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Everything posted by Nameless

  1. Fateh Dont eat langar then make ur own food or eat from home
  2. singhbiote spider sound better i fink u could make it better fateh
  3. Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ke fateh I was wandering what is the difference between watching TV and reading a book???? Because watching tv is just a waste of our lives, because we cant think of GOD BUT>> Reading a book (fictional)... is that not the same???? We cannot think of GOD, but yet we stop watching TV and read these fictional books!! A book usually take longer to read (couple of days)- wasting more time Where as a film is finished in about 1-2 hours I dont think theres any problem with watching Tv or reading books as long as u dont waste lots of time on it Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ke Fateh
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