Latest research as of 2019 and 2020 showed Sikhism is the fastest growing religion in Australia and new Zealand. A concentrated effort should be made to make these two countries a hub of Sikhi. Canada also has a growing Sikh population though not officially recognised it is growing fast too. Pakistan should be our kaums number one target for secret conversions it would be beautiful to see west punjab once the centre of Sikh power of maharajah ranjit singhs kingdom having a majority Sikh population. And besides the more pakistani's that are converted to Sikhi the more stable the future of Sikhs and other non-muslims like hindus and buddhists will be in neighbouring Afghanistan and kashmir.
What we need is less langari's doing their largar parties and handing out langar gifts to non-believers and more parchar parties and with gurbani gifts for non-Sikhs.