifice of a Great Person with a Great Soul,

    Who is greater than you Dear Father? Asked Young Gobind Rai

    With a smile GuruJi replied if I become Musalman then you shall all comply.

    GuruJi was summoned to Delhi accompanied by his three faithful Devotees

    Bhai Mati Das, Bhai Dayala and Bhai Sati Das were unnerved at being seized,

    ‘Embrace Islam, perform a miracle or accept death’ Guruji was told

    Do as you please as miracles are against the Will of God and My Sikhi I will uphold.

    Bhai Mati Das, bound between two pillars, sawn in half whilst reciting JapJi Sahib with each breath

    Bhai Dayala, placed in a cauldron with blistering hot water and boiled to death,

    Bhai Sati Das wrapped up tightly in cotton, set alight and burnt alive

    All three were intoxicated with Love for their Guru and for Martyrdom they did strive

    The True Master of the Sword sat mediating under the Banyan-tree

    Instantly beheaded, Bhai Jaita dashed for the holy Head and to Anandpur Sahib he flee

    Bhai Lakhi Shah emptied his carts and retrieved the sacred Body at night

    He forsake his home, built up a pyre and then set everything alight

    So Swift, so Noble and Virtuous,

    So Powerful, Humble and Gracious.

    The Fearless Warrior, the Honourable Commander

    The Pious Philosopher, the Faith Defender.

    With a Mind that never faltered

    With a Strength that never weakened

    With a Spirit that fought so righteously

    With a Heart that loved so benevolently

    Dhan Dhan Guru Tegh Bahadhur Ji Sahib

    Jagat Jalanda Rakh Lai

    Apni Kirpa Dhaar

    Jit Duaray Ubhrey

    Tite Laihu Ubaar

    Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Maharaj (853)

    O Lord, the world is on fire,

    save it by showering your grace.

    Save it by whichever way it can be saved.

    Vaheguruji ka khalsa Vaheguruji ki fateh

    The poem was posted..... under General section.... Dhan Guru Tegh Bahadhur Ji (with love) and 'sikhlionz' and 'Papi' both posted beautiful shabads/ bani by GuruJI

    Forgive me

    dust of ur sweet charan.

    Vaheguru, vaheguru, vaheguru

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