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Posts posted by _singhni_

  1. You could ask a friend who does amrithvela daily (without fail) to text you every day once their awake or before they nap (depending on how early they wake up). It does work. Alternatively you could set daily reminder on your phone once your in a routine you'll be ok :) best of luck & remember to do ardas asking Mahraji to bless you with nitem :)

  2. Iv been told I'm obsessed with cleaning the house which even extends to having a clean car lol. Its good that as a guy you clean :) to help you with the cleaning you could try attempting to get your sister involved by kindly explaining to her how you feel it would be nice if she helped. Also maybe share out the work load between you and your sibling (s). This might take sometime but it'll work in long run if your patient. For time been so your not over working yourself with house cleaning allocate time were your doing the house stuff you feel necessary. So your able to have balance between cleaning and other stuff you want/need to do. Also be proud that as a guy your doing house work as its rare (from experience) that guys do such tasks as in desi-households its commonly seen as the "girls" job lol

  3. Going back to the original topic you could argue that it comes back down to parenting. If from a young age your taught how to dress appropriately then your most likely to continue dressing sensibly as you age. Its not just about how you dress for gurdwara sahib but also how you dress/present yourself out in society. You can take this two ways. 1 been the religious root meaning making sure you dress appropriately regardless of were you are because you represent & are guru gobind singh je mahraji and mata sahib kaur jis child. But also can take it the "worldly" root because as children of our worldly parents/families we represent our families when we go out so dressing modestly is important both on religious terms and culturally. So realistically its not just about how one dresses at gurdwara sahib its also about how one dresses in general to.

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