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Posts posted by Singh-in-Welling

  1. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee Welling Vahleh's account

    Gurbanee has made NO reference about when "Banee" is added to Siree Guroo Granth Sahib Jee (has that ever happend?? :umm: ) or our Goht'keh. When Gurbanee refers to Kuchee Banee Vaaheguroo is talking about Kuchee Banee in the sense that leads us AWAY from Vaaheguroo. That doesn't have to be in the sense of reading some other religious Paat etc. In Chaupeh Saahb it says:

    Thumeh Shaad Koee Avar Naa Dhyaoo'n ||

    Now in MANY translations it is translated as something like 'May I never meditate on anyone else's name except Yours' - thats erm...quite different but in actuall sense the PROPER translation to that is in the sense that

    May I not mediate (praise, do Poojaa etc) of anything apart from you

    We as manmukhs do Poojaa of other things everyday - tv, books, music, friends, msn (like me :p ) - Relating with that when referrring to Kuchee Banee - it is meant by ANYTHING and EVERYTHING we do, see, smell, eat, and hear that is nothing to do with Vaaheguroo or Sikhee. Of course, there is Kuchee Banee in the sense like books we read and stuff that are a load of ehmee.

    The only reasons we find it so difficult to concentrate in Sikhee and anything related to it is becuase it is TRUTH - everything and anything else is easy becuase its fake - no one be offended by that trust me am caught in Maya BIG time - like am writing all this out like am some BhramGyanee and knows it all but trust me yeah am caught up in doubts and crap BIG time :cry:

    But yeah I think I made a point up there about Kuchee Banee - it is ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you do that isnt related to Vaaheguroo or Sikhee!!!

    Also, if anyone feels like helping me out with any pointers about doubts and how to get rid of it I'd appreciate it! Thanks

    ok i understand..u know lot of time our thadi jatha siigin wara in gurdwara sahib ji regarding to our history...is it good to listen.is it bani singin by thadi jatha.

    Dadhee Jatheh are SIKK - they tell WICKED stories!!! They dont "sing" Banee - they use Gurmukhee when telling the story - they may use Gurbanee when referring to happenings in the past but they wouldn't sing it in the sense of like you know how you sing when you do Keerthan with the vaja lol

  2. Could be wrong, but I think where it says 'cous cous', it should be 'khas khas' (white poppy seeds). I don't think they had cous cous back then?

    Well like I've said before I may have made PLENTY mistakes :happy: - I don't add them poppy seeds or whatever - I keep straight - I made it the way its said above - as for the no milk or lehchee'yaa etc - I asked my MamaJee - he goes you can add whatever you want so kee pathaa hon - anywho if I've got it wrong I didnt do it intentially - but most of us that didnt know what Shardhaee consisted off have been given SOME kind of idea even if I've made mistakes!

  3. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee Velling Vahleh's account

    Thanks to Nihang Singh attached is the receipe of how to make Shardaaee

    I may have made PLENTY mistakes when typing the receipe so scuse a Bhenj. I HOPE its what is called a "basic" SrdweI - I had to ask Singh for the receipe - I could have mixed and/or forgotten somethings. Mind you when my MamaJee made it in India, he had this whole other stuff in it aswell....so I dunno - anywho enjoy!

    If the attachment doesnt open - PM Harry (Singh_In_Welling) and I'll send it you through email. I don't get how this silly attachment thing works lol :happy:

    Just so you lot know when I say Nihang Singh (^^ in bold), I dont mean Hardeesh Singh - am talking about another Nihang Singh - just letting you know if theres any problems with your Shardhaee or whatever it aint either of there's fault - its moi's :happy:

    And yes the attachment don't work - sorry :console:


  4. no veer ji i would not

    me sony neech

    sony ...my first name

    neech .. low of the lowest

    i know i am neech..bus saad sangat ton kuch sikhan nu mil jave

    and wana saad sangat's charan dhoor

    and i seen a lot of people in my life are crying on how to say GURBANI.actcually they don't want to know what's GURBANI saying just attention to pronouncing


    IF someone can understand it so good


    :lol: look I wasent rippin you - I wasent trying to make you look inferior either. It isn't about me trying to take out your Gurbanee mistakes. I can see that your twiddling your thumbs over the fact that I took your mistake out. That wasent the purpose. The purpose of me doing that was to emphasise the fact that if Gurbanee isnt pronounced correctly - then it cannot be understood correctly - therefore it cannot be implmented correctly.

    Pronounciation ----> Understanding ----> Implementation

    Whether you believe that is up to you - my opinion. How can we communicate with Vaaheguroo if we don't know how to pronounce the language of Gurbanee, how can we understand the language of Gurbanee if we don't know how to pronounce it and finally how can we implement Gurbanee is we don't know how to understand Gurbanee?

    I aint trying to start arguments - if was a general opinion - trust this site to get uptight....

    If you want a apology am sorry - it was nothing personal...

    its jog, not yog, and suny, stick to the topic


    loll i bet he aint going to say anything to you... <_< :happy:

    what time do people usually get up for amritvela?

    Depends on the time of sunrise - too much aggro over this topic - I don't do AmrithVehlaa so am not going to say its this and this time sorry!

  5. its ok to sleep after



    main roj hi alarm band ker ke sou jana haan

    kinna stupid haan main

    Hey thats a convinient Thukh to use here but i REALLY hope you don't mind me correcting you (it probably aint your fault - you may have just copied the Thukh from STTM) but why do we pronounce 'VAAVEH' as a 'W' when it comes to pronuncing in english? It may not change the meaning of Gurbanee in this case but if you look at PLENTY english Gutkeh and other books which explain Gurbanee - just by pronouncing a letter or word wrong it changes the whole meaning of the Shabadh.

    No offence geeza I don't want to preach but am just saying :happy:

    how could he have coppied it from STTM when sttm only does the vaava's as v's, and you have to type the v letter to get a vaava out.

    a(n)mrith vaelaa sach naao vaddiaaee veechaar - thats how it is on sttm

    Your totally right. Just so you know I wasent taking diliberate shots at STTM - like i said before on SS, STTM is a wicked website - youse lot are doing MAJOR Sevaa. I only made the above comment so that 'SonyNeech' wouldn't feel like I was dissin him or something - I had no intention of knocking STTM.

    is it ok to stay awake and do amritvela or do you actually have to go to sleep then wake up for it?

    I personally think it depends what your doing during the time your waiting for AmrithVehlaa. Next level Gursikhs stay up before AmrithVehlaa and do PROPER Simran and/or Paat and right through AmrithVehlaa.

    The following comment isnt directed at you - its for me lol - Theres no point sitting at a computer or infront of the tv waiting for the time to turn 3:00am - your mind isnt relaxed becuase your tired (no sleep) - if you arent tired - while you do Paat and/or Simran your mind will track back on what you was doing on the computer or watching on tv.

    Up to you - it don't work for me...

  6. its ok to sleep after



    main roj hi alarm band ker ke sou jana haan

    kinna stupid haan main

    Hey thats a convinient Thukh to use here but i REALLY hope you don't mind me correcting you (it probably aint your fault - you may have just copied the Thukh from STTM) but why do we pronounce 'VAAVEH' as a 'W' when it comes to pronuncing in english? It may not change the meaning of Gurbanee in this case but if you look at PLENTY english Gutkeh and other books which explain Gurbanee - just by pronouncing a letter or word wrong it changes the whole meaning of the Shabadh.

    No offence geeza I don't want to preach but am just saying :happy:

  7. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee Velling Vahleh's account

    I don't actually do Amrithvehlaa becuase am a lazy sod..

    BUT when there was Bhaee Fauja Singh Jee's camp - Singh (won't say name for legal reasons) said that he goes to india and meets with Bhaee Fauja Singh Jee's Singhnee and he got like all the 'how to' hand written listings thing of how Bhaee Fauja Singh Jee would have the schedule for Singh's and Singhnee's during the camp.

    In there Bhaee Fauja Singh Jee has written that during camp he wouldn't allow his Singhs and Singhnee'yaa's to go back to sleep after AmrithVehlaa becuase when you wake up you might think did i REALLY get up for AmrithVehlaa or was it just a dream....?

    BUT Bhaee Fauja Singh Jee would allow his Singhs and Singhnee'yaa to rest for about a hour or two around 3 ish or something.

    I aint preaching becuase I don't acctually practice yet....but you know...

  8. wjkk wjkf

    daas don’t have much knowledge, but its all my guru ji's kirpa.

    i've never heard of any perticular way or style for doing ardaas. but yes, one thing, before and when you do ardaas.... you need to have love-pyaar for guru ji.

    you dont need to fold your hands together to do ardaas- bhai mati daas ji did ardaas when he was being cut into two pieces.

    you dont have to stand up to do ardaas- bhai dayaala ji was boiled in hot water and he was not standing.

    you dont have to have clean hands to do ardaas- baba deep singh ji's hands were soaked with blood when he did his ardaas at shri darbaar sahib.

    this list goes on....

    nevertheless... wat all above said sikhs had- love-pyaar towards guru ji. through out their entire life, they were in guru ji's hukam and their ardaas was listened by guru ji every time.

    hope this helps...

    bhul chuk maaf karni.... daas dont have any knowledge. guru ji helped me with this, so very big thank you maharaaj ji.

    wjkk wjkf

    KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee Velling Vahleh's account

    You're right in what your saying, but Singh's and Singhnee'yaa's that were in a position where they couldn't do Ardhaas the way that it should be done doesn't mean that we can't - We ALL have the ability to wash our hands, stand up etc etc - its all out of Sathkaar (Respect). It's true that Vaaheguroo hears our Ardhaas IF we do Ardhaas with Ik Man Ik Chith (One Mind and One Concentration). Nowadays its so easy to just do Paat and think "I don't need to do Ardhaas" etc - I mean I do that sometimes...do Keerthan Sohilaa and think "Nah I'll leave the Ardhaas out..."

    Ardhaas gives us ALOT to think about, being someone like me I just read that bit really quickly until it goes after 'Heh Nimaaneh'yaa Dheh Maan Nithaaneh'yaa Dheh Thaan Nehoteh'oh Dheh Oht Sucheh Pithaa Vaaheguroo' that’s where ALL my concentration goes because I NEED SOMETHING.... :rolleyes: and the WHOLE list kicks in...I need this...I need that...and then we end it off by saying 'Antharjamee Janeh Bin Bohlath Aap P'shaaneh'.... (Vaaheguroo knows EVERYTHING without being told through speech)...Sorry I know I just went off on one but the point am trying to make the worst disease ALL humans have is aalas (laziness) - we choose to ASK FOR EVERYTHING POSSIBLE but don't put the effort in to earn it

    TRUST me I don't practice what I preach so what I just said applies FULLY to me... :rolleyes:

  9. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee Velling Vahleh's account

    Bhenjee this question is a bit like what me and more brother used to joke about; us two used to say "so when a person dies when their old does their soul also walk like a old person when they leave this world?" :rolleyes: :sleep:

    According to Gurbanee we have ALL been through the Ch'ra'see cycle (8.4 Joon'ah) - our soul is WELL old. When we say I'm 18 - our BODY is 18 years old in this world - our soul doesn’t have a puk'ee age.

    When we die and our soul leaves the body - WHATEVER happens to the body doesn't affect the soul at all. How can it? The body is made up of mit'ee (dirt/dust). I was listening to a Kathaa by some Singh I think it was Bhaee Santh Singh Jee Maskeen - he was explaining that Sikh's have a tradition of cremating the body once someone has died. Everyone does that but they never know WHY? The obvious answer is that 'the person has died - if it's left without cremating it - it will begin to rot and smell' etc etc. Santh Jee explained how it is important that the body is cremated because:

    1. Yes the body will rot and smell

    2. The body which never Jap'd Naam is impure and should be reduced to dust

    Now Singhs and Singhnee'yaa who are next level and PROPER Sanths / Mahapursh's their th'an (body) is NEVER cremated - nowadays maybe they do cremate them but during Puraathan times Sanths / Mahapursh's body used to be thar'd (pushed out on to rivers or whatever) on to rivers etc because their body WAS pure and it is said that later when they would go to see if the body, that was placed out to the rivers, was still there, it was never there. The bodies would be looked for far and wide into the rivers and they would never be found. (Vaaheguroo)

    Sorry for going on so long but coming back to your original question - your body isn't a part of you it is just your temporary home - your SOUL is another being - when we do die ANYTHING can happen to our body and it won't effect you because its just a materialistic object of this world.

    I hope I've helped, sorry if I haven't - I may have gone off on one me lectures that never make sense to anyone except myself. :happy:

  10. lol, Rimmel doesn't need his permission. Just right click and save picture as to your desktop and it will be yours, too.

    apanee'yaa'n gaal'n val dhiaan rakh...

    uh peacemaker I don't understand punjabi written in english but this makes me thing this 'singh in something' is not a nice person - I think he insulted u right?

    uh "rimmel" - first of all its Bhenjee re-read my first post in this thread 2. if you don't think am a "nice person" quit chattin next things in my thread....3. am moody by nature 4. trust people like you to ish'stir situations and say "i think he insultated you right??"....

    i aint trying to offend or look down on anyone but if you didn't understand his "freestyle" (Vaaheguroo) then how can you say or think that someone like tupac is better than this Singh

    tupac don't come close to this Nihang Singh - couldn't care less what the rest you anti's think :sleep:

  11. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Hardeesh Singh Jee Velling Vahleh's account:

    I don't want to be of any offence but that translation isn't right.

    A too sikk Nihang Baba (Harry :cool: ) told me that the translation of that Thukh is:

    mY gur imil auc dumwlVw ]

    I will tie a big Dasthaar ||


    no offence to anyone - STTM is one of the bestest links i use but i don't always agree with the translations - as many of you may agree.

  12. Its KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee Welling'Vahleh's account:

    I just wanted to say woaah man I havent been so vexed in my wholeeee lifee man I swear yeah i left my comments for the video - am just posting to say to you lot am sorry but i swore my head off for the comments and my email to "gurudibhagat" :BL:

    forgive a bhenj man but what can i say am a unjaan bachee :sleep:

    anywho my main aim for this post was to say thanks for the heads up of this video!!

  13. First of all I want to say yes this is KKV again, second I don't know whether someone else has already announced this camp so I am really sorry if they have and finally I wasen't told to announce this on here but I felt like telling you guys becuase I want all of youse to come down :@:)

    Here it goes:

    Theres a camp at Guroo Nanak Parkaash Gurdhvaraa Coventry below are the details:

    This Camp is held in memory of Shaheedh Bhaee Fauja Singh Jee and the other Shaheedhs of '78 AND to celebrate Holla Mahallaa

    5 Day camp from Monday 24 March to Friday 28 March 2008 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

    Camp is going to include:

    ~ Activities and Games

    ~ Bouncy Castle

    ~ Guest Speakers

    ~ Competitions

    ~ Discussions

    ~ Keerthan

    ~ Simran

    ~ Gathkaa'bahjee

    ~ Videos

    ~ Arts


    ~ A 'Parent's, Have Your Say' session

    ~ LOTS of Workshops

    oh and

    ~ chips, beans pizza, pasta, cake and ice cream....(what today's society calls "Langar" rolleyes.gif )

    You need to register on Monday 24 March 2008 between 8:30 am and 9:00 am should be in the downstairs hall (the used to be Dheevaan hall)


    Guru Nanak Parkash Gurdwara

    71 - 81 Harnal Lane West


    CV1 4FB

    For more info you can contact 07932 531 425

    (I don't know whose number that is but it is on the poster so you know...)

    Thanks and see you gorjuss people there!

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