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Posts posted by caveman

  1. e.g caveman's perception of the world is that girls digg the sikh look, but yours isn't. Just love God man, he will take care of all your problems.

    its partially true, some girls do some girls dont, people should just deal with it

    thumbs up to the love god bit

    How many 'Sikh' men would marry a Singhni who is keeping rehat and respecting her Keshas, not just on the head but the rest of the body too??

    good question

  2. Caveman: I agree with you. But, the common instict is that there are more girls out there that actually do not care for the Sikhi suroop. In fact it detests them !

    The subtext to my intial post is how can the mass and inertia of the Panth be increased when we have the child bearers (not being sexist, but biologically factual) repulse at the notion of their child or partner keeping Sikhi suroop??????

    i disagree with you on the basis i hate your guts, im kidding, back to the point, i know loads of non sikhs who also love the ''sikh look''....

    a close friend of mine his girlfriend a non sikh wants him to grow his kesh and dhari..

  3. went there today and all teh commitee look so dodgy wwhat with their gelled/tied up dharis u know they wanna get drunk after. appalling people need a beating

    how sure are you they wish to get drunk after? or you just saying that because its a ramgarhia committee?!?!

    nothing wrong with tied up dharis if the person wants to let them! who are you to judge anyone?

  4. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh,

    I was reading this article about Panjab and India, it was saying that, before India and Pakistan's independence, Panjab was its own "area", with no reign, but people stayed there, and when the British Empire, came to take over India, they took over India AND Panjab, and when the British left, they handed Panjab over to India, to reign upon on.

    So in conclusion, I wanted to say that Panjab could now today of been called Khalistan, if the Sikhs took action at the time, and now today, there would be no Bollywood Beadbi against Sikhs, No 1984 anti-Sikh riots, 1978 massacare, Operation Black Thunder, Operation Woodrose, where many INNOCENT Sikhs lost their lifes.

    So Please Veero Peno, Wake Up! Lets stand together and get our rights! Our rights to be a FREE Nation.

    Bhul Chuk Maaf.


    not to be offensive dude but you should already know this,simple history, maharaja ranjit singhs empire spanned larger than "panjab"

    all the way up to kabul

  5. All countless others who have sacrificed their lives for the Khalsa Panth

    one to add is....

    Akali Nihang Sukha Singh Ji, who saved the khalsa during the 18th century!!

    baba sukha singh was also the 3rd gurdev of the Akali Nihang Baba Darbara Singh shastar vidiya akara.

    baba sukha singh ji learnt the vidiya in 2YEARS!! soo amazing, baba sukha singh was the best at shastar vidiya!

  6. Wjkk Wjkf

    where would be the best place to buy Puratan Shastar?

    am talking about persian,sikh and maybe afew others

    like puratan tulwara not nihang singh baldev singh made

    proper puratan not for a rip off price any places? or if any one you know who is selling?

    Thanks in advance


    Wjkk Wjkf


    puratan shastar *drools*




    great sites but a bit expensive......

    try ebay they have good pieces time to time like right now there is a alright tulwar on there

    hazoor sahib is a great place but dont get ripped off

    punjab...not a good idea as you will get ripped off soo bad and there are hardly places to buy puratan shastar, some people put tulwars etc in fields for a few years and try selling them as puratan soo watch out. if you know anyone who knows about shastar take them to wherever you go.


    82nd- Friday 24th to Saturday 25th April 2009

    ^^^^^^great for shastar my friend has come across many good pieces there, you can get a decent tulwar for about 100pounds if you are lucky and early to the fair

  7. ask them if its the real McCoy, baba deep singh ji had a few khandas not just one, Ive been told he didnt use the 16kg one? in jung he used a lighter one as, if you use a heavy shastar in jung your arms would get real tired and how could you fight for many days.

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