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Posts posted by sherlsurj

  1. all steroids are bad. i know of a person who took them. i rang him once after ages and cud barely understand a word he was saying sounded like he was bunged up. it also affects ur fertility, can make u flip out at people ( which is what my friend did ) etc. loads mor enegative effects

  2. why do people from india talk of marriage like it life or death. im a guy from uk and dnt think about it if it happens cool if not cool as well. its not a big deal/rush to get married. there are more imp things in life- improving ur sikhi, looking after ur family. etc

  3. really weak answers guys/girls shows how much you all know. if u guys dnt know why dnt u search it??

    it symbolises a position of power. its like politicians used to carry a pen around in their hands when in pictures to symbolise acedamic strength! leader of the world are often see with book cases behind them in order to sumbolise intelligence. maragaret thatcher used to have a broche hight on ur top. in order to symbolise military strength liek a medal. a weapon in the hand is used to show military/fihgting strength. when a pic taken with it it gives of certain connotations that messages.


    sangat ji, unfortunately, my parents make me go to wedding partys because, they are family n they say if we dont go

    to their program then they will not come to ours. Anyway my mum told me today to not wear my dumalla shastar

    because its a party with drinking and meat and possible smoking and it would be beadbi to the shastar. i agree with

    her but i also have feelings about my shastar, i dont like being told i shouldnt and cant wear them. i like to think that

    by wearing my shastar at these places, i am showing what sikhi should look like and not that just because im in a party

    im going to take away my shastar. so i dont really know what to do.

    take them of for the party

    or keep them on.

    i will take the most common choice that the sangat says

    what a wimp why dont u stand up 2 ur family and dnt go!!!!u shidnt be in such places!disgraceful. i never go to wedding partys tell my family why and if they have a prob its up 2 them im not bothered

  5. waheguru simran a lot of it. just do it randomly or close ur eyes 4 a bit. and do pressups when ur minds starts thinking of bad stuff. thats what i used to do. do 25 pressups reli puch urself rest go again. b4 u know it uve burnt up ur kaam hormones hehe


    I think the general concensus is that women cannot be a part of the Panj Pyaare due the traditional view. When Guru Gobind Sing Ji asked for 5 heads no women stepped forward and so it makes sense that only men can do this sewa. In repect to all other sewa's women can do anything a man can do.

    Also as an aside the Panj Pyaare due to rehat are required to only wear a bana without any pyjama so it wouldnt really be practicle for a Bibi to do the sewa.

    Bhul Chuf Maaf.


    thats crap. no kid step forward to guru gobind singh ji. does that mean kids cant do it. no black person stepped forward. no white sikh etc. they were 5 great humans that stepped 4ward. it cudve been anyone. if its not women ud say where the kids represenation. i know of some women who are just as strong as men physically and mentally. sum of teh best marines in the us army are women. mainly coz they have a steady hand but they are physically as tough as teh guys. now if u wanna say 2 a woman u cant do this u cant do that - panj pyaareh di seva 4 eg. then ur living in the past b4 guru nanak dev jis times. equality people!!!!

  7. no emphasis was meant. but 4 mnths was shocking to me. ur right 400 years not long enuff. its just sumfin that stood out and yes its wrong insikhi. sorry if i sounded wrong. it just shocked me thats all

  8. whast pesh gonna do?

    every1 says if u do sumfin wrong go pesh and its ok after. but whats stopping that person from doing sumfin bad again!going to pesh wnt sort this situation out between him and his gf. yeah hes prob reli close to breaking his rehat. but thats 4 him to loose. the situation u need to slow dwn man!4 mnths is jack its horrible thinking kids can get serious/in love after such a little time. ive been thru sumfin similiar but min was over 2 years or so. the fact that ur thinking about physical stuff after 4 mnths scares <banned word filter activated> out of me and im a big bloke. geese man

  9. hey man i didnt have a clue on this topic either. i had to phone my mate and ask him what to do. lol. what i do is just bend over into the bath tub and wash my kesh seperately. my keksi tied around my waist kanga tied up too. its easier like this. just bend over and wash ur hair. then i do my body after/later

  10. futeh sangat

    just wondering if anyone had any stories/poems aimed at sikh guys. you know how you get stories/poems of sikh girls who had converted to islam and then realised their mistakes took amrit etc. well are there any stories out there 4 us guys encouraging guys to wake up????

    please help god bless

  11. speak to her with love and dnt keep repeating urself. say it once. say ur telling her this coz u love her and want her to be ok with her sikhi. apart from that theres nothing else u can do. i no a guy who trims his moustaches even thgh hes amrithari but what can one do?they learn the hard way and u can be there 4 her when things mess up and she realise that u a great friend was right

  12. wicked post!4-5 months is such a short time to be even thinking about kissing rather than anything else. bruv take a sit back acces ur own life. ive been in ur boat and my sikhi was held back 4 a girl. i dated her for 2 years. we were friends 4 a year b4 this. the moment i met her i wanted to marry her, things were going great. yip we planned marriage etc. but then it all messed up!i had no her and messed up my sikhi so i was left in a mess. all for 'love'.

    1) mate if u love her respect her.....dnt do physical stuff coz no matter what shell get a bad name/iher future will be affected. prove 2 urself u love her. every guy out there wants s*x thast all they think girls r 4. but shell respect u so much 1 day if u sit her dwn and explain ur not like all teh others!

    2) ur amrithari man why did u take amrit?is ur love 4 her more powerful than that?people will look bad at u if they knew u were amrithari dating a none amrithari

    3) be careful slow dwn bruv!4-5 mnths is nothing. i was in relaitonship 4 years adn it messed up!

    im not patronising u. i know exactly hw u feel all im saying man is slow dwn and think whast best 4 u/her.ur sikh/future

  13. of course they are allowed in panj pyaareh. why not?sum women i know have more heart than me, than any other guy i know. ive seen women in panj pyaareh and good on them. look at mai bhago back in teh day now u name me any guy 2day that cudve doen what shes done. rather than saying to her what a woman...id rather say what a sikh!!!

  14. bruv is she worth giving up ur amrit for?if so go 4 it carry on. if u love her that much tell ur parents and hers. if she loves u shel take amrit and ull live happily ever after. but u do this stuff b4 marriage u can say goodbye to ur amrit and ull never have it back. 4-5 months is nothing. i no guys who been with girls 2/3 years said they wanna marry ut of their amrit 4 a girl and then the girls does sumfin wrong and they split up. u sound like ur rushing man big time. u need to weigh ur options out. pm me if u wanna. just slow dwn man

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