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Rupinder Kaur

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Posts posted by Rupinder Kaur

  1. also.... dont take plane trips unless u really have to. Going to Hawaii on a exotic holiday for the hell of it doesnt gain merit! Travel as less as possible on planes

    Wow, a litle narrow-minded there aren't we..? Suppose, when it comes down to India- it is not necessarily we "have to take that trip." It is more done out of the notion that yes..we should visit our roots, culture, and etc. So, what's your argument that we should live in confined places and avoid travelling on a plane as much as possible?

    Has anyone ever purposed contacting the airline beforehand and making accomodations ahead? (Sort of similar to how you schedule a wheel chair, or request a veggie meal, etc.?) It might work for those who are hella concerned.

  2. The fact that the owner of this mini-mart store is a turbanned sikh may have been used to the advantage by the robbers.

    how dare some petty theif try to come and steal from a store where a Sikh works

    First of all, in no way I support robbery but if someone is willing to go the extent where it involves robbery that person then is desperately in need of money. Whether, it is put to a necessary or a 'fajool' cause is something we may never know. Nonetheless, you specifically mention that its petty for a thief to come and steal from a store where a "Sikh" works. Just because that individual is a Sikh does not make him elite and therefore does not allow him to automatically avoid robbery. The circumstances would have been same had the 'Sikh' worker not been working. Except the fact, anyone who is kind of up to date with their labor regulations/ workers comp. knows better not to 'fight back' when a robber, with or without a gun, is threatning you.

    The store owner may have gotten false pride out of this situation, but the way he acted was very foolish.

    I'm not sure why we are comparing ourselves to what our "gurus did"...is anyone of us .."our guru."

  3. I don't know man....

    If I'd risk my life...for a thousand..or at the most three thousand dollars..

    It takes gut to fight..but you have to fight rationally..

    Suppose..a scenario..:

    -What if that night didn't come out as him or his family expected..and he was laid to rest to the next day..

    I'm sure another prespective would have then been implanted..

    Money is sure hard to earn, hard to get...and "hadd paseeney" di Kamayi..but money is not the b. end of all things.

    Fight when...your life is on the line..not for money :wub:

    Plus, he seems pretty well off...hence he does own a small business after all..

  4. ps : I don't think she is 25 yet like it says on the main page

    I may act like my shoe size (10) ..but theoretically and very unfortunately, today does mark my 25th birthday..I need a shoulder to cry on..*wipes away tears*

    Meanwhile, thank you each and everyone of you for the wishes..They were much appreciated...






  5. LOL, I had quite the blast with my grandma..

    I took her shopping..and she was being nit picky like a freaken new-wed ..So, then I said just get something and let's go...Cause the store intercom was like "Customers, please take your purchases to the nearest check out stand. We will be closing in 10 minutes"..And then this gora walks by ( I know him from work) ..and says..my grandma looks pretty today ..( I go thanks) ..and my grandma thought he was concuring with her that I was being rude. She is all like "Dekh , Gora vi kehgeyahh ..eveh mere hadd passney leyo" ....lol..

    Then, like she insisted I took her to her some next friend's house..<admin-profanity filter activated> this house is like a dungeon..dark as hell, ..lol ..and freaken pictures of all these weird looking creatures everywhere..i didn't appreciate the whole shiva, ganesh thing....lol Menu darr laggi jandah sigah..lol Then, these two 90 year olds are talking..I am sitting there going get the hell out of here..lol I start pinching my grandma..she is like "behja hajeh 10 minute hoye ayai nu "..and then her friend ..comes n sets this weird looking barfi..or whatever it was.."and i was like huhhh?? u expect me to taste that"..lol her friend is all like "putt juice liyaka davah..lol yeh wohh kinda thing" ..i am like hell no..lol its better if u not serve at all..lol ..i am all like "..daktar neh khana manna kittah ah..lol "....

    and then we finally walk out of there after an hour..and i get this whole new lecture about how rude it is to leave someone's house without eatin what they offered..lol (hey? i didn't wanna be food poisioned or something..the next day...these buddhis that

    live in the middle of nowhere with no lights n <admin-profanity filter activated>.lol scare me)

    that'z my diwali!..

    i guess i did hang out with my cusins n stuff too!

  6. It's like one of those things..where...if you want to stay protected from STDs, you practice absitence.

    If you want to purely and ultimately remain vegitarian, the best way to do it is not eat out .

    Sometimes, at restaurants ...it is very easy to overlook some of the ingredients that compose the recipe.

    Infact, you'd think for pizza..you have the dough, cheese, and ingredients. Well, from past experience more items go in making the dough (farina, yeast, brown sugar, eggs, grantulated garlic, salt, wheat rye, olive oil, and etc.) than the pizza itself.

  7. Oh I've heard of this before..

    It's actually targeted at those who are very materialistic..

    And as per food and gas and the other necessities of life..you make preparations for them in advance.

    It's "Buy Nothing" ...obviously that doesn't mean you can't have proper conditions in your home that day, it just means don't go out to get a new pair of jeans or something.

    Materialistic Items..Yeh?

  8. Was that sarcasm?

    Think about it ..if someone dear to you...or even one of your children were to have mental retardation (god bless by all means that they are not) ..would you still use that word to describe anything out of the norm..,like ..'wow, thats so retarded.."--" dang ..he's just retarded."

  9. Hmmm Hmm,

    Interesting - howw people bring up the most little things and try to compare on them on the higher scale of good things.

    I like it how you take initiative to point out "grammatical/common sense" errors of Pres. Bush..Perhaps, you were born to talk right always? Perhaps, you've never made a mistake in your speech? ..Perhaps, you're like Kerry, renowned for rheotric comments?

    Please, gimme a break, Bush is a human too..so unfortunately contrary to the beliefs of many of us..no presidential canditate is free of error.

    Moreover, emphasizing on the point of everyone is capable of error, Bush's speeches are usually not written by himself and instead by a team of two to three people. Therefore, when presenting the speech in front of thousands of onlookers its very easy to look over a comment or two.

    Good tactic, but it won't work always!

  10. I doubt any teacher is that ignorant to make such a remark, even if they do not know of Sikhs. However, in the rare case, if such a remark is made the teacher should be held accountable for religious discrimination, as all public schools, least in the United States, are suppose to neutral when it comes to religion.

    "" i thought u were a terrorist from afghanistan and u were gonna bomb this school." "

    I doubt the authencity of the statement if the teacher said it right-out serious, perhaps he said it in a different context..because that statement is not only right out bogus, but a teacher is never allowed to promote bombardment of a school. So, please clarify your remark. In any case, if the teacher made that comment he shouldn't be a teacher in the first place because he obviously doesn't know that all people from Afghanistan are not terrorists..and that all terrorists do not bomb schools. So, you sure a teacher said that?

    However, nonetheless, I can totally believe a child saying that you do not need to dress up for Halloween.

  11. moorakh_mugadh,

    I forget the direct quote, I'm not sure if you work as an authority behind the voting polls to tamper with the elections so Kerry wins by a large margin, however for your information Sen. John Kerry admitted himself that in recent memory, the 2004 presidential elections will be the closest race ever.

  12. grand daughter of guru teghbahad,

    First off, media was already in the classroom. And, there was ONLY VAGUE talk of the threat of potential hijackings and this issue had been recurring in U.S. intelligence data. However, no one had speculated about the usage of an airplane as a bomb or a weapon, and no specific, credible information about the possibility of a hijacking of any sort was available. The intelligence reports that were released before and after 9/11 were general and raised the possibility of strikes on the United States or its interests overseas, but had no specific information about potential targets. Therefore, there was no specific information the government could have acted upon!

    Had you been in President Bush's place (..expecting to have a good day, a pleasant moment reading to Flordian children, etc..)..on September 11, what would you have done? A lot of people are peculiar about President Bush's actions on Septemberr 11, however it is important to note that your response to such an action varies from person to person ..(..that is if you think of it on psychological and psychiatric bases)..Varying on person to person, some of us require time to absorb in the situation, realize what has happened, and think about it again, and then decide. It can be a long thought out process (longer than fifteen minutes) if it is in response to a non-expecting incident (..like in the case of 9/11)....Had President Bush outraged in the classroom full of Kindergarteners and went something like this "holy smokes!..what the ..happened.."..would that have done any good? Then, how would you explain to a classroom full of kindergartners who merely have the c

    apability to understand who they are...what terrorists are/why'd President Bush went on a rage..etc? I believe it was very wise of President Bush to allow sometime to absorb such an horrific incident and then decide the affirmative action. Instead, of going "hallejuah- let's go bomb who ever is behind it" at the very moment.

    And lets imagine that Bush did jump up right away and decide to bomb everybody based on some crazed impulse, everyone would be yelling at him for that too... not only that, some INSANE people would even say that showed that he had EXPECTED the attacks to take place... nothing can please some people... Bush must always be wrong for some people no matter what he does.

    It is crucial for a president to be near the Oval Office, however that does not mean the president has no-life outside of the White House. Bush is a natured-type of person, hence he has a ranch in Crawford, ...the vacation time is not like its reserved for anything but White House related policies, however thanks to modren technology, the president continues to be briefed on developments and considers major policies during his time of vacation. For example, during his one month vacation to Crawford, President Bush was considering whether to allow federal funding for research using embryonic stem cells.

    Vicky Singh, I wish I could respond to your post as well.only if I could figure out what you were trying to get at...Urgh :wub: @ grin.gif

    In regards to my location, I meant to include sarcasm in my comment, but then edited my post to say I was from Boston, Mass...and I only know Mehtab Singh, we have no brotherly or sisterly connection...you've got the wrong Rupinder in mind.

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