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Everything posted by jaag

  1. I agree with B4ND4 about this topic - lets not deviate and start talking about different types of martial arts etc. ALL MARTIAL ARTS TEACH the following - explore other means first. There is a large assumption that sikhs must WHIP out there kirpans. This is not the case. Lets make up a case where you see someone getting attacked. YOUR MOST POWERFUL WEAPON IS YOUR VOICE! You can yell, gather video evidence and help by giving statements. This thread was created in response to an assault attack which occured in birmingham at a gurmat camp. The campers in the park saw and they need to ask themselves why are they not going to give statements???? The article is quoted below to jog people's memories. If you saw then please get in contact. I have spoken to the mnoderators and asked them if I can put this up. The reason they say the original thread was closed was because it got personal. There is a negilence issue but can we CONCENTRATE on getting statements and THINK about PREVENTION as this COULD HAPPEN TO ANY PINK, BLUE, PURPLE PERSON. Lets all think what we would do the next time we see someone getting hurt, robbed etc..... ASK YOURSELF WHY THESE PEOPLE BEHAVED LIKE THIS. WHY THEY SAW IT ALL BUT DO NOT WANT TO COME FORWARD.
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