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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/2023 in Posts

  1. There's far far worse songs around today. It's like goreh today saying Elvis is scandalous because he shook his hips.
    1 point
  2. Amritdharis should only consume food prepared by amritdharis. Why? Coz that way we'l know the food was prepared according to rehat and not joota. E.g. If you eat out at a restaurant, bhind the scenes we dont know if they wash their hands, if they cook meat products and veg with same utensils, whether they taste the food for seasoning with the same cooking spoon etc... Whereas with an amritdhari, we know they wouldn't do this. Ur family- as long as you know they prepare the food according to rehat its fine. Or learn how to cook veerji. Its a great skill to have, fun too. You've just got to ensure your food is not joota. If your chips have been fried in the same oil as fish/chicken then they're not consumable. If your travelling- again do your best to ensure your foods not joota. Eat from vegy eat outs...errm buy the ingredients and cook yourself. Also agree with the post above. Its not about not eating someones food coz theyre not of the same status or religion. I wouldnt eat food prepared at my muslim friends house coz 'joot' is not even in their vocab! So unles im towering over him whilst he cooks for me, i just wouldnt take that chance. Doesnt mean ive got something against him. I consider my muslim mates my brothers n sisters.
    1 point
  3. vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh To help with this question, go back to Guru Nanak Dev Ji's experience with Bhai Lalo. He ate with Bhai Lalo, not because Bhai Lalo was a 'Sikh' or a particular caste, but because he was an honest, humble person with a beautiful soul. To say that Sikhs should only eat from the hands of other Sikhs is the same as saying Brahmins can only eat from Brahmins. This completely erases the values of Gurbani. True Sikhs do not segregate people based on their religion or their caste or their nationality or any other thing. What we do is use our Bibek Buddhi (discriminatory intelligence) to keep the company of those people who reflect the values of the Guru i.e. honesty, integrity and humility. It is very naive to assume that all Amritdharis hold these values and therefore we must eat only from Amritdharis. There will be many non-Amritdharis and non-Sikhs who actually live a better 'Sikh' jeevan than Amritdharis do. Btw, the two quotations you have linked refer to immoral people and those who have dishonoured their Guru. This is not the same as good people or those who are attempting to follow their faith. Guru Nanak Dev Ji didn't eat with Malik Bhago because his food was a direct consequence of bad actions, not because he was not of the same religion/status as Guru Nanak Dev Ji. It's hard to understand how we have gotten to the stage where we think that Guru Nanak Dev Ji would have said 'I won't eat with you Bhai Lalo because you are not a Gursikh like me.' These are merely my opinions, on the basis of what Guru Ji has shown me through their ten jeevans and Gurbani. There will be many who disagree, but where I see Guru Ji's values being misrepresented, resulting in our youth being misled, it is necessary to speak. vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh
    1 point
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