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Chandni Kaur

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Everything posted by Chandni Kaur

  1. lol! the last post made me laugh, alot of Hinduphobia and Islamaphobia here! Why be scared embrace others like they are your brothers and sisters! Even if their beliefs may be strange to you! And mr Akaal Sehna ji, Ms Kaur really does want world peace lol
  2. Is there any proof at ALL in your statement bond paji? I see empty accusations and no proof! Honestly paaji if you are going to put your point accross atleast chuck some quotes in yaara! Sat Sri Akaal!
  3. 'In a world, which is torn by strife because of differing beliefs, Sikhism is unique. Sikhs treat all people with equal respect, irrespective of their faith. All people are offered free meals and other facilities in Gurudwaras. Sikhs do not harbour ill will against any person, including adversaries.' In an ideal world this would be brilliant however you cant really make such a bold a general statement. I mean I have been following this website for a few months now, havent had the time to join because of work and other such activities. However now I am free I will be posting more often. I have seen alot of hatred build up on this forum because people believe differently! Its amazing how some people are equal and then theres those who are 'more than equal'! Sat Sri Akaal!
  4. The trust in Satguru ji does help alot! And this just proves the power of true ardas!
  5. Sorry why is it annoying? U seem to have alot of anger in you? care to explain why?
  6. paji bond singh ji, what is this namdhari and sau sakhi thing? Sri Sau Sakhi was to do with Guru Gobind Singh ji, not namdharis? or am i wrong? Please explain more ji!
  7. there may only be one Khalsa however who determines whos in Khalsa? It definately isn't all the Amritdharee's in the world! And it isn't all Sikhs, im guessing the way Guru Gobind Singh ji describes his Khalsa is a mixture of Caste, Creed and Religious backgrounds!
  8. SSA ji This is my first post on this forum, but I saw this thread and read it through and I feel that Guru Gobind Singh ji wanted us to become pure in our hearts and minds before we even ATTEMPTED to read such poetry or literature. I mean its not exactly easy following Sikh Maryaada, however by listening to older Gursikha and observing how much pyaar they have for our Guru, it puts my heart at ease because I know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel! Anyway the purpose of this post was to say no one can doubt anything because no one has 100% pure proof on anything, I say concentrate on Spirituality! Sat Srii Akaaaaaal ji!
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