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  1. If today you take over the office of Jathedar Sahib of the Akal Takht in a democratic voting system and now you have 4 year term but have limited cash access because of let's say SGPC bureaucratic red tape etc. Tell us your strategy or how and what will be your road map to bring sikhi back in today's youth in Punjab? Please take your time to answer the following questions. You have a team of 10 highly well educated gurmat principled advisers appointment by others, so you do not know anything about them apart from their resume. Advantages: Head of Sikh Community worldwide. Community looks up to your decision. You can challenge any authority within sikh community. You don't have to answer or can be called by any country court etc. Unlimited donated land of sgpc and various school/colleges. Dis-advantages: Limited funds. Have to work with less gurmat principled members. Deal with Punjab Politics. Can't use violence. Can't force anyone. Can't fire anyone unless a specific reason. 1. What will you do? (try to avoid making dictatorship or violent decisions - such as remove him or her, ban this or that). 2. What major positive or negative changes you will plan to bring? (please be realistic, you can't say: kill him or arrest them) 3. What will be your 4 major policies or your signature ideas (1st to be highest priority. Example: Obama's signature platform was healthcare and clean energy) 4. What changes will you prefer or plan to bring in SGPC? (Some facts: There are 175 members, mostly voted by rural folks. They are official holders of annual 600 crore budget). 5. Create your own question and answer it by yourself !! Please share your knowledge with others and later on sangat will vote whose policy is the best. Top 3 Winners will get awesome free goodies from SikhSangat :D Some rules: You can't overturn previous jathedars' decisions or ruling. You can't decide on matters such as Raagmala, meat, keski, dasam granth sahib and so on. Oct 18th, 11:59 this thread closes automatically and then poll will start in another thread.. Sikhsangat Sewadars are welcome to participate but they won't be eligible for prizes. Have fun & take your time GO !!!!
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