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Posts posted by bakaree

  1. How sad that people support attacking innocent people and trying to force religion on them. it's no different from what warped extremist Muslims do to thier womenfolk, who they regard as being less than a man. There are no Sikh values exemplified by actions of this demented person.

    I totally agree with SunSingh, if she was abducted it would be different, why not respect her free will,

  2. Gurfateh everyone,

    As a few of you may have realised Ebay have banned the sale of Swords and Knives on their site, I have a few tulwars, Pesh Kabz/Karuds, Choorai etc for sale and was wondering if anyone was interested,

    Each one is an Genuine original purataan shaster, so that means that both the blade and hilts (handles) are not only antique but have been happily married since they were made. Unlike certain shaster, which come from india, that have been stuck together by an amateur bladesmith as early as last week!, although still nice, the build quality, reliability and value is not guarenteed.

    I am also interested in buying and possibly swapping message me with your email if you are interested!


    Baljit Singh

  3. Thanks to all the Guru Pyarai Sadh Sangat who came to the Kirtan program,

    In Maharajs Hazoory, with Waheguru's Kirpa we managed to raise an amazing £1051.8p,

    We will be travelling to Punjab in February, and appeal to everyone to make your dasvandh count, follow the teachings of the Guru and the footsteps of past Gursikhs and donate where possible.

    If anyone is travelling to punjab please take down the address and visit yourselves,




    'Unique Home' for girls (Punjab)

    New life on this earth requires love to nurture it. It needs support to survive in this world with the belief that he or she is loved and cared for. The story, however, is rapidly changing for the girl child, especially in the so-called "progressive" Punjabi society, which has fast turned the tools of repression towards its own daughters making them unsafe even in their mother's womb.

    Female genocide in Punjab is amongst the highest anywhere in the world. This is the same Punjab, the homeland of Sikhs of whom their founder Guru Nanak's first follower and believer was Bibi Nanaki, his sister. Guru Nanak himself stated;

    From woman, man is born;

    within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is engaged and married.

    Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come.

    When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound.

    So why call her bad? From her, kings are born.

    From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all.

    – Guru Nanak, Raag Aasaa Mehal 1, Page 473

    The Bhai Ghanayya Ji Charitable Trust was established on May 17th 1993 running as 'Unique Home' which looks after unwanted, unclaimed or orphan children whom society shuns. The baby girls are found by road sides, dumped by running water, or even left during the night in the baby cradle outside the home.

    Unique Home currently looks after 52 females, mostly children.

    To raise these children as enlightened and self respecting citizens and restore them their due place in society is a very hard task that requires a mass, social effort. We appeal to all kind hearted people to come forward with any possible means of donating to this worthy cause.

    We will be flying out to India on 06-Feb-09,

    For more information please contact Baljit Singh – 07737 623 597

    Please Join the Facebook Group UNIQUE HOME

    Guru Fateh

    I visited the 'Unique Home' whilst in India last year.

    The building has a hatch on the front in which after dark people 'deposit' baby girls.

    Sometimes they have names and dates of birth etc, otherwise they are given them by the staff.

    the centre looks after the girls: food, clothing, education.

    A very good cause to donate towards.

    The experince left me feeling humbled by the ladies who run the centre, and disbelif at how people can just abandon their babies just because they are girls.


    Wow thats amazing, Bhaji/Penji do you have any photographs of your stay there?



    ‘Unique Home’ for girls (Punjab)

    New life on this earth requires love to nurture it. It needs support to survive in this world with the belief that he or she is loved and cared for. The story, however, is rapidly changing for the girl child, especially in the so-called “progressive” Punjabi society, which has fast turned the tools of repression towards its own daughters making them unsafe even in their mother’s womb.

    Female genocide in Punjab is amongst the highest anywhere in the world. This is the same Punjab, the homeland of Sikhs of whom their founder Guru Nanak’s first follower and believer was Bibi Nanaki, his sister. Guru Nanak himself stated;

    From woman, man is born;

    within woman, man is conceived; to woman he is engaged and married.

    Woman becomes his friend; through woman, the future generations come.

    When his woman dies, he seeks another woman; to woman he is bound.

    So why call her bad? From her, kings are born.

    From woman, woman is born; without woman, there would be no one at all.

    – Guru Nanak, Raag Aasaa Mehal 1, Page 473

    The Bhai Ghanayya Ji Charitable Trust was established on May 17th 1993 running as ‘Unique Home’ which looks after unwanted, unclaimed or orphan children whom society shuns. The baby girls are found by road sides, dumped by running water, or even left during the night in the baby cradle outside the home.

    Unique Home currently looks after 52 females, mostly children.

    To raise these children as enlightened and self respecting citizens and restore them their due place in society is a very hard task that requires a mass, social effort. We appeal to all kind hearted people to come forward with any possible means of donating to this worthy cause.

    We will be flying out to India on 06-Feb-09,

    For more information please contact Baljit Singh – 07737 623 597

    Please Join the Facebook Group UNIQUE HOME


  6. this film is realistic this is the overwhelming majority of the "sikh" population, both of which I am not in support of, the film is about "singh" the origin of which goes beyond sikhs, if the film potrays anything wrong about our religion as a philosophy, i.e sikhs believe in polygamy or idol worship, than that is another thing.

    This film has to be distinguished from the theatre play in birmingham a few years ago which was an insult to Sikhi, I can't believe ppl are comparing Guru Gobind Singh Ji's approach to the mughals to the opposition of this film.

    If you don't like the film don't watch it, and educate anyone who is misleaded by it, I just hope this film is not used by people who just like to get into a mob and create havoc, which will potray the sikhs as extremists and fundamentalists, which is worse. As especially as this film may be targeted like the bombs that went off in india, which was wrongfully liked to sikhs, which again was worse for sikhs.

    I would like to may it clear that I am not against those Tyaar par Tyaar Gursikhs who have protested peacefully in the past for valuable causes, in a manner consistent with sikhi, only resorting to armed or physical struggle when the situation has required such a response.

    If the "real" gursikhs wish to peacefully demonstrate about any innaccuracies in the film I am supportive ( I don't include myself as a real sikh) as this would be fruitfull, but to just throw bricks at cinemas and other mindless violence is as foreign to Sikhi as this film.

  7. ak-47, I am not saying the nihung is asking for directions or that the police oifficer is kindly asking him to join him at his house for dinner, it is clearly confrontational and hostile but he could be being impolite and saying go away or some other rude gesture ("get out my way" )

    But you cannot say clealry from the pic that the cop has just/is about to/threatening to slap the Nihung Singh

  8. Latest videos to be uploaded:

    Bhalay Nindo




    Waheguru Tera Sabh Sadhka


    The katha video to Bhalay Nindo will be posted soon, after which I have only one video left.

    Bhai Shamsher singh ji Zakhmi was a very blessed soul, who with his brother Bhai Dharam singh ji Zakhmi brought the gift of kirtan to many people's lives.

    Bhai Dharam singh ji Zakhmi, the oldest was very knowledgeable and fluent in many languages, had a profound knowledge of both Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee as well as Sri Dasam Granth ji.

    Bhai Shamsher singh ji, was a very pleasant man who was always in good spirits and very personable.

    Both had very good jeevans, strict rehit; waking up early every morning to do their nitnem all the life.

    They both passed away although at different dates but peacefully and in the early morning.

    In fact Bhai Shamsher singh ji passed away early in the morning after his wife had finished her nitnem. After finishing she turned to him, who had passed away blissfully without her realising.

    I hope everyone enjoyed the videos, I was quite nervous at first as there are some strange people online, and it can be clearly seen from the videos that the rim of Bhai sahib’s glasses are not made out of Sarab Loh!

    Only joking- Bhull Chuk Mafi

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