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caveman last won the day on February 3

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    Shastar vidiya. Org

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    The Vangaurd
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    Jung Vidiya

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  1. Read more in the upcoming translation of Ugardanti: The Grimacing One, Devi Kalika by Gurdev Nidar Singh Nihang
  2. Yes I will send you it later. Also, there is a new book out by nidar Singh Nihang , available on kindle
  3. Vaheguru ji ka khalsa Vaheguru ji ki fateh Nidar Singh Nihang has just released a new book on Amazon kindle called "Sikh quotes of timeless wisdom": The secret of Naam" part one of two, published by Budh Baridh limited. Available on Amazon Kindle now https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DTGM1DP3/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=57NSX62LN3YH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6QlUwxu4P-bHZUBrSaAvacZv-smj8kuNzvEi0EmQJrdB9F1A-yW7V1gh5KWrlASF.T5LWkDVIIPM7smxzHLtqi6mahR1k6HlfgezuLdGEzKM&dib_tag=se&keywords=nidar+singh&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1737306360&s=digital-text&sprefix=nidar+singh%2Caps%2C78&sr=1-3
  4. Snapinsta.app_video_AQP6zeRYMOHNVT7Y_iphQ1MIDIReqL_4vecBmLCESa-j67pOQnBcIlp7PP4K0y5eQrCm0KcPhrQeJF43Lzi8p4bYekwOJxwIdHejHKs.mp4
  5. "Shastarvidiya jim hoye sambhal" Preserve shastar vidiya anyway you can petal_20250107_144230.mp4
  6. 13 years later from this post.. No one else has come forward and say with their chest..... They also know full Jungi vidiya. Absolutely no one
  7. With dasam patshah jis infinite blessings the sanatan shastar vidiya akhara, baba darbara akhara est 1661 is spreading it's wings world wide with seminars globally. Moreover, with the app, which is available on Apple store and Google play, you can now learn through your phone wherever you are. Vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki Fateh
  8. The sanatan shastar vidiya app is live on apple store and Google play store. Available in punjabi, hindi and English. Do download and learn the real battlefield arts of the khalsa https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4kZC4brlwh/?igsh=MWx6b3ZhYWVpNzM4cA==
  9. Your chacha should read a book. More importantly. Itias and read rehitname. Also read sgpc rehit which allows Sikhs to consume meat.
  10. Yes very true, however many years ago. Let's say 10, SA didn't have the number of users this forum had. I've used both before 2010
  11. https://youtu.be/ol6tRPjbyM0?si=C3I1MF0gLT8I3ZdN
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