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Posts posted by Raaj.Karega.Khalsa

  1. Following is an interesting Facebook status of BBC world news:

    "Do age and power go together?

    When are you too old to be a leader - and can you really trust anyone over 70?

    Only last month the Pope, 85, said that he was too old, lacking in strength to do his job.

    But not every-one steps down like the Pope or sees age as a barrier. Take the 88 year old King of Saudi Arabia. Last year he was named by Forbes as one of the world's top 10 most influential leaders. And he's not alone.

    Queen Elizabeth is 86 is in the 61st year of her reign

    India's Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is 80.

    Raul Castro, Cuba's President is 81.

    And Robert Mugabe who's 89 has been in power in Zimbabwe for more than 30 years.

    So does age have an effect on your ability in office?"

  2. what if you are a sikh and like other religion.I want to say that the destination is same but the paths are different.what will happen if i want to change religion budhism for example.

    Pls cmnt

    I'm only assuming that you're drawn towards Buddhism because of the way they meditate; something that lacks in the way Sikhi is being preached these days.

    Would you like share your opinion about why you would like to adopt any other religion?

  3. Wjkk wjkf ji

    I've been to Baru Saheb for 13 years. Most of what I am today is because of what I've been taught there. So, it simply wouldn't be right for me to start counting the negatives about sending your kids there.

    I shall simply explain my opinion via two simple points:

    1> I never dare to dream about sending my 3 year old son there.

    2> Sikhi can never be spoon-fed. One gets it with very good karams alone.

  4. Dear Bhenji,

    I think the best thing to do (apart from Ardas to Guru Saheb) is to spend some time away from the situation in order to get youself a clear mind. You will then be able to decide upon what you really want.

    You've mentioned that he's been physically abusive. I'm very sorry to say that that should actually be the last resort. Any physical abuse is an indicator of the loveless relationship.

    But if you would still like your marriage to work, you'll need to take control of the situation. Talk to your husband. Make your feelings and emotions clear to him. Don't forget to try to understand where he's coming from either.

    Having said all that, don't forget that a marriage does not define your entire life. If it doesn't turn out to be what you wish for, no big deal. There is so much more in life to live for.
    Take care Bhenji.

    P.S. On a side note, Do as many mool-mantar jaaps as you physically can. You won't need to do anything. Everything will sort itself out.

  5. My 3 year old had a lot of dandruff until he was about 1 and a half years old. It was probably because of the cradle-cap he had.

    Anyway, I used to apply and massage with loads of coconut oil every single day and not bother about it showing in his patka or ruining the pillow covers etc. After about two months, his head was entirely clear and I've not seen another flake of dandruff since.

    If it's too itchy and is oozing some fluids, I'd recommend to show it to a doctor first.

  6. Veer Chuck singh ji -

    * Gold is needed for a worldly king to prove to the world his magnificence and royalty, The king of the universe which is our Guru is beyond worldly flamboyance.

    * Why did Guru Arjun Pathshah or subsequent gurus not gold plate Harmandir sahib (its not because they didnt have the resources) - because they consistently wrote in gurbani about there being no difference between Gold and dust

    * The greatness of Harmandir Sahib is due to principles like four doors suggesting equality , 24 hour keertan - gold plated or othwerwise it will still bring the same joy to the soul

    My beloved sister RKK - sorry if I come across as callous - I completely agree before spouting our personal opinions we should see whats written in sahib Sri Guru Granth Sahib Maharaj

    ਕਨਿਕ ਮੰਦਰ ਪਾਟ ਸੇਜ ਸਖੀ ਮੋਹਿ ਨਾਹਿ ਇਨ ਸਿਉ ਤਾਤ ॥੧॥

    kanik mandar paat sayj sakhee mohi naahi in si-o taat. ||1||

    Mansions of gold, and beds of silk sheets - O sisters, I have no love for these. ||1||

    ਮੁਕਤ ਲਾਲ ਅਨਿਕ ਭੋਗ ਬਿਨੁ ਨਾਮ ਨਾਨਕ ਹਾਤ ॥

    mukat laal anik bhog bin naam naanak haat.

    Pearls, jewels and countless pleasures, O Nanak, are useless and destructive without the Naam, the Name of the Lord.


    ਲੋਹਾ ਕੰਚਨੁ ਸਮ ਕਰਿ ਜਾਨਹਿ ਤੇ ਮੂਰਤਿ ਭਗਵਾਨਾ ॥੧॥

    lohaa kanchan sam kar jaaneh tay moorat bhagvaanaa. ||1||

    who look alike upon iron and gold - they are the very image of the Lord God. ||1||

    The key is if we spend a fraction of the amount of time studying SGGS we spend on these forums engaging in ego battles, we would be much better off. I humbly admit I am alp budhi (small wit) moorakh and do make mistakes but when I quote gurbani I am not expressing my personal opinion. You and chuck singh can download SGGS and search for gold to see what Guru ji says about it (you can search for Kanik, swarn, soina and kanchan in a transliteration)

    I will start a sparate thread about gold (general use of gold not darbar sahib) and gurmat.

    Also before everyone jumps at me , I am not advocating removal of the gold - anyways its not solid gold ,just gold paint - all I am saying is we should make it no big deal that Darbar sahib has gold - and never should we call it golden temple - we should always refer to it as Sri Darbar Sahib or Sri Harmandir Sahib.

    Dear Bhaji,

    Dhan Guru Gobind Singh Saheb Ji used to wear a Kalgi made out of gold and it had diamonds in it as well.

    The gold-plating on Sri Harmandir Saheb was done by Maharaaja Ranjit Singh ji as a tankhaah (punishment and sewa) given by Jathedaar Akaali Phoola Singh ji. This sewa was done in presence of Singh Saheb (head granthi) Baba Sant Singh ji, who were also the 5th Mukhi of Damdami Taksaal.

    (P.S. I'm honoured by being called a beloved sister. Thank you, ji)

  7. Gold makes the gurdwara look nice, a home fit for a king. But I don't think milk does anything. No magic cleaning powers. Milk is for drinking, not washing. -.-

    Dear Bhaji,

    It's not wrong to have jigyasa (urge to seek) and the wantonness to know reasons behind stuff.

    But you agree that, "Gold makes the gurdwara look nice, a home fit for a king." and your doubt is only that, "Milk is for drinking, not washing."

    This is far more better than condemning the gold plating and comparing the milk to Shiv ji's semen.

  8. The problem is with us, we assume too much. Ever heard of- due process? seeking clarification from accused directly?..the fact that no one attempted to seek clarification from accused is totally mind blogging and scary not to say atleast also pretty anti gurmat to begin with....it goes out to set an precedence that any tom self righteous cactus jacks can get up- make a flimsy, bleakly case against anyone who they don't agree with instead of finding out their state of mind, their angle approach...they can demonize, vilify crucify the hell out of them on khanda and our gullible sangat will blindly follow- burn that witch attitude, shoot the messenger- before asking questions than follow their own research...!!!

    Problem with our community is we are pretty quick to put others be it snatam kaur or any parcharik/messenger for that matter on pedestal but we are even quicker to knock them down if they don't follow our own set of expectations, our way....!!!

    Give me one example from history of sikh sant gurmukhs, bhai sahib, nihang jathedars,jathedar of takth sahibans engaging in this type of "witch haunt" like we are doing...!!!

    Dear Bhaji,

    I agree that none of us have asked Bibi Snatam Kaur herself about these issues and are discussing (definitely the wrong word here) about her. But its all been going on for so long...has no one really ever asked them about the Hindu pujas etc.? (apart from Gursant Singh's public articles and videos)

    I really haven't seen one single public explanation from their side that explains their worshipping to Hindu deities and uttering Hindu mantras.

    Although, I agree to the phrase "witch hunt" you've mentioned above...but I really think that these issues do need to be addressed.

    Also, in the other thread http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?/topic/70109-the-kundalini-yoga-crew-do-it-again-dancing-to-bani/?hl=%2B3ho+%2Bdancing the person who was trying to clarify their part of the perspective said it clearly that they do not promote it as Sikhi. It really does make me wonder why they still do it then?

    If every single act of their lives revolves around Yoga and not around Sikhi, shouldn't they call themselves yogis rather than Sikhs?

    Bhaji, surely you do not approve of the wedding video with no Anand Kaaraj shown..do you?

    I mean, even if we did ask them about it, what kind of excuse can one still come up with? Maharaaj ji's saroop wasn't available? No Gurdwara around?

    What's wrong with Anand Kaaraj?

    (Also, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to paint them all with the same brush. I admit I have seen other photos of some other 3HO couples sitting in Guru ji's hajoori for Anand Kaaraj.)

    About questioning Parchaaraks.

    I believe we, as sangat, have a right to question the rehni-behni of someone who comes up the stage to do parchaar of Sikhi, but isn't following it correctly themselves.

    Be it Hazoori Ragis or Bibi Snatam Kaur or even a Singh Saheb.

  9. Yep, correct me if I'm wrong, but the general consensus on this thread is that whatever questionable stuff is being done by 3HO Sikhs is wrong.

    The approach on how to fix the problem is where everyone is differing on. I think instead of arguing about whether a certain approach is t-ban mentality or whatever we should all openly condemn Sikhs performing such acts.

    Approaching Sri Akaal Takhat Sahib and having Akaal Takht Sahib issue a statement that tells all of the 3HO members to refrain from performing anti-Gurmat activties.

    Jab Lag Khalsa Rehega Niyaraa, Tab Lag Tej Diyou Main Sara. Jab Ehe Gaye Bipran Ki Reet, Main Na Karoun Ihn Ki Parteet

    Guru Gobind Singh Ji is very clear, not only do we not befriend such individuals, he withdraws his support and thus the Guru's Khalsa Panth also stops associating with such individuals. We shouldn't support activities of such people who perform such activities, but with that said I don't think everyone who is being labelled under 3HO performs such acts. (Or at least the innocent side of me would like to think so).

    Exactly my views there!

    Personally, I listen to Snatam Kaur's keertan much more often than any one else's. Because it makes me calm and peaceful...and better relaxed to go to sleep. :)

    On the other hand, I have read and watch many of Gursant Singh's articles and videos. I have to say that I agree with most of his views about the anti-Gurmat practices.

    But still, it would be purely hypocritical for me to bash the entire 3HO guys, when Snatam Kaur inspires me with her keertan as well!

    I think that Only Five bhaji is trying to raise valid points but is going about it the wrong way. He ruined a wonderful thread of the keertan of Re man eh bidh jog kamaao...and started this thread to bash them again via a perfectly positive video.

    This certainly isn't the right way.

    The key points should be discussed in a mature manner rather than being so hateful. It is sad, really.

  10. Lots of pakhand going and people claiming to be a part of the Panth when they really aren't.

    I agree!

    Also, looking at that, we really need to sort what parchaaraks born into sikh families (and Punjab) are doing....and then move onto the converts.

    I do seriously agree that issues like 3HO sikhs dancing to Gurbani, idol worship, worshipping at Hindu Dhaam, doing yags etc, and promoting Hindu deities and Hindu mantras etc etc should be dealt with. They are obviously free to do whatever they want to as individuals but not whilst in Sikhi-Baana. It simply gives out the wrong message.

    Although, I'm glad that in the video describing a Sikh way of life, they haven't included any of the anti-Gurmat stuff.

  11. I don't ever get this.

    Why do we need to concentrate so much over the negative stuff? You don't like something? Ignore it. Move on!

    There SO many Raagi, keertaniye, dhadhi that we know who eat meat and drink alcohol.

    Why don't we ever question their rehni-behni?

    The video of Bibi Snatam Kaur posted originally is SO beautifully heart-warming and touching. I fail to understand how one could gather negativity out of it. Seriously!

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