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Guru Piari Sadh Sangat Jio, Humble Benti to everyone, please lets all support Jagraj Singh Ji. How they have collectively managed to only spend £30K with the amount of work gone into the site and parchar in man hours is nothing short of a miracle. Spread the 'Word' to friends and families. Maybe forego the latest gadget, annual subscription or opt for a cheaper holiday and help this much needed charity flourish, accomplish it's aims and beat its funding target in 2014.
Gurfateh Guru piyareo, We are proud to announce that Sukshinder Shinda will be headlining at the Northern Sikh Mela along with full live band on the 26th August 2013. With fellow artists such as Kaka Mohanwalia, Gupsy Aujla, Jazz Sahota, and DEA, along with Gatka displays, Live Birds of Prey display, Horse riding, Strongman contest, Dhol players, Guest Speakers - Basics-of Sikhi , Archery, Football, food, fair rides, arts and crafts, face painting and lots more! Make sure your part of the largest Dharmik Event in the North...see you there...
- yorkshire west north
- huddersfield bradley deighton
- (and 3 more)
With Guru Sahib’s and Sangat’s kirpa, Basics of Sikhi was invited to Calgary, Canada to do katha and deliver our One day course called, “Re-Assessing the Fundamentals – Vaheguru, Guru and You” on Sunday 17th March 2pm-7pm. More than 100 youth and elders attended the course, which was in English and designed build up from core concepts. All the talks from the pilot One Day Course are already on .The talks were: (1) What is Vaheguru? (2) What is Guru? (3) What is a Sikh? (4) The Breadth and Depth of Sikhi (5) The science of connecting to Vaheguru (6) How to unite as a Panth? (7) How could we explain Sikhi to someone? We also devoted time for questions and enjoyed healthy langar provided by youth sevadaars. The feedback and audience interaction was amazing and everyone seemed to enjoy spending time learning about Sikhi. Although there were people from all parts of the Sikhi spectrum, i.e., those who had been Amritdhari for many years to those totally new to Sikhi, everyone was able to take something away with them. Bhai Gurinder Singh of Calgary who had organized the whole trip wrote, “These few days really sparked up the whole city. I had so many calls from people telling me how much they loved the course and Katha. It was very inspirational.” Bhai Sehajvir Singh, a respected local youth parcharik wrote,“I found the course really eye-opening. I have been on this path for most of my life and this is the first time I have been so deeply affected by the profound philosophy and concepts presented. It may be labelled ‘Basics of Sikhi’ and yes the approach taken does it make it easy to understand but I felt this was the core of Sikhi. Its easy to put Sikhi into a box and not realize how all encompassing a blueprint it is. ” Jessie Chahal, a graduate from LSE wrote, “It was a thoughtful, insightful and inspiring talk on the value of Sikhi, the importance of having Shabad Guru as our anchor in this life of ups and downs and the power of Naam!” About Basics of SikhiWe are a physical and Youtube parchar initiative by ‘Everythings 13’ to spread Gurus wisdom in a systematic way (see our five stage plan). We have over 100 videos including the English Katha of Japji Sahib, the principal prayer of the Sikhs. We have another course called the Why Guru Course which is 12 parts and designed to be a weekly course going through history in much more depth. If you wish to support our work, click here. Future Plans for CanadaThe Canadian sangat has been very inspirational and Basics of Sikhi are planning to go there again in August to visit Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver. Please contact us if you wish to help in arranging katha or the One Day Course.
Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki Fateh Sangat ji, you may not have heard of "Everythings 13" a sikh educational charity, however some of you may know about our YouTube channel "Basics of Sikhi". Most of you may not be aware that (with Guruji's kirpa and aagiaa) we're embarking on a new and comprehensive project to spread Guruji wisdom across the UK and Globally. Its called Plan BE13. Here is what our channel has on it currently.. Here is a video about Plan BE13 for 2013 Essentially we are hoping to do a 5 stage process of Parchar (1) Getting people into Sikhi (already happening) - Talks at Gurdwaras and Sikh Societies at colleges and Universities to interest youth/others into Sikhi and bring onto youtube channel - Spreading word about the Youtube Channel using facebook, twitter and and getting people into watching videos about Sikhi when they have spare time (there are around 80 videos on our youtube channel already) (2) Building a solid foundation (already happening) - holding a One Day Course +Kirtan Katha called "Re-Assessing the Fundamentals - Vaheguru, Guru and You" at various Gurdwaras (first one is due at Park Avenue Gurdwara Main Hall on the 29th December 2012) - 12 topic introductory course to Sikhi - called the WhyGuru Course. This course goes through the history of Sikhi from Guru Nanak to the present day and also has 4 separate topics which cover Guru Granth Sahib ji, The Khalsa, Raag Kirtan and Sikh Spiritual concepts of merging with the Divine. We already delivered this once in May this year and it was a success. (there is a video about this on our channel with video testimonials - we had 5 non-punjabi people attend. One lady, ex-muslim convert has now taken Amrit). (3) Learning Basics of Gurmukhi (planning done, needs filming) - A series of videos that goes into Why its important we learn Gurmukhi and How does Gurmukhi work? (Penti Akhar, Moharni) - Series of common vocabulary in Gurmukhi and how the words are put together - Basics of Santhiya - Slow paat, in video format with downloadable MP3s (4) Japji Sahib Vichaar classes (already happening) - We're doing weekly English katha of Japji Sahib and with Guru's kirpa are at the 34th Pauri. - Katha will be transcripted and put into an ebook format - Set up Japji Sahib Vichaar classes at variour gurdwaras where attendees would learn in their own time (watch the video, read ebook, watch/listen to other recommended katha (English by Bhai Sukhraj Singh, Punjabi- Maskeen ji, Giani Pinderpal Singh etc) and then come together for the vichaar class at their local gurdwara (ie build a sadhsangat) to discuss Japji sahib, pauri by Pauri. (5) Further Study (to be developed as part of Plan BE13) - More Gurbani Katha - planning on Rehras sahib and Asa Di Vaar - Basics of Kirtan and Tabla - Attend an intermediate level - "WhyKhalsa WhyFateh Course" In terms of funding, our parent we've raised about £18k of our £52k target for 2013 already. 99% of this has come from the sangat, (mostly youth and non-amritdhari). We're not charging anything for katha or the courses, as we see this as Spiritual Langar (Bhugat Giaan) which should be given freely and be dependent purely on Sangat kirpa (daeaa bhandarani). Read more about the specifics of Plan BE13 here: http://www.virginmoneygiving/charities/everythings13 Please do ardaas for us to Satguru that we stay on this path and stay true to Sikhi. Thanks for reading ji, bhul chuk maaf Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki Fateh
Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki Fateh, Sangat ji, this video is a response to which is a Christian Missionary website aiming to convert Sikhs. This is not in itself what concerned us, but what did sicken us was the way that they twisted and misrepresented Gurbani in order to convince simple minded folk about Christianity. A Path of Truth should always seek to speak its own truth and not denigrate others using false statements. The claims they make are that Guru Nanak is a sinner whilst Jesus is free of sin. Anyone who has even read the Sikh scriptures at all will see the praise of Guru repeated throughout. This video is an excerpt from the Japji Sahib Katha sessions on our channel, specifically Pauri 26 where we addressed this claim. We have emailed but not heard back from them. As is made clear from the video, the aim of this video is not to incite hate or violence towards the founders of that website but to educate Sikhs about an appropriate response to someone making such an argument to malign any of our Gurus. Please use your energy to help us spread the message of Sikhi rather than attack that website. Someone with strong roots and knowledge of Gurbani will never fall for such a flawed argument. Vaheguru ji ka Khalsa, Vaheguru ji ki Fateh
- 7 replies
- conversion
- Guru Nanak
- (and 4 more)