What are the Guru's view on Buddha ? Personally, in my view Buddhism is the perfect religion as in it's not a religion. Buddha didn't consider himself God or the prophet of anything. Siddarth Gautama was an Indian Prince who lived the life of luxury and then he stepped outside his wealthy manor and saw all the poverty the real citizens were suffering. He decided to give up all his material wealth and decided to meditate. I think " don't quote me on this " , I think he went into a cave for 40 yrs to meditate and came out enlightened as the Buddha. Also what is with every religion figure going into a cave ? It's crazy how many big things have come out of the Sub continent. Buddha, Krishna , Khalsa Panth , Science , Math , oldest university in the world Taxila , yoga. All these things came out of India and yet , India today though much better than before is still a backwards sh^thole with mod violence , riots , illiteratecy, people worshipping cows , pooping on the streets and being generally disgusting. Buddhaism has disappeared in India and been swallowed by billion god religion. Idk, I think Sikhism and Buddhism are very similar. Thoughts ?