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Everything posted by Jathedarni

  1. Waheguru ji ka khalsa Waheguru ji ki fateh This is to all of those who think by coming to Swindon you are joining a cult or being brainwashed. Let me start by defining both of these words: Brainwashed: 'systematically replace established ideas in person's mind by new ones.' Definition of systematic: ' methodical; according to system; deliberate.' Cult: 'system of religious worship; devotion or homage to person or thing' At the Swindon divans by no means are people joining a cult or being brainwashed. Bhai Ajit Singh ji preaches the teachings of the Guru Granth Sahib and no other person or thing, therefore cannot be a cult. By no means does he deliberately replace established ideas in peoples mind it is entirely your choice whether you wish to attend and listen, if you don't like what you hear then you are not forced to return, therefore people cannot be brainwashed here. For those that refer to the followers of Waheguru as Bhai Sahibs 'chele' I strongly suggest you choose your words carefully. If there is one thing Bhai Sahib has taught us, that is follow no man only follow Waheguru, therefore if you refer to us Waheguru's chele we have no problem, but let us make one thing clear we are not Bhai Sahibs chele merely his students who know not to follow a man. Bhai Sahib teaches us that life is about loving and not about hatred, if that is a bad thing, then I am astonished. I note that people talk about the jugtis but living a life is a jugti. Everything you do has a jugti, for example, how to compromise with somebody is a jugti, how to do sangat is a jugti. In essence a jugti is a method of doing something to achieve a result. If there was no method then we would not acheive anything. So why all this emphasis on the way you say Waheguru, you have to use a certain method so your mind focuses, in order to achieve a result and the ultimate achievement is to meet Waheguru himself. If you know how to meet Waheguru then share that with us as Bhai Sahib has always openly discussed this in the divans. For those who say this should remain gupt the Guru Granth Shaib openly shares all the jugtis, it's a case of finding them and working on them practically. Bhagat Kabir ji met Waheguru and told us through the Guru Granth Sahib how to meet him. During the times of our Gurus and up until the death of Baba Deep Singh these things were in the open. Until now nobody has tried to find the path. Bhai Sewa Singh Tarmala has brought these things into the open in order to give us the opportunity to meet Waheguru. If this is something you want to achieve then I would personally recommend you attend the divans. For those who do not want to achieve this all I ask is you respect others feelings and do not misguide others who do want to walk on this path. Ultimately Waheguru is watching and listening to us all and he will decide what he wants for us. Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh
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