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Posts posted by GuruJiDiPyari

  1. Gupt daasn daas, thank you <_< I think i had these questions in my head as well, but this post has cleared them.

    I have one question though about shagan, I am curios and would like to know, if anyone could hep me get the answer. My mother says that shagan should be done. She did shagan by putting oil on the corners of the front door when Guru Granth Sahib ji entered our house. I would like to know if this is in accordance with Gurmat. My mom had the utmost satkar when Guru Sahib entered the house. And she put oil on the corners of the door out of respect. But regardless of whether something like this is done out of pyaar and respect, is it still in accordance with Gurmat?

    I had started a thread on rituals before and got replies that led me to belive that all this is pure manmat. But onone listens, and they says it is shagan, and should be done and they just shut me up right there. I would like to know though, if something like has been done in older times. If Gursikhs have even done this?

    Thanks in advance, Waheguru jee ka khalsa Waheguru je ki fateh!

  2. We serve Guru Ji's in so many ways.

    Reading Gurbani, we serve our Guru, and clean our own selves.

    Cleaning the shoes of the sangat, we serve our Guru, because it is his sangat, and we fill ourselves with humility.

    Doing keertan, we serve our Guru, and we makes our tongues sweeter.

    And so many other ways we serve our Guru Sahib ji. Please post anything sangat jee, that u can think of as a way of serving our Guru.

    Let's learn and inspire in this way. :e:

    Waheguru jee ka khalsa Waheguru je ki fateh!

  3. Iron veer/bhenji:

    On May 7, 2004, eight members of the Baba Deep Singh Gatka Akhara and Guru Nanak Academy were involved in a single-vehicle accident on the way to the nagar kirtan in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. By the sweet will of God, three humble and dedicated Gursikhs were chosen by Guru jee to be taken back to their permanent home in the shelter of the Guru's lotus feet.

    Bhai Charnjit Singh Jee, ustaad of the Baba Deep Singh Gatka Akhara, passed away at the scene of the accident, while Bhai Parminder Singh Jee, founder of the Gurmat Studies Foundation and Guru Nanak Academy, passed away around 4am on May 8, and Bibi Rena Kaur Jee, student in the Baba Deep Singh Gatka Akhara and volunteer at Guru Nanak Academy, passed away around 9:30am on May 8.

    (taken from Gurmatstudies.com)

  4. Here is a poem our sister left behind for us:


    There are many forms of loss. The loss of a friend.

    The loss of something valuable.

    The death of a family member.

    The death of a pet. Loss is painful.

    For if it wasn't, it wouldn't be considered a loss.

    Loss can hurt a lot.

    Or it can hurt a little.

    Sometimes the pain is so great that one thinks they will never get over it.

    They feel as if their whole world has ended. Loss can have a great effect on people, but I think we can all gain something from it.

    I don't think loss should make us weaker.

    It should make us stronger.

    I think this because, when one loses something, they learn from it.

    They learn a lot more than they realize.

    They learn to deal with emotional pain.

    They learn to live without what they've lost.

    I think it is important for every person on this earth to be able to do these two things because if one always needs someone or something,

    then they are not independent.

    We cannot be dependent on things all of the time.

    Dealing with emotional pain is something that makes us strong on the inside.

    It helps us deal with things that upset us.

    Suppose someone learned to do this after the loss of someone important to them.

    It would help them deal with things in the future.

    Loss can hurt.

    But it can help heal.

    It weakens,then strenghtens.

    Lossing something can help us gain something.

    By: Rena Kaur


    kabeer marathaa marathaa jag mooaa mar bhee n jaaniaa koe ||

    Kabeer, dying, dying, the whole world has to die, and yet, none know how to die.

    aisae maranae jo marai bahur n maranaa hoe ||29||

    Let those who die, die such a death, that they shall never have to die again. ||29||

    Veer/ bhenji, hope you can accept Waheguru jee's bhana.

    Hukam rajaee chalna, Nanak likhya naal.

    Waheguru jee ka halsa Waheguru jee ki fateh!

  5. and face to face they stood in the battlefield, with josh in their eyes, all at once they went for itchy and sratchy, and itchy and scratchy dropped their useless weapons and starting running and tripped, giving Japmans, who was ahead in the lead of chasing, a chance to.....

  6. get your hair washed from your mom, I might have to rethink that over if I need someone to wash my hair. My mom use to put me under the nalka while washing my hair in India and I couldnt breath , I would start screaming so loud, the whole gavaand would be at our house LOL.gif

    but the salon thing i don't know, depends on how you feel about gettin your hair washed by someone else. :e:

    Waheguru jee ka khalsa Waheguru jee ki fateh!

  7. AMRITVELA!! The best feeling ever! It keeps you in chardi kala the whole entire day, no worry on your mind.

    Amritvela is just something to be experienced , cannot describe it in words ^_^

    stay in chardi kala sangat jee, Waheguru jee ka khalsa Waheguru jee ki fateh!

  8. You are my Friend.

    God, you are my friend, a true friend, til' the end.

    You are my saver, you make me braver.

    You are always there, to show you care.

    God, you are my friend, a true friend, til' the end.

    You shower your grace, at every place,

    You show me the way, you brighten my day.

    you carried me across, when I was feeling lost.

    God, you are my friend, a true friend, til' the end.

    You always know right away, what I wish to say.

    You have always read my heart, from the very start.

    You help in so many ways, you hear all my prays.

    God, you are my friend, a true friend, til' the end.

    You help me succeed, from my every good deed.

    You satisfy my soul, everytime you help me reach a goal.

    you hold my hand, even in a lonely land.

    God, you are my friend, a true friend, til' the end.

    You created a beautiful creation,

    for this you are my inspiration.

    You are here, you are there, you are everywhere.

    Walking this path along with me,

    you show me what I can be.

    God, you my friend, a true friend, til' the end.

    You wash away my tears, you take away my fears.

    In my life, you take such a part, you mend my broken, shattered heart.

    Without you, I don't know what I'd do,

    Without you, nothing seems true.

    God, you are a friend, a true friend, til' the end.

    You never turn your back on me,

    you listen whole-heartedly.

    You rise my spirits as high as the sky,

    When things get tough, you teach me to try.

    You embrace me in such a way,

    I know this everytime after you listen to my pray.

    God, you are my friend, a true friend, til' the end.

    Oh Dear God, what more can I write,

    to praise a wonderful Lord such as you.

    God, even if i die today, I know you will place your gracious hand upon my head,

    and keep walking with me in the world ahead.

    This I know because God, you are a friend, a true friend, til' the end.

  9. yess vicky bhaji of course u can join, anyone can :e: No sign ups, just come to the gatka practice :TH: yes you will be learing basics we're all learning together, we just do various things after doing the paintra the practice starts out with everyone doing the paintra. soti is easy, you'll get it really fast :nihungsmile:

    The panthra exercise is a flowing, non-stop movement, and there are no specific "techniques" as such in gatka. Rather, the methods of attacking and defending are the same, and the application depends on the circumstances at the time. The panthra exercise is practised at the same time as the "Jaap Sahib" prayer is being sung. Also, a three-beat-per-cycle is played by a drummer at the same time. This assists in developing natural and flowing co-ordination.

    basically it's just a exersing movement that you do, you do it by going aroud the shasters and keeping ur eyes on the shasters..

    hope u can make it :TH: and all the others as well living nearby, make an attemp to come, it

    9;ll be awesome to have a lot of people come and learn at the same time :nihungsmile:

  10. we use to have gatka at manteca Gurudwara Sahib regularly once a week, but uncle ji stopped coming as less people stopped coming, thas why we neeed more kids to come and learn, the more the better!

    So now the classes are only held at Stockton Gurudwara Sahib on Saturdays from around 5 30 to 7. Luvla uncles jee is the instructor. Baljeet paaji from fresno also use to come to teach at manteca Guru Ghar, but he doesnt come to stockton. He is away in india right now, but he's a reallly awesome gatka player

    But yea the classes are reguarly held on saturdays at stockton Guru Ghar. We need more youth to particpate!! So far only 5 to 6 families attend it.

    Uncle ji was also telling us about being in a hollywood movie, and all of us including the fresno gatka team were offered to particpate in it for a 7 day trial, its about a guy who drinks and stuff, and somehow he comes into sikhi,

    i need to get full info on it, i will post as soon as i get it.

    haha vicky paaji i am still working on it, i am only a beginner :lol: i always hit my bro with the chakar or soti, and he's like wacko.gif oh btw i am from manteca, not bay area :e:

    and yess i forgot to tell u that iwent to the sacrame

    nto thing, i got there late though when they had already performed gatka :( but neways the displays and everything else was great!

    bhul chuk muaaf...Waheguru jee ka khalsa Waheguru jee ki fateh!

  11. sangat jeeee........thank you soooooooo much!! Thanks karen and Vicki paaji and the rest of the sangat!

    Waheguru jee gave me another year to live, and I will make it the best and improve my self, as long as Guru Sahib and Guru ki sangat is with me. ^_^ thanks to you all my bhenji's and veerji's

    I love you all sooooooo much... rolleyes.gif

    and happy birthday "daugter of dasam pita & de singh ,,,I hope you had a good birthday, and wish you all the best in life!

    Waheguru jee ka khalsa Waheguru jee ka khalsa Waheguru jee ki fateh!!!! :nihungsmile:

  12. I totally agree with Gurjeet Kaur phenji,, I gotta start taht too... eating in sarabloh...the best solution i bet :TH:

    jash phenji,,if u get pains, i suggest taking midol, it really help, also what helps me if I get loads of pain is taking a nap for about half and hour or longer. I donno but it's like the best solution for me....

    It's hard to go to sleep when you have lot of pain, but take medicine before or drink sonf javehn vaali chaa and try to go to sleep, when you wake up afterwards you will feel way much better blush.gif

    hope this bit helps.... :TH:

    bhul chuk muaaf..Waheguru jee ka khalsa Waheguru jee ki fateh!

  13. i can't stand it anymore sangat jee...

    I really dont see the point of talking about something like this when it is not even an issue today. Sorry I don't mean to offend anyone or to say that anyones' views are wrong...but I feel I have wasted my time reading three pages of something that isn't even causing any trouble. IS IT?! I am not going against anything, people want to live their own way, who are we to stop them?

    I feel the need to say this and for myself as well: we need to focus on our own life and how we carry it out and improve it instead of using half our brain to discuss something that's not getting us close to Vaheguru. I think we can manage our time well by improving ourselves first. Sorry I am not point any fingers to any particular person, so don't get offended. This is my opinion in general...

    Each second of our life is worth something...let's make it of good use... :lol:

    bhul chuk muaaf...Waheguru jee ka khalsa Waheguru jee ki fateh!

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