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_singhni_ last won the day on April 20 2012

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About _singhni_

  • Birthday 05/01/1991

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  1. it's my karkar kirpan; sarbloh. might have to try get someone strong to try get it out ?
  2. does anyone know what to do when your kirtan gets stuck as you can't take it out of the shield? all help would be appreciated.
  3. As Guru Gobind Singh Jis gurupurb is on 28th December if you don't want kids to miss out to there Christmas celebrating friends then instead of a tree why not put up a Nishan Sahib & then put presents under neath the Nishan sahib for kids to open on guru jis birthday instead of a Xmas tree & presents to open on the day the world celebrates Jesus's birth ? have heard how many families with Young kids to this & think it's awesome. As kids don't miss out & also learn the importance of gurupurb etc.
  4. Vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh The annual shaheedi jorr mela in loving memory of Mata Gujjar Kaur Ji and the Chaar Sahibzade along with the 10th Anniversary of Baba Thakur Singh Ji Khalsa (karajkari jathedar of Damdami Tarsal) will take place at: SRI GURU HARGOBIND SAHIB JI Gurdwara Sahib, BRITTANIA ST, TIVIDALE, B69 2PG UK. A Naam Simran Smagam has been organised from the 1st - 24th December each evening 7-8pm in the build up to the Jorr Mela. Please share this message and attend with friends and family. For further info contact Jathedar Charan Singh on 0121 439 3496 DHARAMYUDH JATHA (DAMDAMI TAKSAL) Vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh
  5. UPDATE: ADMIN looks like rajinder555 just can't get enough of trying to cause havoc and is back on the forum using a new ID under the log in name: rajinder5556 could you please have a look into this to..again he/she is making comments suggesting he/she is from the ravidass community. thank you .
  6. Admin could you please look into the new user "Rajinder555" as he/she is making comments which surly go against forum rules.
  7. :D can't wait!!! Book your places now!! Could this be "pinned" please Admin?
  8. There's a shop in west brom in door market at the back they do along with all other phone repairs at pretty reasonable prices & speed. Also Wednesfield PC Repairs which is a road away from Wednesfield gurdwara sahib do to again at reasonable price.
  9. Vaheguru ka khalsa vaheguru je ke fateh jeee CANDLE LIGHT VIGIL 2013! Sangat je lets come together in remembrance of our mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters who have given their lives so we can still be Sikhs TODAY! Many of our fathers and brothers where tortured and killed in 1984! Along with many of our mothers and sisters violently assaulted. Lets not forget their kurbaniya. Lets come together as one in their remembrance to show that we will NEVER FORGET 1984 and that one day with Mahrajis kirpa we will get justice!!!!! When: Saturday 2nd November 2013 Time: 3-6pm Where: Victoria Square, Birmingham City Centre Please attend and bring your families/friends with you! Vaheguru ka khalsa vaheguru je ke fateh jeee
  10. Vaheguru ka khalsa vaheguru je ke fateh jeee Guru Raam Das Je' Gurpurbh Celebrations - keertan and katha in english to celebrate the birth the birth of the Fourth Guru Sahib. When: Saturday 26th October 2013 Time: 6-10pm Where: Guru Nanak Gurdwara, High Street Smethick. B66 3AP Vaheguru ka khalsa vaheguru je ke fateh jeee
  11. can someone provide the YouTube link please. for some reason I can't okay YouTube videos directly
  12. vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh please make the call and get groups to push it on facebook.we have less than 24hours, Amnesty international have done a bad job pushing this, we just got the call today. lets try to hit 100k thanks URGENT CALL TO ACTION CALL +91808 825 5533 Benti from Bibi Navneet Kaur Bhullar (wife of Professor Davinderpal Singh Bhullar who faces the imminent death penalty in India) EVERYONE Please call +91808 825 5533. This number will register your signature for the AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL Abolish the death penalty in India campaign. This is an EASY action for us to do and will help to strengthen Professor Bhullars case in India. So far 50,000 calls have been made. Sources have told us that lines will close in 24 hours time. BENTI Let us DOUBLE the current number. 50,000 Sikhs and Non-Sikhs across the glove need to unite to make the call within the next 24 hours. Call instructions: 1) Dial +918088255533 2) Press 3 for English 3) Listen to the message 4) Your call has been registered and you may hang up +91808 825 5533. PLEASE CALL NOW AND FORWARD TO ALL CONTACTS. Thank you http://act.amnesty.org.in/death_penalty
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